Start with an Archangel

Chapter 358 Traitor

At this time, Elder Quentin can certainly see that vampire Frank has betrayed the Wizards Guild.

"I have always wondered why the army in the City of Sighs came so suddenly this time, and our hidden wizards in the City of Sighs did not warn us about such a large-scale mobilization of military strength. It seems that there is really a traitor among us, but But I didn't expect that it would be you. Why did you do this? You are the first batch of undead to join the Wizards Guild. In the Wizards Guild's branch in the City of Sighs, besides me, who else has a higher status than you."

Within the range of the Forbidden Magic Ball, any magic released through low-density, high-magic resistance media cannot be used, including air, water, rocks...

Elder Quentin was an extremely powerful wizard, but most of his combat effectiveness was lost.

Frank's race is a vampire, a combat wizard with both magic and martial arts skills.

Compared with the energy of casting spells, a group of Franks tied up could not defeat Quentin, but in close combat, Quentin knew that he would definitely set up Frank's opponents.

Frank approached Quentin step by step and said: "Yes, I am the first batch of undead to join the Wizards Guild. I have witnessed our guild becoming stronger step by step. In the City of Sighs branch, my status is second only to you . But one day I discovered that we are all exiles who deny death. We are undead and have eternal life. After we will not choose to die completely, my position will always be a deputy elder of the Wizards Guild's City of Sighs branch. .

I seem to have a lot of status here, but everyone listens to you.

But the Immaculate Curia is different. The Melancholy Monarch promised me a bishopric. I have power of life and death over all people in my diocese.

Well... now is not the time to talk about it. Tell me where the source of the Gate of the Dead is. The several times you summoned the undead tide in the City of Sighs made the Melancholy Lord very angry. "

Quentin had retreated to the foot of the stone wall. He glanced at Da Liang's position and said to Frank: "I personally set up the source of the Gate of the Dead. I am the only one in the entire Wizards Guild who knows about it. Just kill me." Naturally, the Sad Lord no longer has to worry about the Gate of the Dead."

Frank took a step forward, put his sword on Quentin's neck, and threatened: "The Gate of the Dead should not disappear, it will play a greater role in my hands. Tell me where the source of the Gate of the Dead is." !”

Quentin smiled and said, "Are you threatening me with death?"

Frank also laughed: "Yes, wizards no longer even believe in the God of Death, and of course they are not afraid of death. If I kill you, your undead cane and elemental crystals will be mine. I can slowly study how to reverse the process." After entering the one-way teleportation array, I naturally knew the source of the Gate of the Dead."

"The dead must die, but witchcraft is eternal."

After Quentin whispered the oath of the Wizards Guild, he was beheaded by Frank with a sword.

Frank quickly picked up the handbag containing the elemental crystal, and then picked up the staff in Quentin's hand.

At this time, a cry of surprise sounded behind Frank: "Vice-Elder Frank, what are you doing? You actually killed Elder Quentin!"

Frank turned around quickly, and then saw a group of undead wizards running in in confusion.

Behind them, the remaining terrifying knights of the Wizards Guild desperately intercepted the attack of the City of Sighs army.

"Surrender! Exiles, I will ask the Sad Lord to let the executioner chop off your heads first when you are burned at the stake. You will die happily, just like Quentin."

Seeing that the army from the City of Sighs was about to rush in, Frank said to the wizards with a victor's attitude.

"Death to the traitor!"

A terrifying knight hero rushed towards Frank. The sword in his hand slashed at Frank with a sword several meters long.

A deep ravine was cut into the opposite stone wall and ground by the angry horror knight hero, and half of the cave was almost cut in half.

But Frank transformed into a giant bat and escaped the blow. He did not dare to fight the terrifying knight hero who was almost invincible in melee combat, and quickly escaped from a cave.

"Hahaha, you have no way out. When the army from Sigh City rushes in, I will come to collect the corpses for you."

Frank's voice faded away quickly.

The wizards of the cave surrounded Quentin's body.

"I didn't expect that Frank would betray us. Now that Elder Quentin is dead, the Gate of the Dead seems to have lost its function. There are only a few of us wizards left in the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild. Jonathan, what should we do? manage?"

Jonathan is the terrifying knight hero who killed Frank. He stood there with a saber in his hand, wearing a black full-body armor, and he was tall and strong.

When asked by his companions, Jonathan waved his saber and said, "I can't escape anyway, so of course I have to fight against the City of Sighs."

"Fight? Jonathan! Enough of our companions died today. We should find a way to escape. Someone must inform the General Assembly about Frank's betrayal. Frank is the deputy elder, and the Wizards Guild was almost established under his watch. , if we don’t spread the news, the guild will suffer even greater losses.”

The person who spoke was a female vampire. Her blood-red lips were particularly conspicuous on her noble and fair face.

Jonathan said: "Escape? How to escape! Miniya, listen, all the troops in the City of Sighs have rushed in, and our army is about to be wiped out."

Minia said: "This is underground, and our base is a maze. As long as we are careful, the army of the City of Sighs will not find us easily. We can take advantage of this time to dig out a shelter and hide in it. Under the interference of the magic ball, the magicians in the City of Sighs cannot use detection magic to find us. As long as we can seal the shelter we dug in time, we may escape the search of the City of Sighs. Then we dig into the ground bit by bit, We are undead, we don’t need air, we can dig them out one day.”

Compared to Jonathan's desperate words, Miniya's words seemed more feasible.

However, Jonathan sneered and said: "You don't seem to have considered Frank's existence. He knows this place better than any of us. Any slight changes here will be noticed by him. We can't escape, we can only fight."

Jonathan's words instantly extinguished the wizards' hope of escaping. As Jonathan said, with Frank around, none of them could escape.

The cave became quiet, and the sounds of fighting not far away became closer.

"It seems that we can only fight."

All the wizards in Minia pulled out their weapons. In the environment of the forbidden magic ball, everyone could only fight like warriors.

"Well, I know there is a secret way out."

A voice suddenly sounded from the side of the cave. The wizards looked over together and found a human standing there at some point.

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