Start with an Archangel

Chapter 377 Bishop Frank

When Daliang knew that food in the Mist Area was very expensive, he also planned to become a food vendor selling alcohol and some high-end delicacies from the main plane to the Kingdom of Death.

Now it seems that selling food in the foggy area is like going to the primitive tribes in Africa to sell brand-name fashions. If you don't have the purchasing power, you can't sell it even if you transport it.

It's just that the Black Fire Leader has sent a batch of wine and freshly caught sea fish to the Boneyard. It seems that they don't want to exchange them for gold coins.

Since he planned to hold a banquet at Destiny Manor, Da Liang ordered the Boneyard Fortress to load all the drinks and food into the truck, and then use the skeleton carriage to transport it to the City of Sighs at full speed.

The expected arrival time of the motorcade and accompanying army is three days later in the evening, just in time for the banquet.

In addition, the Misty District Church has welcomed a new bishop, and Daliang also wants to take the opportunity of this banquet to get to know the bishop. Find out the new bishop's hobbies, and then follow them to complete the process of territory construction tasks.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly.

It's just that Daliang still doesn't trust the residents of the foggy area and can't entrust them to inquire about Frank's whereabouts. Therefore, he can only wait for the arrival of his trusted army for Miniya and Jonathan's entrustment. There are several undead heroes who came with the army this time. Although they are recruited by the tavern and have no outstanding abilities, they are still capable of gathering information.

Da Liang was sitting in his bedroom, looking through the window at the increasingly busy manor below, while thinking about his plan in the kingdom of death.

After I felt that there were no major omissions, I practiced the design of the brig on a table.

On land, players in China have no rivals around East Asia. As long as they don't go on expeditions, there is almost no pressure on survival.

The threat in China comes from the sea.

The cost of naval warfare is much greater than that of land warfare.

In land wars, players in China can swarm in with a single command, and can easily organize battles involving millions of people on several battlefields at the same time.

The threshold for naval battles is much higher.

To fight a naval battle, you first need a series of logistic support ships such as battleships, armaments, captains, sailors, etc. The cost of daily maintenance alone is enough to exclude most players from naval battle games.

Once a naval battle begins, it is a fateful war. If a ship is sunk, all investments are lost, a fleet is wiped out, and reconstruction requires a lot of money and time.

Losing sea power means losing opportunities for development.

Just like the current Korean game area, facing the pressing pressure of the entire northern navigation players in the Chinese area, they can only be trapped on their own coast. Not only can they not provide effective support to the Jeju fleet, but they have also greatly lost their competitiveness in collecting gold in Southeast Asia.

The lessons learned from the past have made Daliang pay more attention to how to strengthen its maritime strength.

When it comes to quantity, the Black Fire Leader is no match for players, they can only compete for quality.

When ship designers around the world were stuck in the bottleneck of sloops and brigs, Da Liang decided to complete the installation of the brigs of the Blackfire Fleet and improve the hull performance as soon as possible.

Like the single-masted battleship, if you want to design a high-performance ketch, you need to have a deep understanding of the basic model of the ketch.

Da Liang just stayed in his room, drawing the plans of the brigantine one by one.

In the originally peaceful foggy area, some things are slowly fermenting due to the sudden appearance of Destiny Manor.

After Frank left the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, he couldn't wait to take up the post at the Church of the Mist District.

However, what he saw was a dilapidated building. The walls collapsed in many places. Withered grass was everywhere inside the church. There was a large hole ten meters in diameter on the ceiling. A meteorite of the same size hit under the altar.

Here, you can't see the splendor and solemnity of the unsullied churches in other places at all. It is decayed and dilapidated, like a house of the undead on the street. There are traces of the battles of various powerful heroes everywhere. You can imagine how troubled this church was.

Although Frank had already heard about the situation in the foggy area, he was still angered by the scene in front of him.

He was angry that the Sad Lord's promise turned out to be a trick on him, and he was also angry with the residents of the Mist District for destroying his new home into such a state.

The Wizards Guild has betrayed our original ideals. It has become obsessed with confronting the death monarchs and has become a tool for Cloud City to control the kingdom of death.

And I always remember that I am a wizard, and only witchcraft can make me eventually become a god-like existence. In this foggy area, I will continue my research on witchcraft and recreate a new coven. An organization that can concentrate all materials and power to promote me to god.

The first problem to solve now is to control the foggy area first, and then search for the wealth here.

After all, the study of witchcraft requires a lot of money.

Standing under the altar, Frank summoned a missionary from the Unsullied Holy See and asked: "How many clergy are there in the Misty District Church? How many Holy See knights are there?"

The walking corpse missionary following Frank replied respectfully: "Dear Bishop. There are currently ten clergy in the Mist District, all of them are the lowest missionaries. As for the Holy See Knights? There are no current ones. "

According to the organization of the Immaculate Curia, the Holy See in a region has one bishop, three popes, ten to twenty godfathers, and missionaries are freely appointed. In addition, each church has a church knights as the armed force of the church. The mission of the church knights is mainly to patrol the parish and at the same time follow the instructions of the bishop to attack those exiles who have turned their backs on death.

Now there are only ten missionaries in the church in the foggy area, and the administrative and military strength is basically zero, coupled with such a dilapidated church.

Frank was even more annoyed.

The church needs to be renovated, clergy need to be recruited, and the Holy See Knights need to be formed, which all require a lot of money.

"How much money do we have in our warehouse?"

The missionary felt the anger of the new bishop, and he quickly said: "When the previous bishop was assassinated, the thugs robbed everything in the warehouse..."


Frank finally couldn't help but curse.

The bribes he received from the Sorrowful Lord could not fill the huge hole in the Church of the Mists.

There is also the cost of his research on witchcraft and the cost of establishing a new witchcraft association, which all require money, countless amounts of money.

Just when Frank was hesitating whether to spend his own money to renovate the church, another missionary hurriedly ran in: "Lord, Bishop. A human named Eviscerate invited you to attend. Three days later, he A banquet held in the manor.”


Frank frowned when he heard the name.

"Yes, Lord Bishop. This human named Eviscerate is a rich man who just came to the Mist Zone. He is very rich and asked the residents of the Mist Zone to build a human manor for him in one day."

It takes a lot of magicians and labor to build a manor in one day.

It seems that this human named Eviscerate is really very rich.

Frank squinted his eyes and smiled: "You reply to the other party, I will be there in three days and personally bless him and welcome a new resident to my parish."

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