Start with an Archangel

Chapter 412 Violent Soldiers

How many Pegasus knights were killed?

Although they were flying in a mess in the air without looking carefully, Da Liang was certain that there were more than 20 of them, and all of them would die immediately if they were hit by attack magic.

At this time, Da Liang was also shocked by his own attack power.

When Yao Xiang entered the game for the first time, he was tricked by Shi Fei and sent to the island to kill skeleton soldiers. It took three fireballs to kill the lowest skeleton soldier.

There are now seven-level Pegasus knights.

From now on, we will team up to fight bosses. I can be considered a qualified DPS, no, a violent DPS.

Hahaha... If a Pegasus knight like this comes to 100, I can still accept it, haha.

Da Liang's laughter suddenly stopped, because he saw a large group of Pegasus knights flying towards here.

At this time, the alarm has been transmitted through levels to the distant elven city, and in the city there is a rotating army that has been withdrawn from the Forgotten Hills and is stationed inside.

The plane portal is related to the safety of the elf army in the Forgotten Hills. The discovery of the enemy here immediately caused a shock in the elf city. The army that had just returned from the Kingdom of Death immediately attacked, and a vanguard of 500 Pegasus knights had flown out of the city.

The aerial swarm formed by the Pegasus knights flew rapidly over the forest. They had already seen what kind of attacks the Pegasus knights stationed at the plane portal encountered. A powerful hostile magician easily killed them.

Fortunately, there is only one enemy.

Leading this Pegasus knight is an elf hero, who flies at the front of the team on a silver Pegasus. With a wave of his hand, the Pegasus knights behind him immediately distanced themselves, which could effectively reduce the chance of in-state magic.

The Pegasus knights then formed several formations to distract the enemy and try to get close to the magician as quickly as possible.

As long as you can get close, the threat of the magician will be greatly reduced.

The Pegasus knights are approaching quickly.

Daliang, who had been a little distracted just now, was very worried. He really didn't have the ability to fight hundreds of Pegasus knights alone.

Da Liang turned around to check the Gate of the Dead.

Still prompting: Insufficient energy and cannot be turned on.

"Julian, what's going on over there? The energy is not enough."

Julian quickly replied: "All the sulfur mines here have been brought over, and 20 units of sulfur mines have been thrown into the energy conversion circle. Now we are still throwing in them. I am afraid that it is not enough and will be withdrawn from the territory. A batch of sulfur ore has been allocated over there."

Hearing that Julian had consumed 20 units of sulfur ore, Da Liang felt his blood surge and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Sulfur ore is a rare strategic resource. Even if you have money, there is no place to buy it. However, many places need these rare resources.

Rare resources begin to appear in the list of building materials for the sixth-level territory. The Alchemy Research Institute consumes rare resources. Various magic devices consume rare resources. Plane teleportation consumes rare resources. Even the hiring fee of the ultimate creature costs money. Rare resources.

Daliang relied on the rich crystal mines he occupied from the beginning and accumulated some rare resource stocks through exchanges with Joshua. But when he found out how much it cost to maintain his territory and army, he realized that his reserves were simply not enough.

Now, in order to open the Gate of the Undead across dimensions, 20 units of sulfur mines were thrown in at once, which was more consumption than Daliang sent so many troops to the kingdom of death. How could Daliang not feel distressed.

The key is that throwing in 20 units of sulfur mines has not yet activated the Gate of the Dead.

Looking at the Pegasus knights approaching quickly, Daliang ordered loudly: "Hurry up and throw the sulfur ore into the energy conversion array. I am about to be attacked by a large number of Pegasus knights and I need support urgently."

At this time, it is no longer the time to consider rare resources. If Da Liang is killed here, it will not be as simple as losing a level. The newly obtained Gate of the Dead that has not been warmed will also fall into the hands of the elves.

The skeleton laborers transporting sulfur in the sulfur mine are pouring a load of sulfur into the energy conversion magic circle coiled around the mine.

The pungent sulfur immediately disappeared as soon as it came into contact with the energy conversion magic circle, and then the converted magic energy was continuously injected into the one-way portal along the transmission pipeline.

Energy continued to accumulate in the portal, and the Gate of the Dead in front of Da Liang quickly flashed, and magic energy flowed along the lines on the magic circle.

The elemental crystals light up in sequence, and the magic patterns move along their respective orbits.

Daliang remembered the scene when he walked out of the Gate of the Dead. The Gate of the Dead activated by Quentin looked like this.

"Julian, get in, get in quick! All soldiers out, we have a big fight to fight."

After giving the order, Daliang turned around, and the group of elven Pegasus knights was less than a hundred meters away from him.

Some of them dived from the air, some stabbed diagonally from the side, and some landed on the ground, their horses' hooves kicked up dirt and charged towards them.

All the Pegasus knights raised their shining swords and rushed from all directions. In front of them, there was only one magician standing alone.

But at this time, a huge figure suddenly emerged from a large magic circle behind the magician.

She had golden hair and was wearing a holy battle armor. Her white wings spread out from behind her shoulders. She swung her sword and the light seemed to cut through the space. The Pegasus knight who was rushing forward was split into two halves.

It's an archangel!

The Pegasus knights did not expect that they would encounter the Archangel here, a creature that stood at the top even among the ultimate creatures.

This archangel who suddenly rushed out moved back and forth in the air at an unimaginable speed, and the originally orderly formation of Pegasus knights was easily rushed to pieces.

"Steady, steady, there is only one Archangel here, we can defeat her. Go up and entangle her, limit her speed, I can kill her."

The elf hero quickly commanded the disturbed Pegasus knights to regroup, and then he found a small team of champion knights rushing out of the magic circle. They charged at the Pegasus knights on the ground, killing them all. Driven into the air, the already dense airspace becomes even more crowded.

Then there are the priests and the crusaders.

A swarm of skeleton soldiers rushed out of the magic circle.

In a short period of time, the entire hill was completely covered by the undead, and then a large number of light ballistas were pushed out, as well as artillery.

Finally, the skeleton laborers pushed carts of stones around the mountainside and began to build the city defense system.

The light ballistae and the priests began to launch anti-air attacks, and the Pegasus knights hit by the grown Archangel Julian were unable to fight back.

The Pegasus knights, who suffered heavy losses but made no achievements, had no choice but to retreat in the face of unmatched attacks from the air and the ground.

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