Start with an Archangel

Chapter 408 Centaur attacks

The armies inside and outside the Forgotten City are still confronting each other, and the attacking undead army seems to be in no hurry to attack this city controlled by elves.

The sky in the Kingdom of Death is always so gloomy. It seems that the colder temperature has blown up the cold wind, and the wailing of ghosts can still be vaguely heard.

The commander of this elf army is an elf. His name is Christos, an elf general with experience in fighting in the kingdom of death. Among his hero skills is Advanced Leadership, which can increase the morale of his army by 3 points, which allows his army to maintain a strong fighting spirit in the Kingdom of Death for a long time.

The army is approaching, and Christo stands on the top of the Forgotten City and personally directs this potentially extremely difficult city defense battle.

The temperature seems to be getting colder.

The breath he exhaled condensed into a white mist.

At the same time, Christo also found that the morale of his army seemed to have dropped too much.

The aura of death that pervades the Kingdom of Death will continuously reduce the morale of all living soldiers here. Therefore, the elven army in the Forgotten Hills adopts a round-robin system.

Part of the elven army is stationed in the Forgotten Hills, while the other part is resting in the Dreamland on the other side of the plane teleportation array. After the morale of the elven army in the Kingdom of Death drops to a certain level, the two armies will rotate.

Christo knew that the elf army currently defending the Forgotten City had just undergone a rotation and had good morale. After receiving the bonus of his advanced leadership skills, he should not show any fear of the undead army.

Watching his soldiers begin to waver, Christo knew that their morale had now dropped to negative levels.

Morale is useless to the undead army. They will not explode with strong fighting spirit because of high morale, nor will they be passive and afraid of fighting because of low morale. Therefore, when the undead army fights, it will try to reduce the enemy's morale and reduce the enemy's combat effectiveness.

The more effective method is of course to dispatch the ultimate undead creature. Both the Bone Dragon and the Ghost Dragon have the characteristics of -1 enemy morale.

However, Christo did not find the ultimate creature of the undead on the battlefield, and the -1 morale characteristics of the Bone Dragon and Ghost Dragon could not reduce the morale of his army to a negative value in the face of his advanced leadership skills of +3 morale.

This undead army contains strategic artifacts that lower morale.

A powerful strategic treasure that can reduce morale, in one fell swoop, reduced the combat effectiveness gained by the high morale of the elven army, and then used the environment of the Kingdom of Death and the pressure of the undead army to reduce the morale of the elven army bit by bit.

Christo knew that if he waited any longer, the declining morale alone would collapse his army.

A counterattack must be launched, even a small victory can boost the morale of the army.

Christo observed the undead army in front of him.

With skeleton soldiers as the main body, there are enough siege weapons, but there are too few flying troops and long-range troops.

The transfer speed of skeleton soldiers and siege weapons is slow. If you use a centaur with a fast transfer speed to go out of the city for a counterattack, you can completely eat up a group of skeleton soldiers, and then withdraw into the city with the support of the Pegasus knights.

If the enemy dares to use ghosts to pursue them, I will take the opportunity to destroy them. In this case, the sky will be mine.

If such small-scale counterattacks are carried out several times, if the enemy does not want to be eaten bit by bit, they can only attack the city.

It is better to fight now than to have the enemy's morale be too low and be easily eliminated by entering the city.

Christo, who decided not to sit still and wait for death, ordered the gate of Forgotten City to be opened, and the two centaur brigade who received the order rushed out quickly.

Centaurs are the first-level soldiers of the elves and the only cavalry species among the first-level soldiers of all races. They move fast, attack powerfully and are large in number.

When fighting alone, skeleton soldiers are no match for centaurs; when fighting in groups, fast centaurs can easily gain a local numerical advantage through movement.

This time the elven defenders dispatched two brigades of centaurs at once. After leaving the city, they galloped around, raising clouds of smoke and dust, and then rushed towards a brigade of skeleton soldiers on the right wing of the undead army that was slightly ahead.

The Pegasus knights who originally flew over the Forgotten City defenses also gathered and moved together, slowly hanging behind the centaur army.

The centaurs used the mobility of the cavalry and formed two conical formations with extremely strong penetration capabilities while moving.

The front assault team of the cone formation is a hundred-man squadron composed entirely of centaur captains (elf second-level soldiers). Their snow-white fur is in sharp contrast to the brown centaurs, and their weapons are also larger than the spears used by the centaurs. A more lethal halberd.

During the gallop, the halberds and spears were all pointed straight into the sky, like a moving forest.

The army of the undead moved slowly, trying to rescue the skeleton army that was about to be attacked.

The rear and flanking skeleton troop groups of this sudden group of skeleton soldiers approached, but their movement speed lagged far behind the impact speed of the centaurs.

Soldiers from both sides were getting closer and closer, and the centaurs who were about to rush into the skeleton soldiers' formation put down their halberds and short spears.

The horses' hoofs beat on the ground, and the fronts of the two centaur brigades penetrated the skeleton soldiers. The rear team continued to charge in, hoping to penetrate the skeleton soldiers in one fell swoop, and then turn around to completely eliminate the skeleton soldiers. Finally complete the retreat.

The centaur captains leading the front line easily rushed into the formation of the skeleton soldiers, and they waved their halberds wantonly to kill the skeleton soldiers on the way forward.

But they soon discovered that these skeleton soldiers had become very durable.

The skeleton soldier, who could have been killed in at most three attacks, survived five attacks from the centaur captain.

This is definitely not caused by the defense bonus led by the heroic commander.

The lethality of a soldier is the basic attribute for causing damage. In the attack, it affects the increase and decrease of the final damage caused by the ratio of the enemy's attack and defense.

The upper limit of increase is 400% and the lower limit is 30%.

But if the commanding power of the heroes commanding the troops on both sides is not too disparate, the damage caused by the soldiers will not double.

The higher the level of heroes on both sides, the smaller the increase or decrease in damage dealt by soldiers.

To illustrate using ordinary heroes: a soldier commanded by a level 30 hero can double the damage to a soldier commanded by a level 10 hero; a soldier commanded by a level 50 hero cannot double the damage to a soldier commanded by a level 30 hero. The damage cannot even reach a 30% increase.

Therefore, the centaur captain's failure to kill a skeleton soldier in five attacks was not caused by the attack and defense bonus added by the hero commander, but because the skeleton soldier's health volume had been greatly increased.

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