Start with an Archangel

Chapter 414 The Elf’s Counterattack

The Crusaders are eighth-level soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is also outstanding among the same-level soldiers. Their backhand slashing combat skills make their attack frequency very high. The Silver Pegasus Knight, the eighth-level elven soldier, is not their opponent at all, let alone better than them. Lower level fighting dwarves and centaur captains.

The elven soldiers whose speed is restricted are dying. If there are no strong soldiers participating in the attack, the elves will not be able to enter the camp even if they die.

"All soldiers retreat, pause the attack, and let the dead wood warriors outside the cave entrance come in."

The elf hero, who also realized this, stopped this fatal attack. With the loss of long-range soldiers, low-level soldiers are far from being a match for mid-to-high-level soldiers. Now he only has dead wood warriors that can break through the enemy's defense. As long as he can attack, the low-level soldiers in his hands can take advantage of their numbers.

The attacking elf soldiers retired, and the deadwood warriors outside the cave walked in one by one under orders.

The Deadwood Warriors are very slow, and it takes them a long time to reach the camp deep in the cave from the entrance of the cave.

But just three of the dead wood warriors outside the cave entrance came in, and a dragon roar came down from the sky outside the cave.

The fear brought by the roar made some dead wood warriors become confused, and then groups of ghosts jumped down from above them. The ghosts flying everywhere made the chaotic dead wood warriors even more confused. At this time, a giant frost dragon came from them. attacked them from behind.

The cold death dragon's breath spurted out, and the deadwood warriors who were contaminated quickly aged and withered.

The chaos and surprise caught the deadwood warrior with his back to the outside of the cave unprepared.

In a short period of time, five Deadwood warriors died under Astro's dragon breath.

The ghosts continued to attack the dead wood warriors. For such agile flying units, the dead wood warriors could only struggle to deal with it. If they made a slight mistake, the frost dragon would seize the opportunity to pounce down and take away with a breath of dragon breath.

The dead wood warrior who was about to enter the cave was attacked by a level 14 undead dragon.

The elf hero found himself trapped in this cave instead. The dead wood warriors who were constantly being killed blocked the entrance of the cave. Coupled with a powerful undead dragon, even if the Forgotten City sent reinforcements, it would be difficult to enter the cave.

At this time, the best way for the elves to deal with it is to retreat into the woods and wait for the friendly forces in the dreamland to retake the plane portal as soon as possible.

The remaining elven soldiers, led by the heroic generals, retreated into the woods. This forest, which occupies one-half of the cave, is a natural defense for the elven army.

The battle in the cave was paused again.

Da Liang used spiritualism on the corpses on the ground, and another group of skeleton soldiers stood up.

For those elf soldiers who retreated into the woods, Da Liang did not order his soldiers to pursue them. The dead wood warriors at the entrance of the cave can be quickly eliminated under Astro's attack. This cave defender has been completely trapped in the woods.

If they enter the woods rashly, Da Liang's army will suffer unnecessary losses. If you want to eliminate them, wait until Astro clears the hole and comes in.

Let his own soldiers guard the camp, and Daliang turned around and returned to the dreamland.

The elves' army is still marching, and the Blackfire Territory's army is seizing every moment to build fortifications.

Piles of stones were placed in front of the position. The stones rolled down from here were enough to hit the elves' army head-on, slow down their attack speed, and buy some time for the Black Fire Leader to build a defensive position.

Light ballistae and artillery have been placed on the cleared ground. To increase their range and firing speed, special forts need to be built.

Supplies from the Black Fire Territory are still being transported through the Gate of the Dead.

In addition to stone and wood, there were bundles of short spears, barrels of gunpowder and cannonballs.

Daliang didn't know what kind of enemy he would face, but he didn't want to throw away such a good strategic position easily. No matter what the outcome was, he would try his best to fight this battle well.

Set up the telescope.

In the endless forest, he could not accurately see the army of elves that was marching here. He could only judge the location of this army by the startling birds and the occasionally exposed whereabouts of soldiers.

The jungle environment allows the elves' army to effectively hide their whereabouts, and the dense jungle under the mountains allows the elves to attack the hills from a very close distance.

The weaknesses of the Blackfire Territory are low troop levels, weak aerial capabilities, strong long-range destructive power and condescending terrain.

As long as the attack can be launched earlier, the Black Fire Leader will be safer on this unknown hill.

Da Liang asked Julian to protect him, and he rode on the silver Pegasus and flew into the air.

"Meteor and Fire Shower"

Meteorite and fire rain from the sky poured down on the jungle below the hill.

After the ten-minute cooling time expired, Daliang used "Meteor and Fire Shower" again.

Vast tracts of jungle were ignited, the fire spread rapidly, and the rising smoke covered the sky.

An elf hero hiding nearby flew up and tried to use water magic to put out the forest fire, and then he was attacked by Julian.

Julian returned to her human form, and her speed specialty allowed her to fly as fast as a meteor. The elf hero had just used magic to summon a rain cloud in the air when Julian rushed forward.

Several Pegasus knights flew out to intercept, but Julian quickly ran past them, and then cut them in half with a sword.

With a sound of "Bang!", Julian hit the force field shield summoned by the elf magician. The powerful impact caused the force field shield to shatter into pieces, and the remaining force knocked the elf magician in the air. A somersault.

Julian continued to pursue, nimbly dodging an incoming magic spell, and then struck the magician with a sword.

The magician fell into the jungle below like a cannonball, and the rain clouds disappeared because there was no supply of magic power.

Julian knew that her sword did not kill the magician, and she wanted to continue chasing him, but a large number of Pegasus knights rushed out.

There is also a golden dragon and two green dragons.

There was actually an elf army approaching. If Da Liang hadn't set fire to the forest, I'm afraid they would have attacked at a closer distance.

The spreading fire forced this army to reveal itself in advance. Behind the golden dragon and the green dragon, several magicians flew or rode Pegasus into the sky.

Some of them used water magic to prepare to put out the forest fire, and some rushed towards Daliang and Julian.

As the base camp of various races, there are denser high-level creatures and high-level heroes than on the main plane, which also allows the elven army to organize a group of elite troops in a short period of time to launch a counterattack against the invading enemies.

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