Start with an Archangel

Chapter 378 Breaking the Rules

After being hired by Daliang, Mike, an elf druid who had lived for hundreds of years, quickly adapted to his role as a housekeeper.

Mike's understanding of the foggy area allowed him to quickly recruit a group of people.

The craftsmen entered the manor. Under Mike's command, they dug canals, arranged gardens, and paved roads. The architectural style of the human race and the artistic sense of the elves were perfectly combined, giving Daliang's destiny manor a brand new look every moment. Variety.

At the same time, the names of "Eviscerate" and Destiny Manor are also completely known to the residents of the Mist Zone.

A very, very rich man will settle in the Mist Zone, and a manor with vitality is quickly becoming more beautiful.

The residents of the foggy area who had nothing to do gathered around Destiny Manor, admiring the beautiful scenery that could not be seen in the kingdom of death, and it also triggered their memories of their original world.

Mike promptly announced that the owner of Destiny Manor, Mr. "Ebony", was going to hold a grand banquet on the lawn of the manor, which all residents of the Mist Zone could attend.

"At that time, please enjoy the wine and food. Mr. Eviscerate is more generous than we imagined. Go back and don't disturb Mr. Eviscerate's rest. Go find your most beautiful clothes and wait for the anticipated moment. "

Being able to enjoy wine and food on the grass is unimaginable to the former residents of the Mist Zone. While everyone was full of longing for the banquet, they also had great interest in the "boning" that hosted the banquet.

Some residents heard Old Mike's suggestion and returned home, while some had other ideas about "eviscerating".

A tauren stopped Mike outside the manor, who was about to go back to arrange the banquet.

Tauren Victor, a guy who uses the same prestige as Mike in the foggy area. Mike glanced at Kuka and the dwarf Hans who were nearby. Hans and Kuka immediately gathered around with a group of craftsmen from Destiny Manor each.

Across the low wall of the manor, Victor was also surrounded by a group of ferocious creatures. He looked at Mike and his companions and said: "Old Mike, you should know the rules of the foggy area. The one on human beings called 'Eviscerate' The money belongs to everyone, you have occupied this fat sheep for too long, you should give it to us."

Mike said: "Victor, I know what you will do to 'Eviscerate'. But what you do is likely to put the foggy area into crisis. What I am doing now is the safest, and the only way is to let 'Eviscerate' settle here." Only by coming down can we make more money.”

Victor sneered and said: "Putting the Mist Zone into crisis? Bishops of the Immaculate Church, we are not killing just one or two. Do you see any crisis in the Mist Zone? We are all very strong heroes. We can definitely get it. The wealth we want is not to accept charity from a weak human like you. Mike, you have become weak. You were not like this before. When you slaughtered the elven tribe in the magical realm, you did it very simply."

Mike said angrily: "In the foggy area, none of us discuss the past. And I don't think what I did at the time was correct now. It was precisely because of blind confidence in my own power that I fell into the current situation. Victor, let your people be at peace, I guarantee that you will have a share of the money earned from the evisceration."

"Do we have a share?" Victor sneered: "The people working in Destiny Manor now are all your people. You must be thinking of defrauding more money from Eviscerate. When all his money is taken away by you, You will give the person to us only after you have deceived him, right?"

Mike glanced in the direction of the fortress. He knew that if he continued to entangle with Victor, he would probably attract the human's attention.

"I'm very worried about your people, so don't think about inserting people in. Here are 10,000 gold coins. Stay away from Destiny Manor."

Mike quietly threw a big money bag out of the wall, and then asked Kuka and Hans to lead the people to disperse.

Victor opened the money bag and saw that it was full of shining golden coins, and quickly closed the bag.

But the flash of light just now had already dazzled the eyes of his men, and one of them asked: "Oh my God, they are all gold coins. Victor, we will make a fortune this time."

Victor glared over and cursed: "What's all the fuss about with this little money? Mike casually threw us 10,000 gold coins, which shows that they have gotten more money from Evisceration, more money!"

“How much more money?”

"Anyway, it's much more than these. Mike and his gang won't let us take over. They've made it clear that they want to monopolize the whole thing. We absolutely can't let them succeed."

"But Eviscerate is under the protection of Mike, should we go and rob it?"

Victor shook his head: "The strength of Mike's group is about the same as ours. If we fight, we will both lose. Let's go find Gus, and with Gus's strength, we can definitely scare Mike into giving up Eviscerate."

The tauren group also quickly dispersed.

And all this was seen by Daliang, who was holding a telescope.

Obviously, Mike and the tauren represent the two groups of forces in the Mist Zone.

Now he is in Mike's hands, and the tauren is definitely not willing to let Mike have his gold coins all to himself. Mike, who has received so many benefits, will definitely not let go, and then the contradiction will arise.

Da Liang knew that there was always a hidden rule in the foggy area to maintain the balance here. Even 2,000 gold coins and a sumptuous meal prevented Kuka from breaking this rule.

But when the money he squanders out increases, and when more and more villains get the benefits, the vested interests gathered around Mike have the strength to break the rules.

This situation has no obvious benefits for Da Liang for the time being, but once something happens, it is better to deal with a divided fog zone than a grouped fog zone. Moreover, the tauren who just left was obviously very angry. If Mike and his group started a fight with the tauren, Daliang would be able to reap the benefits.

Of course, brother's safety cannot be ignored.

Monica and the Frost Dragon need to stay at the Boneyard Fortress, and Julian cannot expose his identity because of this trivial matter.

In addition, if these two groups of powerful heroes fight, it will definitely be earth-shattering. If your own hero is injured or killed in the fight, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Now that I think about it, the only people who can use it are Miniya and Jonathan.

The two undead who can serve as high-level leaders in the wizard guild must be very powerful. It is absolutely a waste to let them stay in the tomb in a daze.

Yes, let the two of them come over to protect brother.

If he dies in the line of duty, I won't feel bad.

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