Start with an Archangel

Chapter 403 Someone will always come

Looking at the large number of magnificent naval battle videos uploaded on the official website of the University Alliance, Daliang felt that the decisive battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet was not far away. He needs to rush back to Aoba Island as soon as possible and command the Black Fire Fleet to enter the battlefield in the later stages of the war.

At the same time, the Chinese Northern Lords Alliance led by the University Alliance sent most of its warships to press against the west and southwest coast of the Korean game area, and then formed a hook extending to the Tsushima Strait between the Korean game area and the Japanese game area.

Militarily put pressure on the Korean and Japanese game zones.

At the same time, the Southern Lords Alliance of China led by Feisha Zuoshi also launched a full-scale attack southward. Groups of fleets cruised in the South China Sea like wolves, and their military fronts directly threatened all Southeast Asian maritime countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. .

On land, they also showed the same posture of overwhelming the army.

In terms of finance, gold merchants in China, led by the five major gold merchants, have jointly used foreign capital to suppress gold prices in Southeast Asian countries through the gold coin trading center located at 312 Angel Avenue, Shangjiang City.

At this time, China is like a big man with a knife and fork in his hand, squeezing away other predators with his body and standing at the forefront of dividing this financial cake.

The feast will begin the moment the country's financial barriers are opened.

In the past, we kept saying we were firmly opposed to hegemonism, but when we became qualified to implement hegemony, we discovered...

It turns out that bullying people is really fun!

Looking around, there are almost no opponents.

The mission progress of the Kingdom of Death also became suddenly clear after the fog was cleared.

Kuka's preparations for war against the elven invading army have begun, and the reconnaissance force led by the dwarf Hans has set off.

A Blackfire leader army with 20,000 skeleton soldiers as the main force began to advance towards the battlefield.

Accompanying them are 500 plague crawlers, 200 ghosts, 80 demons, 40 magic mages and three frost dragons.

The siege weapons included 50 artillery pieces and 100 light crossbows.

The main heroes include the commander ogre Kuka, the sharp knife Simon and the remote commander Monica.

Kuka's ogres and unicorns also went with the army.

On the other hand, in the sulfur mine of the Bone Burial Ground, Daliang's personal guards were already on standby.

100 Crusaders, 40 Priests, 10 Champion Knights, and 100 Plague Creepers as the attack force.

And Daliang stayed in his manor, entertaining the residents of the foggy area, creating a scene of singing and dancing.

In a night of hangovers. Some people suddenly disappear and seem to become less noticeable.

After all, this is how the Mist Area is. New residents are constantly coming, and there are also old residents who are unwilling to endure the life here and go to other places in the Kingdom of Death.

Daliang slowly and subtly influenced the residents of the Mist District to think of him as powerful, wealthy and generous.

The craftsmen of Destiny Manor have become the best jobs in the Mist Zone.

Daliang has also become the most prestigious and influential person in the foggy area.

In the kingdom of death, Daliang laid his foundation. The army of the Black Fire Territory is about to move to the attack position. The elves' army has discovered this undead army, and the war is about to break out.

And just when Daliang was about to leave for the battlefield, Minia told him: Someone from the Wizards Guild would always come, and it was Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild.

Deputy Elder Frank's rebellion was definitely a heavy blow to the Wizards Guild in the Kingdom of Death.

Frank is one of the founders of the Wizards Guild, and he knows too many things about the Wizards Guild. From the organizational structure to the contact information, the Wizards Guild has become almost transparent to the Unsullied Holy See. Wizards guilds everywhere are under attack from the Unsullied Holy See.

The strength accumulated by the Wizards Guild is being rapidly consumed.

When Murtaugh returned to the Wizards Guild General Assembly with the news of Frank's betrayal, the General Assembly immediately decided to assassinate Frank.

As long as Frank lives, the Wizards Guild will be in a passive position for a long time.

In order to quickly kill Frank under the eyes of the Sad Lord, the Wizards Guild dispatched its strongest assassin team, led by its president Lucas himself.

Be sure to kill with one strike and avoid future troubles.

Then, after Lucas arrived at the City of Sighs quickly from the General Assembly with his assassin team, he was surprised to find that Frank was already dead, killed by the remaining wizards of the City of Sighs branch.

At first, Lucas didn't believe this at all. He knew Frank's strength, otherwise he wouldn't have brought the assassin team here personally.

However, when he saw Frank's body, he had to accept this somewhat incredible fact.

The wizards of the City of Sighs actually killed Frank.

Then, after Lucas learned about the assassination of Frank by the Wizard of Sighing City, he also understood that Daliang played an important role in it.

Motto, who followed Lucas, also proved Daliang's identity in time.

A lord of the cemetery territory introduced by Saint Bella, the right wing guard of Michael in Cloud City.

The letter of introduction issued by Michael's right-wing guard indicates that the background of this Eviscerate Lord is relatively large.

Murtaugh said: "Holy Bella worked closely with us when the Wizards Guild was first established. She said in the letter that this human being is the lord of the cemetery territory and wants to join the Wizards Guild and then take over the territory construction through us. Task. Now many lords are members of our wizard guild, so we can still help with this little favor.

It's just that I didn't expect that he would actually save Minia and Jonathan, which was basically saving our foundation in the City of Sighs.

The only thing that puzzles me is how Eviscerate got in touch with Elder Quentin. It seems like they have a very good relationship. Could it be because of Yunzhong City..."

Lucas, the president of the Wizards Guild, is a lich. Even though the Wizards Guild is in an unprecedented crisis, he still remains calm and brings firm belief to his subordinates.

After listening to reports from many parties, he said: "Because of Frank, our Wizards Guild is suffering a serious blow, and the City of Sighs branch has been almost destroyed. This human named Eviscerate, whether he is from Cloud City or a Lord, The cemetery lord from all over the world came to the Kingdom of Death to do territory construction tasks. We should all remember his kindness.

Especially killing Frank.

He knew I was coming, and he was very good at escaping, so even if I did it, I might not be able to actually kill him.

You were able to kill Frank in time and reduced immeasurable losses to the guild.

The City of Sighs branch has made great contributions to the entire guild.

You will all get your due rewards.

Minya, bring the Eviscerate here, I want to thank him personally.

Wizards will never forget every friend who helps us. "

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