Start with an Archangel

Chapter 364 Beat him up for me

Daliang said with a smile: "Thank you so much. I really need help from kind people. But you have to wait for me here. I have some important things to do and I will be back soon."

After that, Da Liang walked across the street towards the group of ogres and unicorns who looked at him hungrily.

"Are you hungry?" Daliang walked up to the ogre and unicorn and asked.

The ogres and unicorns stared at the bright spot and nodded.

"Want to eat?"

"I want to eat, but there is too little meat on you."

Daliang said with a smile: "Did you see that dwarf? Do you know him?"

The dwarf on the other side of the street was afraid that the ogre had said something he shouldn't have said, so he gestured vigorously: "Dwarf Hans, everyone in the Mist Zone knows him. According to the rules here, you are his now, and we will not eat you." .”

Daliang said: "Now that dwarf Hans has made me very unhappy. You go over and beat him up, and I will treat you to a meal until you are full."

When they heard about eating, the listless eyes of the ogres and unicorns immediately lit up. They looked at the anxious dwarf Hans, then looked at Da Liang, and said with some disbelief: "Beat Hans, you Just treat us to a meal? We are very good eaters."

Da Liang took out a bag, shook it in front of the ogre and made a sound of gold coins colliding, then opened the bag a little, and the gold inside almost dazzled the ogre's eyes.

Several ogres and unicorns looked at each other, then rushed through the street howling. Although they were already hungry and top-heavy, they couldn't handle the large number of people. They used several big moves together and easily knocked the dwarf Hans to the ground who didn't know what had happened, and then beat him up in the smoke.

Standing aside, Daliang admired in his heart: The foggy area really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. These ogres and unicorn heroes have become like that due to hunger, but their fighting power is still so powerful. Looking at the brilliance of magic and martial arts, Daliang really I secretly sweated for the dwarf Hans.

This time he was really beaten badly.

But Daliang didn't have any thoughts of self-blame.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing. The dwarf Hans tried to stop him many times, so there must be nothing good going on.

On the other hand, ogres and unicorns...

Thinking that a simple and crude deception can fool fools without any sense of innovation is an intellectual flaw.

On the other hand, the dwarf Hans was fat and strong, his beard was neatly groomed, and he was obviously living a good life. Living a good life in the foggy area is definitely either tyrannical or deceiving with endless tricks.

So Da Liang tested the ogres and unicorns and found that they were not afraid of the dwarf Hans. So first beat the dwarf Hans with the force of the ogre and unicorn, and then crush the ogre and unicorn in terms of IQ.

After a while, the ogres and unicorns stopped, leaving the dwarf Hans lying on the ground and surrounded Da Liang.

"Hey, human. We have beaten the dwarf Hans, now treat us to a meal, remember what you said, stay satisfied!"

Daliang took out another money bag and shook it: "Don't worry, you have helped me a lot. Today, let's eat and drink. After eating and drinking, I have one more thing I want to entrust you with."

Seeing Da Liang take out so much money at once, the ogres and unicorns cheered together. During these days in the Kingdom of Death, they really had not had a full meal.

However, one of the leading ogres said: "You are a very generous human being. You can see clearly that the dwarf Hans is going to deceive you. You are also very smart. My name is Kuka, the ogre Kuka. These ogres and Unicorns are my brothers. We have gone through many things before we came to live in the kingdom of death. Some of our friends died on the way. I don’t want any more brothers to die, so eating is our reward for helping you, and your so-called business ?We are not mercenaries who work for money."

Ogre Kuka knows where this place is. It's best not to trust anyone easily in the foggy area, especially people who give you benefits casually, because you may need to pay for it with your life.

Looking at the wary ogre Kuka, Da Liang smiled and said: "My name is Eviscerate, and I am coming to the foggy area for the first time. I am looking for another friend, but the roads here make me don't know how to find him. After dinner Finally, if you are willing to protect me and take me to find him, I can pay you a reward. Is this the commission I want to discuss with you? "

Kuka stared at Daliang and said, "Just looking for someone?"

Daliang nodded: "I'm just looking for someone. He lives in Puddle Alley in the Fog District."

Kuka's face became much more relaxed: "We know where it is in Shuiwa Alley. After you have eaten, we will escort you there. Remuneration? Just pay it according to the cost of this meal."

"no problem!"

Kuka was very happy. He shouted to the ogres and unicorns: "Do you hear it? Brothers. We will eat this meal openly. Mr. Eviscerate will give us the same amount of money as much as we eat."


The cries of ogres and unicorns filled the streets.

Open to eat!

So happy!

So Kuka took Daliang to a very respectable restaurant. After the ogres sat down in a lively manner and the unicorns stood around the table, Kuka shouted in a loud voice: "John, give us 200 first." Pounds of beef, a large barrel of ale. Give my unicorn brother 50 pounds of grass. The grass must be fresh, and the harvest period cannot exceed ten days. My unicorn brother can eat it for one more day."

The food Kuka ordered brought another round of cheers.

The ogre's noise attracted a greasy, potbellied human with a deep scar on his face. After seeing who the people were, he said mockingly: "Kuka, you guys Are you crazy from hunger? Instead of going back to your shack to eat black bread, come to my place to eat beef and ale. Get out, I can't sell you all for 200 pounds of beef."

Daliang threw the two money bags in front of the human named John in a cool and unrestrained manner, and said in an arrogant voice: "For this meal, you can serve as much as the Kuka people eat, and I'll treat you."

Daliang thought that John would be happy to prepare a feast after seeing the gold coins. But who would have thought that John just looked at the gold coins in the purse and continued to laugh: "This money can't buy 200 pounds of beef, not even half of it."

No, it’s too much to show off your wealth and run into a shady shop.

Daliang looked at Kuka and asked: "What's going on? I invited you to dinner with good intentions, and you are going to work with the people here to hack me?"

Kuka quickly said: "No, we really didn't lie to you. This is the kingdom of death. The land here only grows a kind of wheat that can be used to make black bread. All other food needs to be transferred from other planes. The plane transfer fee is Very expensive. Especially meat. Dead cows will rot quickly when brought here. Live cows brought here will be infected by the death air and die quickly. If you want fresh meat, you need to use magic to create a special place for the livestock. This is a huge expense, so the meat here is very expensive, very expensive.

If Mr. Boning didn't have that much money, we could order less beef and more bread and butter. "

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