Start with an Archangel

Chapter 402 Strategic Weapon

Thorn Armor.

Divider Battleaxe.

Armguards of Vengeance.

Glacial Greaves.

Daliang was dazzled by all kinds of top-quality equipment. He threw all the equipment on his big bed, then jumped into it, looking at this and that, and couldn't put it down.

Among the many good things, Da Liang selected some equipment that suited him.

Ring of Life: Troop HP +10 (one of the components of the sacred blood bottle of the combined treasure.)

The hero's commander bonus cannot increase the blood volume of soldiers, so all equipment that increases blood volume are of the highest quality. Although the Ring of Life does not add much blood, one soldier adds 10, and 10,000 soldiers can add 100,000 cumulatively. And the Ring of Life is not like the Holy Robe of the Pope which only increases the life of the undead troops. The Ring of Life can affect soldiers of all races.

Moreover, Da Liang is also looking forward to the combination of the sacred blood bottles. Once the equipment appears in combination, it will definitely have very awesome attributes.

Anti-Magic Chain: Necklace, magic immunity increased by 5%.

Daliang's hero specialty is "Magic Mage", which comes with 40% magic immunity. If there is equipment that increases magic immunity, it must be equipped first.

5% magic immunity may not seem like much, but coupled with Da Liang's own attributes, his magic immunity can reach 45%, which is a probability that can make many magicians vomit blood.

Intermediate fire magic

Magic Skills: Continuous Fireball (Level 3 Fire Magic)

Advanced earth magic

Intermediate fire magic and high-level earth magic leave Da Liang one high-level fire magic short of the two high-level magic skills.

According to what Holy Bella said, as long as Da Liang can learn two advanced magic skills, he can start the mission of the Magic Forest.

In the magic forest, there are dragons that can cast magic.

I'm really looking forward to it.

It’s just that this advanced earth magic skill book seems to have been revealed by Frank. Daliang was able to kill Frank at the right time. If it weren't for the alchemy bomb and the gang fight between many wizards, which seriously injured Frank, it would not have been Daliang's turn to make up for the loss.

Therefore, if you want to get the advanced magic skill book, you should kill a Frank-level boss.

It's a bit difficult...

It still depends on opportunity.

After counting the harvest, Daliang stored the equipment in categories.

The equipment that Shu Xiao and Gu Tao can use has been reserved in advance. The rest will be placed in the public warehouse of the Judgment Legion when they return. Legion members can exchange them with legion contribution points, which is regarded as a benefit for members who work hard.

The three-meter-large bed originally filled with equipment was cleaned.

Daliang came up with the biggest gain this time.

Necromancer's Gate and Necromancer's Staff.

The function of the Gate of the Dead is similar to what Daliang guessed. It is a movable long-distance large-scale teleportation magic circle. Anywhere in the Kingdom of Death, as long as the Gate of the Dead is set up, this teleportation channel with a diameter of 20 meters can be opened. Currently, the Gate of the Dead only supports use in the realm of the dead, and does not yet have the ability to teleport across planes.

Necromantic Cane: Attack +5, Intelligence +5, Knowledge +5, earth magic effect increased by 15%, magic consumption reduced by 10%. Hercules Aegis (summons a force field shield to resist attacks. The strength of the force field shield is related to intelligence, and its existence time is related to knowledge.); Necromancer Summon (activates the Necromancer Summoning Magic Array): Necromancer Force Field (cooperates with the Necromancer Summons When used, the undead summoned by the Gate of the Undead will not attack the creatures in the undead force field)

Both of these are strategic-level weapons.

The effect of the Gate of the Dead is obvious.

And the Undead Cane...

The undead summoning magic circle in the Boneyard was destroyed and cannot be used. The power of the undead cane can be said to have been reduced by most. However, the high attributes and strong skills still allowed Da Liang to replace the original hellfire sword with the undead cane.

The loot has been counted and the shackles of war have been removed. Next, prepare to do territorial tasks.

The base camp planes of the eight mainstream races in the heroic world are hostile in pairs.

Humans versus hell, undead versus elves, college party dungeons, orcs versus swampfolk.

There has not yet been a large-scale war between the four pairs of hostile race base camps, but small-scale contact wars have been going on.

Just as the mission description of Daliang Territory states, the kingdom of death is invading the magical realm, and the magical realm is also invading the kingdom of death.

Daliang's enemy this time is an invading elven army. They occupy an abandoned cemetery city. The task of the Black Fire Army is to destroy them.

For this task, the Black Fire Leader went all out, and the Lion and the Rabbit went all out.

One is to see how difficult the territory mission is, and the other is to see Kuka's ability to command troops.

After the battle at the entrance of Shidong, Daliang knew that he was not really a general, and that he had won a victory simply by relying on the numbers of corpses piled up along the way.

The 10,000 zombies in that battle were specially thrown away to die by Marquis Stanley, and some were sponsored by Joyce.

With the Pudong fleet pressing down next to them and the Shangjiang army on the border, Baoshan City did not dare to send reinforcements to Shidongkou.

In the end, under various favorable circumstances, they won a tragic victory.

In this battle against the elves, Daliang used all his own soldiers, all of whom were recruited with his own money. Too many people died in a battle, which would be a crippling injury.

Therefore, Daliang decided to leave this battle to Kuka. With such a general in command, there was no reason not to use it.

And Daliang's mission is to take the Gate of the Dead and launch a fatal blow at the critical moment.

The investigation of this elf army has been launched, and specific tactics will not be formulated until the feedback information arrives.

It would take a few days for the war to begin, and Daliang took the opportunity to gather some troops and pay attention to the naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet.

The Shangjiang sailing players led by the College Alliance played a very important role in this naval battle. With the cooperation of the sailing players in the northern waters of China, the College Alliance pinned the Jeju Island players in the Korean waters, and then frantically picked up the ships. The mission of the Jiang Fleet is to harass and destroy the Jeju Fleet.

Although the blood-sucking attacks of these mosquitoes were not fatal, they still bitten the entire Jeju fleet. They had to concentrate on dealing with these harassments and ensuring that their supply lines were smooth.

Joyce used the time he bought to complete the integration of the command systems of the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet. Now the two fleets have become a whole, forming two real fists that can attack and defend freely.

The Shangjiang fleet began to advance.

The gryphon and pegasus clusters have begun to engage in the battle for air supremacy, and the Jeju fleet has also dispatched its own harpies and manticores, together with the flying army provided by its vice city.

The two sides started a fierce battle in the air, and a contact battle at the level of a two-masted battleship also started on the sea.

The main fleet composed of battleships and three-masted battleships moved actively, looking for opportunities to defeat their opponents.

The aerial battleships and ultimate creatures are all sitting in the sea behind their respective sides.

Something happened, two updates today

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