Start with an Archangel

Chapter 357 Gate of the Dead

Da Liang stood in front of this large one-way portal.

What the other side of the door led to interested him greatly.

"I want to go over and take a look." Daliang said to Julian next to him.

Julian could also appreciate the enormity of this project. She said: "I can feel that the entire arrangement is aimed at the other side of the door. It must be very dangerous over there. It's better for me to go there."

Daliang knew that the other side was very dangerous, and he would not let Julian get involved easily. Anyway, he is a player and can be resurrected after death. Da Liang intends to drop a level just to see what is on the other side of the door.

"I'm not as good as you when it comes to force, but I'm better than you when it comes to saving lives. Don't worry, I have invisibility skills and 'Nicole's Jump'. It's much safer to hide in time when encountering danger than to fight hard like you did in the past."

Julian would not disobey Daliang's order. Seeing that Daliang insisted on going there by herself, she had no choice but to say: "Sir, please be more careful. Once you encounter an enemy that you cannot resist, please inform me to go there immediately. If I can't defeat the opponent, there will be Juliet."


Da Liang waved his hand to ask Julian to take a step back, and then used his skills to become invisible.

"Stealth" can achieve 100% transparency when the transfer speed is 10% of the maximum speed. This kind of invisibility only disappears in vision. If you meet an alert person, the sound, temperature and even the overflowing magical energy may be discovered by the other party. At the same time, some detection magic can eliminate the "invisibility" effect.

Therefore, "stealth" is not necessarily safe, especially when encountering high-level heroes.

If Da Liang is discovered after passing through the door, he can only pray for "Nicole's Jump" to allow him to escape smoothly.

Take a deep breath.

Da Liang controlled his speed and slowly walked into the one-way teleportation array.

Ahead is a space-time corridor, surrounded by cyan swaying light. The entire corridor is about 50 meters long, which shows that the transmission distance of this one-way transmission array is very far.

"I have come in and am passing through a space-time corridor. The space here is very stable..." Da Liang continued to move slowly, and at the same time told Julian about the scene here through the territory channel. When Julian really needs to come over later, She would at least know what to expect along the way and save time.

"I seem to have reached the end, a black door. I'm ready to go in. I'll talk to you again when I get to a safe location."

After that, Daliang slowly walked into the black door.

In front of you is a rock cave, about twenty meters high and very spacious.

There are holes of all sizes on the surrounding cave walls, and I don’t know where they all lead.

"Boom..." "Boom..." "Boom..."

Before Da Liang could check where he was on the map, there was a roaring sound in his ears.

The sound didn't sound like magic, nor did it sound like artillery. It was more like the sound of heavy objects hitting each other, as if a car was hitting a gate.

While there was no one in the cave, Daliang hurriedly hid behind a big rock, and then looked towards the place where he came out.

"Julian, I have come out now. I am not in danger for the time being. This seems to be an underground cave or a cave. The place where I came out is a flat rock wall with a large magic circle drawn on it..."

The exit of the one-way portal is a rock wall. The rock wall is polished very flat, and an extremely complex magic circle is drawn on it.

In the center of the magic circle are inlaid light element crystals, dark element crystals, air element crystals, fire element crystals, earth element crystals, and water element crystals.

These elemental crystals are about the same size as the air elemental crystal that Giss took out earlier, each about the size of a fist.

Six elemental crystals are embedded in the six corners of the magic circle, forming a six-pointed star pattern.

These elemental crystals are good things. Just looking at the alchemy ring made of air elemental crystals as big as a finger in Daliang's hand, you can tell what kind of treasure these six series of elemental crystals are.

Da Liang couldn't help but greedily wanted to step forward and pry off these element crystals, but at this time, a sound of footsteps frightened him and hurriedly hid them again.

Two undead heroes came in from a hole.

One is a skeleton wizard in gray robes, and the other is a vampire in red robes.

At this time, the crashing sounds outside had stopped, and the sounds of fighting began to sound.

Da Liang could hear the sounds of weapons clashing, the sound of undead horses galloping, and the roar of undead dragons.

A large number of troops are attacking here.

This should be a secret base of the Wizards Guild, and the enemies of the Wizards Guild must be the Death Monarchs.

Now that the army of the Death Lord has invaded, facing the main force of the Kingdom of Death, even Juliet may not be able to run rampant here.

"Julian, please don't come in."

Daliang gave Julian a death order and waited for the moment when he was discovered.

The wizard guild that can fight against the Death Lord must have gathered a large number of strong men. This cave is obviously the hinterland of this secret base. The undead that come here after being attacked by the base must be more powerful.

Even if they are lucky enough to escape this time, the Death Monarch army will use detection magic when searching. It will be a matter of time before they are discovered.

The two undead who came in seemed unaware of the presence of outsiders here because they were worried about the fighting outside.

The red-robed vampire said: "Here comes Elder Quentin. The army of the City of Sighs has already invaded, and our soldiers are resisting it. Please activate the Door of Death immediately. The powerful undead creatures will push back the army of the City of Sighs as before. of."

The undead known as Elder Quentin wears gray robes and holds a bone staff made of palms.

He anxiously walked to the front of the one-way portal and carefully inspected the layout of the magic circle.

"Strange, very strange! Frank, we are in big trouble. I have already activated the Gate of the Undead, and the undead inside should have come out long ago. But it doesn't have any response now, and the positioning magic circle here doesn't have any The error must be caused by something wrong with the source."

The Gate of the Dead, which used to be invincible in the face of attacks from the City of Sighs, actually has a problem. The vampire known as Frank seems to be more anxious than Elder Quentin.

"Elder, what should we do? The City of Sighs has used the artifact, the Magic Suppression Ball, and all the magic we have cannot be released. Could it be that the Magic Suppression Ball prevents our Gate of the Dead from activating?"

Elder Quentin shook his head: "No, the Forbidden Magic Ball can only confine the spread of magic energy in a low-density medium, preventing us from releasing magic. However, the impact on the operation of the magic energy of the magic conductor is not enough to prevent our Gate of the Dead from operating. . It seems that this base cannot be defended. We must evacuate as soon as possible. Frank, do you see the third hole on the left? I have opened a secret passage leading to the outside. Go and inform our wizards to leave through the evacuation passage. . I will take down the elemental crystal to destroy the positioning circle. As long as I repair the source of the Gate of the Dead, we can rebuild the Gate of the Dead at any time."

Elder Quentin stared at the Gate of the Dead, hoping that the dead would emerge from it, but there was still no movement.

Then he stepped forward with a long sigh. After he used certain techniques, the magic circle slowly rotated. Elder Quentin took down the element crystals one by one.

The moment all the elemental crystals were picked off, the entire magic circle turned into a pile of dust and fell down.

There is no trace of the magic circle visible on the entire stone wall.

Quentin carefully put the six elemental crystals into a pocket.

After turning around, I found Frank still standing there.

"Frank, go and notify our wizards right away. If it's too late, none of us will be able to escape."

Frank pulled out the long sword on his waist: "Elder Quentin, you haven't told me where the source of the Gate of the Dead is?"

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