Start with an Archangel

Chapter 411 Setting up the Gate of the Dead

After finalizing the final battle plan, Daliang looked for a place to set up the Gate of the Dead on the mountain wall behind him.

The Gate of the Dead requires a wall with a diameter of twenty meters. It is not easy to find such a qualified place in the wilderness.

The mountain wall where the plane teleportation array is located meets the conditions for setting up the Gate of the Undead, but the elf Pegasus knights are closely monitoring this mountain wall. If Da Liang sets up the Gate of the Undead here, they will immediately be killed. Discover.

So Da Liang had to move to another place where he would not be discovered by the Pegasus Knight.

Searching all the way along the mountain wall, Daliang found a mountain wall that met the requirements more than 400 meters away from the teleportation array. Although this mountain wall was not very flat, it was not needed for the Gate of the Dead. The mirror surface has no unevenness at all. Moreover, there is a corner between the teleportation arrays on the same plane here. If you are careful, you can avoid being noticed by the Pegasus knights on the top of the mountain.

As long as the Gate of the Dead can be successfully deployed, even if the Pegasus Knight discovers it, it will be of no use.

Da Liang summoned a demon spirit to monitor the movements of the Pegasus knights, and he began to set up the Gate of the Dead.

Following the order, Daliang put down a water element crystal.

The water element crystal was embedded in the mountain wall, and then magic lines stretched out from the crystal and quickly spread to the center of the magic circle. Soon, one-sixth of the layout of the Gate of the Dead was completed.

Then Da Liang turned the magic array and put the light element crystal up.

The installation of the Gate of the Dead went very smoothly. In less than two minutes, a complete magic circle was laid out.

But just when Daliang was about to call the troops in the sulfur mine to enter the portal, he received this promotion.

"Due to insufficient energy, the Gate of the Dead cannot be opened."

No good... Only then did Daliang think of the introduction of the Gate of the Dead. It supports teleportation anywhere in the Kingdom of the Dead, but cannot support plane teleportation.

If the army of the Blackfire Territory cannot reach here through the Gate of the Dead and then attack the elven defenders from behind, then the entire subsequent plan cannot be implemented. If the elves in the Forgotten Hills cannot be besieged, Kuka can only attack the Forgotten City.

Things are back to square one.

However, the system prompt did not say that the Gate of the Dead could not be opened because it did not have the plane transfer function, but that it lacked energy.

Does this mean that if the energy is enough, the Gate of the Dead can be used for interdimensional teleportation?

Where does the power of the Gate of the Dead come from?

Sulfur mine.

The original output of the sulfur mine reached 5 units per day, but when the Gate of the Undead was opened, the daily output increased to 2.5 units.

In other words, when the Gate of the Dead is open, 2.5 units of sulfur ore will be consumed every day.

And if you want the Gate of the Dead to be able to teleport across planes, what kind of energy is needed?


Julian, who was already in front of the portal of the sulfur mine, immediately replied: "I am here, sir. Will the army enter the portal now?"

Daliang said: "No, I am in the dreamland now. The Gate of the Dead does not have enough energy to carry out cross-dimensional teleportation. You immediately organize people to put the sulfur ore we have mined these days into the energy conversion magic array in the mine. , move faster, I will be discovered by the enemy at any time. Bad, it has been discovered..."

At this time, the Pegasus knights who were originally staying on the top of the mountain had taken off at some point. They may have just been on temporary patrol, but the sudden appearance of a large magic circle on the mountain wall was really conspicuous.

This group of Pegasus knights soon saw the big light under the magic circle, and then sounded the alarm.

The sound of the horn quickly spread over the forest, and soon the sound of the horn was heard in the distance. In this way, the sound of the horn was relayed one after another, and the dangerous signal was quickly conveyed to the distant elven city.

After sounding the alarm, this group of Pegasus knights immediately completed their formation in the air, and then swooped down towards Da Liang.

Julian had already sent people to transport the sulfur that had been mined but not yet transported away. At this time, Da Liang did not have any reinforcements. He could only rely on his own ability to persist until the Gate of the Dead was opened.

Facing the Pegasus knight in the sky, it was useless to escape, and there was no terrain for Daliang to hide under the cliff.

Then let's fight. Anyway, I haven't beaten any monsters myself while playing the game.

Daliang leaned against the magic circle on the mountain wall and summoned the other two demon spirits. The three demon spirits simultaneously provided Daliang with "magic tides", which increased Daliang's magic power by 30%.

Coupled with the magic mage's 20% increase in magic power and various equipment attribute bonuses, Daliang suddenly felt that he was used to showing off, and he often ignored that he was already a very powerful firepower turret.

"Advanced Slowness Dafa"

The earth status magic cast by Daliang, who has learned advanced earth magic, already has a range effect.

A piece of khaki brilliance exploded in the air, forming a halo with a diameter of 70 meters in the sky. All the Pegasus knights shrouded in magic were hit by the "Slowness Technique" and their speed slowed down.

Da Liang took the opportunity to bless himself with "Advanced Body Protecting Stone Skin" and "Advanced Body Protecting Aegis".

Then he summoned a force field shield to stand beside him, forming an angle with the cliff.

Da Liang was hiding at the innermost side of the angle, and the angle from which the Pegasus Knight could launch an attack was greatly restricted.

The slow flying speed made the Pegasus knights look like living targets in the sky.

"Continuous Fireballs"

After limiting the enemy's speed and hiding himself in the turtle shell, Da Liang began to show off his power.

He first tried his newfound magic.

Intermediate fire magic allows Da Liang to release six fireballs at a time. These six fireballs can attack one enemy linearly, or they can be released in a row to attack multiple enemies.

This time, Da Liang faced multiple Pegasus knights and threw a row of fireballs directly at the densely populated area of ​​the enemies without aiming.

Six fireballs shot out in a fan shape. The Pegasus knights wanted to dodge, but the limited speed made their movements very slow.

Three of the six fireballs hit the Pegasus Knight. Daliang's powerful magic power made his fireballs an instant kill against the Pegasus Knight.

The three Pegasus knights were burning all over and falling downwards. The Pegasus knights who were lucky enough to escape immediately dispersed to reduce the chance of being hit.

The continuous fireball enters the magic CD. As a third-level fire magic, its recovery time is one minute.

So Daliang switched to using first-level magic with fast recovery time.

Magic arrows, summoning iron fists, fireballs...

Even the first-level attack magic exerted extraordinary power in Da Liang's hands. No Pegasus knight could survive after being hit by another attack magic.

All of them were instant kills. The Pegasus knights who were hit by the advanced slowing technique were killed one by one in the air by Daliang before they could even escape.

This group of Pegasus knights were quickly killed by Daliang, and his good defensive measures prevented him from being attacked even once.

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