Start with an Archangel

Chapter 421 Attack and Kill

The elves did not expect that the enemy's high-level magician would appear behind them, and a fire cloud exposed all their own troop arrangements.

The Pegasus knights on guard quickly flew towards the casting location, but when they rushed over, they saw nothing.

The magician who cast "Meteor and Fire Shower" had long since escaped.

The fire clouds in the sky gradually dispersed due to the lack of magic power supply. However, in just a few seconds, they brought disaster to the attacking elven army.

The elf mid-road troops whose whereabouts were exposed were first greeted by a row of short spears. The magicians' force field shields blocked this attack, but the elf shooters who followed behind them suffered a disaster and were stuck to the ground. The short spear fired from half body height knocked down a group of elven archers.

Just when he was still in shock, there was a roaring sound from the top of the hillside.

These are rolling stones thrown down by the undead above. These rounded stones are constantly accelerating on the hillside. They will never stop until they rush down the mountain. If they are scratched, they will be injured and killed if they hit them. The elf heroes The force field shield probably couldn't stop the impact of several rolling rocks.

The magicians immediately used magic to create a raised earth slope in front of them. As soon as the earth slope rose, the rolling stones rushed over.

The stone was lifted up and flew over the heads of the magicians, then fell down and continued to roll down. After the elven archers were swept away by short spears, they were pressed all the way by the rolling stone.

Then the light ballistae continued to fire, the rolling stones continued to roll out, and the barrels of gunpowder rolled down from time to time, guiding the Black Fire Leader's army in the direction of attack in the light of the explosion.

After only a few rounds of attacks, the elven army suffered heavy losses and had to retreat.

The enemy magician hiding in the forest must be found as soon as possible, otherwise with him behind, the elves' attacking troops will not be able to sneak close enough to the enemy's position.

After a failed attack, the time gradually approached midnight, and there was not much time left for the elves.


The roars of steppe wolves echoed in the forest. In order to find the enemy magician who had wandered into the forest, the elf soldiers not only searched with a net, but also summoned their forest partners.

The wolf's sense of smell prevented Da Liang from evading through "invisibility". His whereabouts were discovered by the elf soldiers, who surrounded the area where he was hiding.

A thundercloud began to gather above Da Liang's head. The elves did not waste time to find the specific location where he was hiding. Instead, an elf magician directly launched a magic attack on the area.

After a rumble and thunder, bolts of lightning struck from the clouds toward the forest below.

Da Liang knew that he could no longer hide. He continuously used "Nicole's Jump" to escape from the area covered by the thunderstorm, and then used "Continuous Fireball" to mow down several centaurs in front who tried to intercept him, and then summoned a Silver Pegasus jumped up.

The Silver Pegasus kicked off its hooves and ran, but Da Liang didn't let it take off. Without the protection of the forest, he was a living target. The trees around him running on the ground could also block some attacks for him.

Arrows were fired at him intensively, and Daliang used a force field shield to block some of the attacks, and then used healing to restore the blood dropped by the hit.

Trying his best to avoid the enemy intercepting him, Daliang ran wildly through the forest.

The enemy magician has been found!

While the elves were organizing a hunt for the enemy magicians, they were also organizing another attack on the undead army on the mountain.

The search took them some time. It was already 11 o'clock in the evening, and they only had a few hours to build the plane portal.

A larger attacking force began marching up the mountain.

Da Liang fled in embarrassment in the forest, surrounded by elf soldiers. In the sky were Pegasus knights and two elf magicians. He had been surrounded, and the space for movement was getting smaller and smaller.

The elven soldiers attacked from all sides. They had seen clearly that the magician they were chasing seemed to be the commander of the undead army on the mountain. If he could be killed, this war could end quickly. The elf magician saw the right moment and was about to release a slowing spell on the fleeing enemy below.

But he immediately felt that all the Pegasus knights around him fell, and a sword light struck from the side. The elf magician immediately threw the prepared "Slow Technique" in the direction of the attacker.

However, he didn't hit anything. When he turned around and looked over, he only saw the magic he released flying into the darkness.

"Enemy attack!"

The companion behind him gave a warning, and Elf Magic immediately turned around. He saw his companion being hit by something and flipping in the air, and then another sword light flashed in front of his eyes.

The magician immediately cast a force field shield, but the sword light hit him before the shield formed.

The powerful attack force caused the magician's blood volume to drop significantly, and his body quickly flipped in the air. He tried his best to stabilize his body, but saw his companion being spun around again.

What on earth is it and why is it so fast!

An afterimage shook for a moment, and the magician was hit again and lost his balance without any reaction.

The elf magician realized that he was being attacked by a high-speed creature. The distance between himself and his companion was more than a hundred meters, and the other party could actually attack them both at the same time across a distance of a hundred meters.

There was another blurry figure, and the elf magician was cut in half with a sword after his blood was exhausted.

The Pegasus knight in the air died, the elf magician died, and the elf soldiers on the ground continued to chase Daliang without any gap.

Death moved from the air to the ground. The elf soldiers who were chasing Da Liang suddenly found that there were fewer and fewer companions around them. They just watched helplessly as their companions suddenly fell to the ground until death came to them.

Da Liang stopped, and the surrounding area was quiet. There was no longer an elf soldier standing.

"Sir, are you satisfied with the speed of my killing?"

Juliet walked out of the subspace next to Daliang, jumped lightly and sat on the back of the silver pegasus. She held one hand around Daliang's waist from behind, and put her head on Daliang's back, faintly Said: "These little characters are too boring to kill. Sir, please take me to find a more powerful guy. For two hours... Sir, please play with me."

Feeling Juliet close behind him, Da Liang felt the energy and blood flowing all over his body, but he could still realize where he was. He quickly swept away the reverie in his mind and drove the silver pegasus towards the big tent where the elf commander was.

Along the way, the elven soldiers intercepted one after another, but they were all unable to get within ten meters of Daliang. They were all killed on the ground by a quick figure with one blow.

The figure of Juliet behind Daliang appeared and disappeared, as if she was holding Daliang so intimately and never moved.

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