Start with an Archangel

Chapter 417 Defending the position

The Frost Dragon Astro arrived in time to resolve Daliang's huge defensive pressure.

Now Astro can summon 63 ghosts at a time. Starting from the attack on the Deadwood Warriors, after continuous summons, Astro has more than 150 ghosts around him.

As the game progresses to this point, more and more ultimate creatures appear in the hands of players. As a trendsetter, Shi Fei also releases his own classification of the hidden levels of ultimate creatures in a timely manner.

Level C is an ordinary ultimate creature, and most of the ultimate creatures in the hands of players are of this level.

B-level ultimate creatures are stronger. Shi Fei admits that the golden dragon in his hand is B-level. There is no problem in single-handedly defeating two C-level heroes with the same level.

A-level is the elite among ultimate creatures, and the chance that players can obtain it is very low.

Double A level: Shi Fei said this was just his guess, because he found that level 14 was not the limit for creatures in the game, and there were even stronger level 15 creatures. Double A level should be between level 14 and level 15. Although it is classified as level 14, it has the potential to be promoted to level 15.

Shi Fei graded the ultimate creatures and made reference standards for dividing the strength of each level. This not only continues to consolidate his authority in the game world, but also unveils the ultimate creature for the majority of players.

Daliang also classified the combat effectiveness of his ultimate creatures based on Shi Fei's ratings.

Julian, a level 14 archangel, an archangel who is favored by Metatron, must have double-A level strength. Now that Julian has grown up to the hero level, his strength is even more terrifying. Just seeing how she defeated those elf heroes who couldn't cast spells with her speed and strength, Julian was the best fighter in Daliang's hands, and Julian deserved it.

Astro is a level 14 frost dragon. The first frost dragon gives him great potential, and his strength is also double A level. In comparison, Julian is good at fighting alone, capable of resisting and attacking in a coquettish way. Astro is good at group combat. He likes to use the summoned ghosts to disturb the enemy, and then use his roar to confuse the enemy, looking for an opportunity to kill him with one blow.

The difference in strength allowed Astro to easily gain the upper hand against the elves' one golden dragon and two green dragons. If it weren't for the need to support Julian and prevent those elven magics from using range attack magic to attack the friendly forces on the hillside, Astro would have already achieved the results.

The other three frost dragons, Thunderstorm, Devouring Roar and Hurricane, are among the first batch of new species and also have A-level strength and potential.

At this time, Simon, Howl, and Hurricane have left Forgotten City and are flying towards the plane teleportation array. As long as Da Liang can persist, the situation can only get better and better.

Of course, this is when the elven ground troops cannot participate in the attack.

The fire under the hill has stopped spreading under the efforts of the elf magicians. The fire circle is gradually shrinking, and the elf ground army is advancing towards the hill along the gaps in the fire field.

Centaurs, dwarves, elven archers, deadwood warriors, unicorns.

There were shadowy figures in the woods, and they had no idea what the size of the attacking elf army was.

Now that the elves' aerial power has restrained most of the energy of the Blackfire Territory defenders, they must not let the elves' ground troops come up.

Daliang wanted to use "Meteor and Fire Shower" to add another fire.

But as soon as the fire cloud gathered, groups of flying horses mounted and swarmed over.

Da Liang quickly put away the scroll and retreated quickly. He retreated to the artillery position, turned around and used the "Advanced Slow Technique" to mount a piece of Pegasus and wrap it up.


Pegasus mounted more than a dozen cannons facing them and fired simultaneously. Thick smoke rose, tongues of flame spewed out, and projectiles shot out.

Although artillery is powerful, it is far less flexible than light ballistas, and its firing angle is also very large. Therefore, artillery generally cannot cause danger to air units.

But the big bright artillery now stood on the hillside, and the angle up and down reached a great extent. All the gun barrels were filled with shotgun shells. Facing the Pegasus knight whose speed was suddenly restricted, a single salvo fired out a metal barrage.

The Pegasus knights enveloped by the barrage seemed to have knocked down a wall, and the momentum caused them to tumble and fall in the air.

Other artillery pieces also opened fire, and barrages drove the approaching Pegasus knights high into the sky.

The battlefield of the air battle began to move to high altitudes. Heroes, dragons, archangels, ghosts and Pegasus knights were fighting together, and light ballistae fired short spears from bottom to top from time to time.

The elven magicians did not allow the undead to shoot comfortably. Under the threat of Julian's speed, they distanced themselves and no longer used advanced magic that required long-term energy accumulation.

Thunder, fireball, summoning iron fist, meteorite spell.

All kinds of magic that can be released quickly were thrown down. The undead's position was under attack from various magics. The explosion and splash damage caused great damage to the undead. Skeleton soldiers were easily thrown up and torn apart, and Many of the light ballistae, which were inherently fragile, were destroyed.

On the fire field, a passage was cleared by the elf magician, and the elf army rushed up the hillside to attack the army of the Black Fire Territory.

There are no long-range arms, and the light ballistae is the only long-range attack method in Da Liang's hands besides artillery.

Artillery cannot directly attack enemies below the horizontal line. The projectile attack with artillery shells is a point kill rather than a line kill, and the power is not ideal. For this kind of enemy attacking from the bottom up along the slope, the ballistae can play a greater role.

The slopes of the hills were narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Due to the constraints of the terrain, the elven soldiers rushing up could not spread out but became increasingly dense.

The light ballistae fires from top to bottom, and the short spears that are fired fly parallel along the slope at half-body height. The strong potential allows the short spears to easily inflict penetrating damage. The dense enemy force means that the light ballistae does not require special aiming, and can penetrate several elven soldiers in a line with one shot.

Seeing the power that light ballistae can exert in such terrain, in order to block the charge of the elven army, Da Liang dispatched a batch of light ballistae from the Boneyard Fortress and urgently transported them.

At the same time, Da Liang asked the artillery to be replaced with solid bullets, and fired extended shots towards the woods where the Elf army was charging. The lethality was second. This kind of shells that fell from the sky to catch anyone in seconds was enough to affect the speed of the Elf army's charge. If you happen to kill some Unicorns and Deadwood Warriors, it's worth it.

The battle in the sky continued fiercely, and the elf magicians who put out the forest fires began to enter the air combat battlefield. Julian and Astro were under greater pressure. When the ghost summoned by Astro died quickly, the two of them Start facing more attacks head-on.

Daliang, who was on guard against the Pegasus Knight's sneak attack from the air, did not dare to stay away from the position, and more and more magic rained down.

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