Start with an Archangel

Chapter 376 Destiny Manor

Destiny Manor.

This is the name Daliang gave to his manor. He wanted to use this name to have some potential psychological implications for these down-and-out heroes.

See if they can evoke their ambitions when they committed evil crimes, and whether they can regain control of their own destiny.

Spending the rest of their lives doing nothing and being mediocre in the country of death is really a waste of the strength they possess.

Employment contract and employment contract, one is to get a dead salary that is not much.

One is following his brother, fighting with people, the earth, and the sky, eating meat, drinking, and beating up anyone who doesn't like him. He really has unlimited room for development.

After secretly despising his ambition, Da Liang looked at Mike, hoping to see the fire in his eyes that was rekindled with fighting spirit because of this name.

"Destiny Manor? What a good name. Please pay us 100,000 gold coins, Mr. Eviscerate, and this manor will belong to you."

Looking at Mike's calm face, Da Liang felt like he had a hot face pressed against a cold butt.

Anyway, Mike has agreed to accept the offer, so let’s take it one step at a time.

Daliang gave Mike 100,000 gold coins, and gave him an extra 100,000 gold coins, and at the same time took out an employment contract.

"Sign your name and you will be my steward in Destiny Manor. These 100,000 gold coins cover the cost of hiring craftsmen and the daily expenses of the manor during this period. In addition, I will invite all the friends who helped me build this manor in the evening. , invite all relatives and neighbors over. I am going to hold a grand banquet on this grassland, and I must prepare enough wine and food."

Mike got a huge amount of money, and before he could get excited, he was shocked.

"Sir, are you going to hold a large banquet?"

"Yes, I will live in the foggy area for a long time in the future, so I will take this opportunity to invite friends and neighbors over. Let's have fun together and meet each other to increase friendship? Don't you have enough money? Yes, the food here is better Expensive, how much does it cost? You can help me estimate the amount."

100,000 gold coins, take out 100,000 gold coins without blinking an eye.

Mike knew that he had really met a rich man this time. He quickly said: "Sir, it's not that there are not enough gold coins. It's that we can't buy enough wine and food to hold a large banquet in the foggy area."

The environment in the Kingdom of Death makes ordinary food in other planes become luxuries here, and the extremely low demand for living materials by the undead makes the income of residents in the foggy area very low. Without purchasing power, those who run restaurants and pubs will naturally not stock much wine and food.

No matter how much money you have, there is nothing you can do if you can't buy it.

However, as a butler, Mike suggested: "Sir, I suggest that this banquet can be held a few days later. We can order a batch of wine and food through Gus..."

Daliang interrupted Mike and asked: "Who is Gus?"

Mike explained: "Gus, like Mr. Gus, is a human race. He owns a plane portal in the foggy area. All foreign creatures that come to the City of Sighs need to pass through him to enter. At the same time, he also sells some products from other planes. Make money by selling goods to the City of Sighs.”

Guts, Terran, a plane broker.

Daliang asked: "You must have to pay a lot of money to come to the Kingdom of Death through Gus, right?"

Speaking of past experiences, Mike's expression darkened obviously: "Yes, unless we are desperate, none of us will come to the Kingdom of Death..."

Mike didn't continue.

Every alien creature that came here had an unbearable past. Daliang knew that these people didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask further. At the same time, Daliang has no plans to contact Gus at this time. As a human being, he can sneak these villains into the kingdom of death. It is better not to provoke such people first.

Daliang said: "The banquet will be postponed to the evening three days later. I will take care of the wine and food issues."

"Yes, sir." Mike was not surprised that Daliang could get wine and food in the kingdom of death, because he could see that he was now an employer and had his own plane portal.

Then, Mike took Daliang into this fateful manor.

Under the nourishment of magic power, the green grass exudes a natural fragrance, and the soft ground makes Daliang, who is not used to the undead environment, feel very comfortable.

Feeling the change in Da Liang's mood, Mike, a druid, cast another natural magic on the green land, and clusters of flowers bloomed everywhere.

"Hahaha, Mike, you will be a very qualified butler."

Walking into the fortress, the inside is far less glamorous than it looks from the outside. After all, it had just been built, and there was nothing in the room. There were only a few rooms with some furniture and simple decoration.

Walking all the way to the attic on the top floor, you can have a panoramic view of the entire center of the foggy area.

About four kilometers north of Destiny Manor is the church of the Unsullied Holy See. It is also the church that rules the Mist Area. However, due to some special reasons, there is no bishop presiding over the church's operations most of the time.

To the east of Destiny Manor, you can vaguely see another large human manor in the distance, which should be Gus Manor.

You can also clearly see Minia's home and Motto's contact point.

And just when Daliang was observing the surrounding terrain and thinking about what size of army should be sent to the Destiny Manor.

The bells of the Immaculate Church in the north suddenly rang.

Daliang looked at Mike, who replied with a normal expression: "This bell means that the Misty District Church has ushered in a new bishop. Sir, don't worry too much, if this bishop is like his predecessor, trying to persuade us to dedicate ourselves." If you give it to the God of Death, someone will ask him to give it first."

Daliang remembered his conversation with the ogre Kuka. The upright Kuka directly admitted that the residents of the Mist District had assassinated the Bishop of the Mist District many times, which made the City of Sighs have very little control over the Mist District.

Then Daliang recalled that Minia had said that the alien creatures in the foggy area were all heinous criminals.

It seems that Mike is not what he seems on the surface, just a wise old elf. It is estimated that when he turns against him and kills people, he will not show any mercy.

No simple guy can survive in the foggy area.

Looking at Kuka talking and laughing with the dwarf Hans on the grass below, Da Liang secretly reminded himself that he shouldn't trust them too much.

We must adhere to the principle of cheating and pretending to be a tiger to eat pigs.

After the bells of the church in the Misty District ended, Daliang said to Mike: "Since a new bishop has taken office in the Misty District, you will send an invitation to the bishop on my behalf, inviting him to attend the event that will be held in Destiny Manor in the evening three days later. banquet."

"Yes, sir. If there is nothing else to ask, I will hire the manpower we need now and prepare for the banquet in three days' time."

"Go ahead, I can just take a look around here."

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