Start with an Archangel

Chapter 415 Taking too big a step

He held up a force field shield in the air to block the incoming magic. Only then did Da Liang realize that he was a little greedy for success.

This territorial mission is only to destroy the invading elven army, and the strength of the elven army in the Forgotten Hills is indeed within the tolerance of the player lord who has just stepped into the base camp. In fact, the mission system also places restrictions on these elven armies. Otherwise, how could an elven army that invaded the undead base camp not have advanced arms?

However, Da Liang, who has a lot of money, is not satisfied with wiping out the elf army in the Forgotten Hills. Instead of following the task step by step, he arrogantly wants to get to the front of the task and lead the war from the kingdom of death to the dreamland.

This was obviously beyond the scope of the mission, and then he was not protected by the mission system and encountered this elf army with normal troops and heroes.

The Dreamland is the base camp of the elves, and dragons and high-level heroes are stationed in any small territory.

This army has already attacked.


Daliang has already set up his stance and is preparing to fight a defensive battle here. Soldiers, equipment, and building materials have all been transported through three planes. Don't they want them all?

And now that the army of elves has marched here, will they attack the Kingdom of Death?

If Da Liang occupies this place, he can use the geographical advantage to fight. If the main force of elves rushes into the plane portal, the cave will definitely not be able to defend. Then the Black Fire Leader will have to face a real elven army and fight a siege. war.

Even if we win in the end, it will be a miserable victory.

Retreating is absolutely impossible, then there is only war.

"Kuka, attack the Forgotten City immediately!"

After obtaining the "imprisoned spirit" left by Da Liang, Kuka stood still outside the Forgotten City, slowly suppressing the morale of the elf defenders.

As long as Daliang takes over the plane teleportation array, he can just wait for Forgotten City's food to run out and enter the city to receive the prisoners.

In the first battle, he occupied a city with the loss of a small number of skeleton soldiers, wiped out an army, and captured nearly 10,000 prisoners. The first battle in which Kuka regained control of the army was a glorious victory worthy of praise.

However, at this time, Kuka received an order from Daliang to storm the Forgotten City.

"Sir, what happened over there? Did you encounter a heavy guard when attacking the plane portal?"

While resisting the magic attack of the elf mage, Da Liang replied: "The plane portal has been knocked down. Now I am in the dreamland. I was attacked by an elf army. You must capture the Forgotten City in the shortest time, and then Come over as soon as possible to provide support, I won’t be able to hold on here for long.”

Kuka did not expect that Daliang would actually hit the Dreamland. The military situation there was urgent. Kuka did not dare to ask any more questions and immediately ordered the entire army to attack.

The army of skeleton soldiers who had been waiting in front of Forgotten City moved forward together after receiving the order to attack.

The entire battlefield was filled with the sound of troops marching.

The magic mages in the rear army cast state-boosting magic on the advancing skeleton army formation. The magical rays of light were like flying fireworks, and then colorful springs exploded above the army.

The skeleton soldiers blessed by various states began to accelerate.

Siege weapons follow.

Seeing the undead army beginning to attack the city, Christo breathed a sigh of relief when he got the news that the plane portal had been lost.

The loss of the plane portal will cut off the escape route of the Elf Army in the Forgotten Hills. Without food, an army alone in the Kingdom of Death will be dead.

Now the undead army is launching an attack in a favorable situation, obviously to break through the Forgotten City and rescue the friendly forces trapped in the dreamland. The task of the elves guarding the Forgotten City is to block this undead army, cooperate with the main elves in the dreamland to eliminate the lone army that has penetrated deeply, and retake the gate of the plane.

At that time, Forgotten City will be able to receive continuous support from the Dream Realm, and the Lord of the City may send more heroes and high-level troops.

Then have a good time here!

The skeleton soldier army entered the shooting range, and the elven archers who had already filled their bows shot out the arrows in their hands, and then put a new feather arrow on the bowstring.

"Boom boom boom..."

Artillery roared.

The artillery that followed the army of skeleton soldiers began to fire cannonballs at the city wall beyond the range of the elf shooters. The iron pellets hit the city wall with strong potential energy, knocking up a piece of rubble.

The power of the artillery affected the accuracy of the elven shooters and caused great damage to the wall. The elven defenders immediately deployed light ballistae to deal with the artillery of the Blackfire Army. The light ballistae of the Blackfire Army also overwhelmed the elves from the front. Ranged units perform suppression.

Arrows, short spears, and cannonballs flew back and forth over the battlefield.

In the "advanced attack acceleration" state, the skeleton army rushed under the city wall of Forgotten City after taking a certain amount of damage. The climbing ladder that followed them was set up on the city wall, and the skeleton soldiers climbed up one by one.

At this time, a group of Pegasus knights were flying close to the outside of the city wall. The magicians on Pegasus' backs threw magic spells at the city ladder one by one.

Fire, ice, thunder and lightning.

One after another, the ladders to the city collapsed.

The new climbing ladder was set up on the top of the city.

The elf magicians tried their old tricks again, and Simon rushed forward with his ghost troops.

The group of Pegasus knights immediately attacked, but were attacked by a group of magic mages.

The magic mage whose attack power is increased by the demon's "magic tide" can kill a Pegasus knight with only two attacks.

Forty magicians gathered together, and under the command of Monica, one attack knocked down a group of Pegasus knights, and another attack suppressed the elf shooters on the wall who were about to attack the ghosts.

Level 12 long-range troops are used intensively. The straight city wall can accommodate a limited number of elf shooters. Within the range, the magic mage not only attacks the Pegasus knights, but also defeats the defenders on a section of the city wall.

Simon, who had ground support, led the ghost troops to advance in full swing, and the charging elf magician had to temporarily evade.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the skeleton soldiers quickly rushed to the city wall through the city ladder.

Elf guard Christo didn't expect the undead army to occupy a section of the city wall so easily. Fortunately, the opponent's senior soldiers were few in number, and they were all skeleton soldiers who climbed the city. He immediately mobilized a group of dwarves and rushed forward to try to kill these skeleton soldiers. Fight down and retake the wall.

At this time, a group of strange undead rushed up from the city ladder.

They looked ugly, crawled on all fours, and were extremely fast. As soon as they rushed up the city wall, they rushed directly to where there were many elven soldiers.

Then bursts of explosions knocked the elven soldiers upside down.

Another section of the city wall was lost, and more and more skeleton soldiers climbed up, including those explosive undead.

Once the skeleton soldiers' attack is blocked, these exploding undead will directly rush forward, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, and explode directly in the crowd.

Christo looked at the battle on the city wall. The city defense battle he imagined did not appear. The army of the undead was occupying the city wall guarded by the elves with a devastating offensive.

And just when Christo was thinking about how to organize his army to fight back the undead, a dragon roar sounded in the air.

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