Start with an Archangel

Chapter 365 Not short of money

After hearing Kuka's explanation, Daliang realized that he had misunderstood them.

Plane transfer requires energy. The most commonly used energy sources are four rare minerals. The cost of transfer is more expensive than ocean trade on the main plane. Things that are originally ordinary items in one plane must at least double their value once they cross planes. .

Daliang was able to quickly deploy supplies and troops in the Boneyard War simply because he acquired a rich crystal mine at the beginning of the game and accumulated a certain scale of rare mineral resources.

If it were replaced by those lords who did not have many rare mineral reserves in their hands, it is estimated that they would not be able to allocate troops to the Kingdom of Death in the middle of the war. In the end, they would have to close the teleportation array, and then accumulate strength to make a breakthrough.

This situation not only wastes resources and troops, but also delays the progress of territorial development.

Again, the war is about resources and money. Often a reserve of more than ten days or dozens of days is enough to fight a war for a few hours or days.

The undead have no necessary demand for food. Except for black bread, which tastes very bad, all other food needs to be imported from other planes. The price of food here is naturally very high.

The environment in the Kingdom of Death is extremely harmful to flesh-and-blood creatures. Creatures without strength will die quickly here, and their flesh will rot quickly.

The cost of storing meat will become higher.

Therefore, meat is really a luxury in the Kingdom of Death. It is no wonder that two bags of about 400 gold coins cannot even buy 200 pounds of beef.

Looking at John's eyes was like looking at a fake rich man again. This made Daliang, the major shareholder of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the big boss of the Pearl Fishing Farm, and the big arms merchant, very unhappy.

So Daliang directly threw gold coins in front of John: "Beef must be slaughtered and roasted freshly. Don't fool me with frozen ones. My ogre brothers have good teeth and can eat it as soon as they eat it."

Then Daliang asked Kuka again: "How mature do you like to eat?"

Looking at the gold coins on the ground and thinking about the delicious beef, Kuka and the ogres smiled and showed their yellow back molars: "We like to eat when it is ripe. When we cut it with a knife, it will be fresh when blood flows out."

A mature one? What is the difference between raw and raw?

But this was the request of the ogres, so Da Liang said to John: "Did you hear that? 200 pounds of mature beef first. Wash the grass and don't mix the wine with water. Whatever my brothers want to eat, you can Even if you want to eat dragon meat when you go up there, you have to find a way to kill one for us. Don't look for trouble with money, I have nothing but money!"

At this time, John no longer showed any contempt and arrogance. He quickly put away the gold coins on the ground. Even the scar on his smiling face became cute: "I'm really sorry, sir. I was blind, and I will personally Slaughter a live cow for you, everything will be according to your needs. I wonder if the ogre brothers really eat dragon meat? We can't get the giant dragon for the time being, but there is still no problem with the wyvern..."

Kuka shook his head and said: "The meat of the wyvern is not delicious, so we will eat beef."

Although the ogres did not add a wyvern as an extra meal, the feast had already made John a fortune. He happily ran to the kitchen and shouted that he would kill the cow himself and roast it.

After a while, the small mountains of roasted beef were brought up one by one. When the knife was cut from the smoky surface, blood flowed out along the blade.

The fresh beef caused the group of ogres to cheer again, then they threw their knives and forks aside and started chewing a large piece of beef with one hand. Until he stuffed his mouth full, he drank a large glass of ale, mixed it with the beef and chewed it. He didn't mind that the blood mixed with the wine flowed out from the gap in his mouth and stained his chest.

The other three unicorns also began to taste the grass prepared for them, and during the process, they used magic to control the wine glasses to compete with the ogres for the ale.

While eating, one of the ogres started crying and stuffing beef into his mouth.

Regarding the ugly appearance of the ogre brothers, Kuka, as the leader, explained to Da Liang: "Please forgive their appearance, because we haven't eaten fresh meat for too long, and we have forgotten fresh meat." What does it taste like? Today we are lucky enough to meet you, a generous human being. I don’t know how long it will take for us to eat meat like this next time. Maybe there will be no such good things in the future."

Daliang watched the ogres fighting for meat, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He asked: "I know there must be a reason why you have to come to the kingdom of death, and I don't want to know. After eating, you bring I go find the people I'm looking for, and then I pay you, and we owe nothing to each other. If you want a better life, I can help you."

To be able to sneak into the Kingdom of Death and hide, these group of ogres and unicorns must be powerful heroes. As a player, Da Liang will certainly try to recruit them. If such a group of powerful heroes join, it will definitely improve the strength of the entire Black Fire Territory. It is a qualitative improvement.

It’s just that powerful heroes are definitely not easy to recruit.

Kuka said: "I know you are a person who does big things, and what you do must be very dangerous. My brothers and I just want to survive. I'm really sorry, but I can't make any promises to you."

Recruitment failed.

Although I am a little disappointed, my favorability level has improved anyway. I will slowly look for opportunities to recruit again in the future. Anyway, I have to stay here for a long time for the construction of the territory.

Thinking of territory construction, Daliang remembered his true purpose of coming to the Kingdom of Death.

First, he encountered the war in the Boneyard, and then got involved in the mess of the Wizards Guild. This side road made him almost forget the real thing.

As for how to obtain the territory construction drawings after level 5, Shi Fei did not disclose it on the lord forum.

The initial construction of the territory is very simple, and even if Shi Fei doesn't say anything, the lords can figure it out quickly. It is better to speak up in advance to sell favors and accumulate connections.

Now that Shi Fei has used this advanced knowledge to gain the fame and status he wants, in the future the relationship between the lords will gradually turn into confrontation due to the competition for resources. He will definitely not cultivate powerful opponents for himself.

In the name of being too busy with matters such as territory, guild, and legion, Feishaozushi rarely appears on the lord forum. At the same time, the originally harmonious Lords Forum began to become less enthusiastic and more strategic due to the expansion of the Lords.

Without Shi Fei's guidance, all lords will have to rely on themselves for territory construction after level five. The speed of territory development will also gradually increase due to the different progress of each lord in the base camp.

Where can I get the architectural drawings of the sixth-level territory?

It should probably be obtained from the administrative agencies of the city on the base camp plane of each race, right?

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