Start with an Archangel

Chapter 416 It’s too late

An offensive battle fully demonstrated Kuka's offensive organization ability. He pressed forward across the entire line and broke through at fixed points. The various departments cooperated perfectly and advanced layer by layer without giving the defenders any time to organize their defense.

The battle spread on the city wall, and more and more skeleton soldiers rushed forward.

While the elf troops guarding the city were busy dealing with the skeleton soldiers' attack on the city wall, two giant frost dragons swooped down from high altitude.

They attacked the elf soldiers on the city wall wantonly, and followed groups of skeleton soldiers to climb up.

The ultimate creature of the undead enters the battlefield, and the elves have no creature that can match the Frost Wyrm. The asymmetrical unilateral pressure caused the already low morale of the elves to drop again, making the entire city wall defense line even more precarious.

Standing on the top of the city, the elf commander Christo knew that he had to do something, otherwise his army would really be wiped out in a humiliating way.

Defeat is inevitable, but death must not be embarrassing.

Christo picked up the bow and arrow, mounted a silver Pegasus, and rushed towards the frost dragon with several heroes around him.

Outside the city, Kuka used a telescope to observe every battle on the battlefield. He knew where the commander of an army should be, and then he saw that the commander of the elves brought the most elite forces around him to attack the Howl. and hurricanes.

"The defenders of Forgotten City have lost effective command. My brothers, it's your turn. End the battle here quickly. Your Excellency urgently needs our support."

Under Kuka's order, the ogres and unicorn heroes who had been beside him rushed towards the Forgotten City.

At this time, the siege ram has arrived below the city gate of Forgotten City. The hard skin resists the bows and arrows of the elven archers above, and the heavy ram violently hits the city gate.

Once, twice...

Every impact can cause the entire city gate to shake.

Then the vibrations became bigger and bigger, and even though the ram did not hit the city gate, it was still shaking violently. Then the entire city wall, the ground undulated, and the city walls that were continuously bombarded by artillery collapsed, and soon the city gate also collapsed.

"The Earth Shakes": Earth level 3 battlefield magic, which can effectively destroy city walls.

This magic is issued by the unicorn heroes. They have been following Kuka in the war. They have not left Kuka even when they fled. They are Kuka's most trusted brothers and the best offensive spell-casting heroes. Their rich war experience allows them to know , which magic is most effective under what circumstances.

The "Earth Shaking" released by the three unicorn heroes collectively easily destroyed the Forgotten City's defenses. The ogre heroes who had already rushed forward rushed into the city first, unleashing their combat skills together and sweeping across the city's waiting defenders.

Occupying the gate of Forgotten City, the skeleton army enters the city.

Just like when Kuka introduced his siege plan to Daliang at the beginning, he never thought of failure from beginning to end. No matter what kind of defender he faced, Kuka had the belief that he could attack.

Sufficient and superior troops allowed Kuka to fully unleash his offensive talents.

After the city gate was taken, the tide of skeleton soldiers quickly broke through into the city, and then occupied strategic positions along the streets to divide and surround the elven defenders.

Before the elf defenders could react, the skeleton soldiers had already launched an attack on the wall on the other side.

At this time, the entire Forgotten City was full of fighting, all city walls were lost, and the undead army swept in like a tide.

After confirming the victory, Kuka mounted the silver Pegasus given by Daliang and flew towards the battlefield in the sky.

Monica, Simon, Howl, and Hurricane are fighting with the last defensive force of the elf defenders. Kuka also really wants to experience the passion of fighting in person.

The ogre heroes in the city also mounted their silver Pegasus and flew towards the aerial battlefield.

In Forgotten City, the army of the Black Fire Leader marched forward and easily invaded the city. The final battle of annihilation against the elf defenders had begun. A team of skeleton soldiers escorted magic mages, artillery, and light ballistae across the battlefield. Under the continuous "attack acceleration" magic state, they quickly marched towards the gate of the plane.

Compared with Kuka's easy offense, Daliang's defensive battle was extremely difficult.

He discovered that the army in the distance was just a small force used to confuse him. The real main force of the elven army had already arrived in the jungle below the hill through the temporarily opened portal.

If Daliang hadn't set off a forest fire because he thought the jungle below the hill was in the way, and the elven army was already approaching, a single assault would have wiped out the Blackfire Army that was building a defensive offensive here.

Although the elves' spell-casting heroes were trying their best to extinguish the fire, the fire that had spread successfully blocked the attack of the elves' army.

The Blackfire soldiers who were originally building defensive offensives quickly adjusted. They left a small number of skeleton laborers to continue building walls and bunkers. Other skeleton soldiers controlled light crossbows and artillery to target the invading enemies.

The elves' ground troops were blocked in the forest, and the only ones they attacked were Pegasus knights, dragons, and some heroes.

The only ones defending the Black Fire Army were Da Liang and Julian.

"Sir, would you like to ask Juliet to come out? With her here, the pressure on our defense will be much easier."

Julian easily got rid of the attacks of the golden dragon and the green dragon, and held up the light shield to cover Da Liang's retreat into the range of the light ballistae. In her body, Juliet was already extremely thirsty. Dragons and high-level heroes were delicious experiences for her. She had no interest in those low-level soldiers now, and only this level of battle could excite her.

Therefore, she eagerly wanted to come out, "Let me out quickly. I can kill all of these enemies easily."

Da Liang looked at the time, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Wait a minute, now is not the time to let Juliet come out. The two of us hold on during the day. Astro, Howl, Hurricane, and Simon's ghost will come to support one after another. There is a forest fire now, and the elves cannot start it. A comprehensive attack, if we are careful, we should be able to support it until the evening. Kuka’s army will need to wait until dawn tomorrow, and the night is the most dangerous time.”

Daliang rejected Julian, and Juliet could only come out for one hour a day. Of course, this kind of killer weapon must be used at the most critical time.

The elven magic-casting heroes threw magic at them overwhelmingly. Da Liang summoned a force field shield, and then ordered the light ballistae to counterattack.

The short spears fired by the ballistae blocked the approach of the elf magicians. In order to destroy these lethal ballistae, the magicians began to use summoning magic to attack the undead on the hillside through falling bombing.

Fire clouds gathered, and huge ice blocks began to form in the storm...

Julian rushed forward and interrupted the elf magicians' spellcasting with his speed.

The golden dragon and the green dragon wanted to intercept, but after a dragon roar, a giant frost dragon rushed out from the plane portal with a group of ghosts...

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