Start with an Archangel

Chapter 401 The situation calmed down

Churches, manors, heroes, wealth and power, the dividends from venture capital during this period of time have returned in incredible ways, making this guy who doesn't have much pursuit feel a little elated.

Now only Daliang and Mike are left. Daliang can't help but think about Mike: "Mike, you are a very great magician. You only serve as my housekeeper. I feel that it is really wronging you. Have you ever thought about taking it a step further?" , obtain a higher status? I can appoint you as my chief magic advisor..."

Facing Daliang's solicitation, Mike remained elegant and humble: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Eviscerate. I know you are definitely not an ordinary lord. You have a powerful army and endless wealth. But... after what happened last night, I found that I have been following a wrong path my whole life. Even life in the Kingdom of Death has not completely corrected my greed for fame and fortune. This incident made me see many things clearly. Now I just want to work at Destiny Manor with peace of mind. , and then study magic, which I haven’t practiced for a long time.”

Mike refused to recruit, and there was nothing Daliang could do. After all, Mike's hero level was much higher than that of Kuka and Hans, and such a powerful hero would not be easily recruited. But since Mike wants to devote himself to studying magic, he can first do what he likes and continue to cultivate his favorability.

Daliang said to Mike: "I respect your ideas, and at the same time, the door of my territory is open to you at any time. As for the gold coins in the warehouse, it counts as my investment in your research on magic. Don't refuse, the gold coins are really a treasure to me. number."

Researching magic does require a lot of money, so Mike did not refuse Daliang's kindness. After thanking him, he also reminded: "Mr. Eviscerate, I know that you had a major operation in the foggy area church last night. You may want to The Bishop’s death is blamed on the residents of the Mist Zone, and I can guarantee that my people will not talk nonsense. As for the surviving guys under Gus and Victor? If you agree, I can help you deal with them.”

In the battle at Gus Manor, Da Liang chose to kill the big ones and spare the small ones in order to end the battle before the Wushou Holy See army arrived. Many people survived.

However, these people became the loopholes in Da Liang's entire plan.

These people knew that Gus and Victor were actually at Gus Manor when the battle broke out in the church. If Will didn't completely believe Daliang's words and sent people to investigate secretly, those guys who were resentful of Daliang might not say anything. something.

Originally, Daliang thought of asking wizards to plug this loophole secretly. Now that Mike has taken the initiative to take over this task, it couldn't be better.

Mike is very familiar with the foggy area and the villains who participated in the battle last night. With him, nothing will slip through the cracks.

As for the other residents of the foggy area, although they can guess some things, they are not even witnesses.

Now that the only hidden danger has been remedied, Daliang can finally run the foggy area with confidence.

Of course, low-key is the most important thing.

Not expanding, not taking the lead, not rebelling, adhering to the three no's principles, the Mist Zone will remain the same in the eyes of the Unsullied Holy See, a troublesome place, but no real threat.

And how do you control this place?

Of course it’s money…

After learning the lesson from Gus Manor, I believe that no one would dare to do anything like blatant extortion, so just do business honestly.

Brother, I will find a way to lead you to a better life.

Coupled with the force in Snowfield Manor, it is enough to make many people obey.

After saying goodbye to Mike, Daliang returned to his room, and then met Miniya, Jonathan, and...

Rows of money bags, the opened mouths shining with golden smoothness.

Without waiting for Daliang to ask, Minia said: "We found gold coins in Frank's dimensional storage space. I think these should belong to Mr. Eviscerate, so we will return these gold coins to you."

Although he wanted to return the gold coins to Daliang, Minia's eyes were full of reluctance.

With these gold coins, the Wizards Guild's City of Sighs branch can be rebuilt faster. But these gold coins do not belong to the Wizards Guild. Mr. Eviscerate has done too many things for the City of Sighs branch, rescuing wizards and assassinating Frank. They are really embarrassed to steal these gold coins.

Da Liang had no intention of donating gold coins to the Wizards Guild in vain. He collected the gold coins directly in front of Minia and Jonathan, then raised his wrist to reveal the war shackles and said to Minia: "Frank is dead now. , should we lift the shackles of war first? I really have a lot of things to do."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Eviscerate, I will untie the shackles of war for you now."

Miniya walked up to Da Liang, showed the handcuffs on her wrists, and then connected the chains between the two handcuffs. The war shackles became a whole and fell off from both wrists.

Da Liang moved his wrist and said to Minia and Jonathan: "I just met Will at the church in the foggy area."

Will's name made Minia and Jonathan nervous. He was the leader of the Knights of the Unsullied Holy See in the City of Sighs. He was in charge of the strongest army under the Sad Lord. He was also a very powerful hero in his own right. Only Elder Quentin in the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild could barely fight him, but Elder Quentin was already dead.

"Don't be nervous," Da Liang said quickly: "Will did not doubt the cause of Frank's death. He also believed that Frank was killed by the residents of the Mist District. Now he has left. However, during this sensitive period, I suggest not to start the Wizards Guild yet. For the reconstruction work, we will wait until the General Assembly sends someone to discuss everything."

Miniya and Jonathan both agreed with Daliang's suggestion.

The Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild suffered a devastating blow. Reconstruction cannot be done overnight. If you are too anxious, you may make omissions and be targeted by the Holy See.

Now the wizards in the City of Sighs are the undead, and they really can no longer withstand a big blow.

"Thank you again, Mr. Eviscerate, for saving us wizards and assisting us in killing the traitors. You will always be our friend, and our City of Sighs branch will never forget your kindness to us."

After expressing their gratitude, Minia and Jonathan exited Da Liang's room.

Now we can finally take a good look at the harvested equipment.

Frank, Gus, and Victor are all powerful heroes, and each of them reveals something good when they die.

And those heroes who died in the battle at Gus Manor all had more or less good equipment.

It can be said that Daliang had a great harvest after picking up all these equipments.

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