Start with an Archangel

Chapter 407 Attacking the Forgotten City

Kuka pointed to some points on the map and said: "These are the elf supply transfer points discovered by our investigation. Based on the locations and material reserves of these points, we can roughly judge the scope of the source of elf supplies."

Then Kuka drew a circle on the map: "There must be a plane portal connecting the Kingdom of Death and the Realm of Dreams in this mountainous area. It provides logistical support to the elf army in the entire Forgotten Hills. If we destroy With this portal, the entire Elf army in the Forgotten Hills will lose supplies. The Elf army cannot find food here. At that time, they will have no choice but to surrender to us except starve to death."

Recruit this elven army entrenched in the Forgotten Hills!

If it succeeds, the Black Fire Leader's military strength will definitely see a significant improvement.

Daliang asked urgently: "How should we fight? The elves should attach great importance to this plane teleportation array. It is related to the survival of the entire army, and it must be heavily guarded."

Kuka said: "I will continue to put pressure on the elven army outside the Forgotten City, letting them know that it is absolutely impossible to stop my attack with just the defenders in the Forgotten City. At that time, they will definitely call in the troops from the Forgotten Hills. friendly forces, we can judge the exact location of the plane portal through the movements of these legions. If the defense of the portal is weak, we will attack it; if the defense is tight, we can also lead all the elven armies to the Forgotten City and eliminate them in one fell swoop. Then quickly march towards the teleportation array, forcing the elves to retreat from the teleportation array into the magical realm, achieving our goal of destroying the invading elven army."

The territory mission requires Daliang to eliminate the elves' army here, but does not clearly specify that only the elves in Forgotten City will be eliminated. Therefore, Daliang's combat indicator for Kuka is to eliminate all the invading elves.

Originally, Kuka's strategy was to capture the Forgotten City first, and then use the Forgotten City as a base to clear out the elves in the Forgotten Hills bit by bit. However, Daliang's ability to deploy troops from a long distance gave Kuka an idea that would be more effective. Efficiency is a waste of time.

As long as the supply of elves can be cut off, the war can be easily ended.

Even if the plane teleportation array cannot be captured, gathering all the elves together to eliminate them will save time in the final occupation of the Forgotten Hills, but the loss may be slightly greater.

"If the frost dragon is allowed to join the battle to attack the portal, the chance that we will cut off the elves' supply is still very high.

Of course, if we want stability, we can still follow the original tactics and quickly capture the Forgotten City. The army will advance quickly and force the elves to retreat from the plane portal. "

After Kuka analyzed the pros and cons of this tactic for Daliang, Daliang said: "Fight as you said. The Devouring Roar and Hurricane will stay with you to suppress the Elf's Pegasus Knight. I will take Astro with me. The Elf's I will knock down the plane portal."

"Then sir, let's start the attack."


The sea-like skeleton soldiers rushed out of the camp of the Black Fire leader. They first completed their assembly in the open space and formed a thousand-man square formation in large groups.

Then various siege equipment was rolled out, including artillery, light ballistae, climbing ladders and rams.

With the Black Fire Leader's complete basic functions, Da Liang's army can already have basic siege capabilities, and there is no need to use the tactics of stacking corpses under the city wall.

The siege equipment was protected in the middle of the military formation by an army of skeleton soldiers.

The magic mage team stood behind the army under the protection of the demon spirits.

Simon rode the silver pegasus and flew into the sky with the ghost to protect the entire army.

The ogres and unicorns followed Kuka and finally walked out of the temporary military camp.

The entire army lined up in a large direction and began to move forward, with the front line stretching out to a length of one kilometer.

In the wilderness, such a large-scale military operation would certainly not be hidden from the elves in Forgotten City.

Fighting in enemy territory, the elven army is very careful, and the ground within dozens of kilometers is under the surveillance of Pegasus knights.

When the Blackfire Army arrived, the elves in the Forgotten City discovered that as soon as the skeleton soldiers here walked out of the military camp in large numbers, the Forgotten City over there began to prepare for war.

The size of the undead army was soon learned by the elven army commander in the Forgotten City.

The number of skeleton soldiers reaching 20,000 shows that the attacker intends to use the skeleton sea tactic that is the favorite of the undead army.

So many skeleton soldiers put a lot of pressure on the defenders, as well as a large number of artillery, light ballistae and numerous siege equipment, all showing the determination of this undead army to capture the Forgotten City.

However, the defenders are not without their advantages. The Pegasus Knights can completely suppress the enemy's relatively small number of ghost troops and place them as long-range troops...

According to visual inspection, there are less than 50 spell-casting ranged troops, but the elves have 1,000 elf shooters, and they can be killed in the first round.

If the long-range troops are crushed, the air power is dominant, and the defensive battle is fought based on the city wall, this battle may not be lost.

The elves were actively preparing for war in the Forgotten City. When the undead army from the Black Fire Territory arrived at the Forgotten City, they faced an army that was well prepared.

The Forgotten City was built on the road into the mountains. It occupies a dangerous position that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only one city wall facing the plain, allowing the defenders to concentrate their defense.

The seven-meter-high city wall was filled with elven soldiers. The dwarves protected the elven archers and guarded the front line of the city wall.

The centaur army that cannot be deployed on the city wall is on standby in the city. As long as there is a loophole in the attacking undead troops, they can rush out from the ten-meter-wide city gate and launch a powerful counterattack.

The Pegasus knights have taken off outside the city wall to put pressure on the attacking undead. The roaring air warriors flying around seem to be laughing at the thin ghost team of the undead army.

Kuka was not in a hurry to let the frost dragon appear. There was no need for such heavyweight combat power to be known to the opponent prematurely.

The Black Fire Leader's army stopped outside the range of Forgotten City's long-range troops. The entire army was quiet, and all the skeleton soldiers stood motionless.

Time passed by little by little, and the battlefield became deathly quiet.

The army of the undead almost covered the land in front of Forgotten City, and the pressure on the elven soldiers increased every minute.

This is a war between the living and the dead. In order not to be killed by the undead, the elves always show high fighting spirit. However, as time passed and they began to calm down, the fear of death gradually began to creep into their hearts.

Morale affects all living armies. When morale is high, they can produce extraordinary combat effectiveness. When morale is low, their combat effectiveness will also drop significantly.

The environment in the Kingdom of the Undead was already eroding the morale of the elven army, and the confrontation with a large-scale undead army made the morale of the elven army begin to decline faster.

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