Start with an Archangel

Chapter 422 The final charge

Daliang took Juliet and ran towards the camp of the commander of the elf army.

Since the elven heroes were all focused on attacking the Blackfire Leader army on the hill, those defending in the forest were ordinary elven soldiers. Facing a level 15 speed creature, many of these elf soldiers were killed without even reacting.

As the elf commander's camp got closer and closer, the elf soldiers encountered along the way became more numerous and advanced.

The number of dead wood warriors and unicorns began to increase. Faced with these prey that could be called prey, Juliet finally gave up teasing Daliang and unleashed her speed to kill them, centered on the galloping silver Pegasus.

The trees were as thick as each other and held at both ends by a sword. It was rare to be able to indulge in a Juliet without restraint and enjoy the killing for one hour...two hours.

"Too weak, too weak. Sir, if you only let these low-level creatures be killed, I will carefully consider my agreement with you. If you can't find an opponent for me who can comfortably kill me, I will do it myself. found."

Juliet, who was completely stimulated by the blood and had a murderous desire, tore off her charming disguise. Now even the deadwood warriors and unicorns could not satisfy the murderous desire that was constantly aroused in her.

She walked in the air, showing her graceful form to all the creatures in the forest. Holding a pair of black and white swords, black flames rose up one by one with her footsteps, and her long lavender hair flowed in the wind. And the aura she exuded was the terrifying tyranny of a superior demon. The wild pressure swept around unchecked, making all creatures tremble.

No, Juliet is losing control again.

Da Liang did not expect that Juliet, who had been clinging to his back like a docile kitten just a moment ago, would suddenly look like a different person.

No, this is the real Juliet, ever-changing. Whether she listens to her brother or not depends entirely on her mood.

Just as Da Liang was about to open his mouth to call Juliet down, an arrow shot through the air, pulling out a long rainbow in the night sky at such a speed that it hit Juliet who was spreading coercion in the air and provoking the entire elf army.

"Well, there is really a big guy here," Juliet was shot by an arrow accidentally. Juliet was slightly injured, but not seriously. She dodged another arrow and said to Daliang: "Sir, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you anymore. You can play by yourself."

After saying this, Juliet immediately swooped down in the direction of the arrow. At this time, a cloud of arrows was shot out again. Juliet waved her swords to deflect the oncoming arrow without slowing down.

Then the sounds of fierce fighting came from the distance, and the lights of various skills were reflected in the night sky.

Juliet actually abandoned her brother and ran away!

However, the place where the battle took place was in the direction of the elf commander's camp, which was consistent with Daliang's original purpose, so he did not interfere with Juliet's battle.

Listening to the sound of the battle continuing and fierce, it seemed that Juliet had met an opponent who could rival her.

Although he was a little worried, he knew that this level of battle was not something he could participate in. Fortunately, the elven heroes are all focused on attacking the hills, so there shouldn't be many enemies that Juliet has to face.

Juliet's departure left Daliang without protection. He quickly jumped off the back of the Silver Pegasus and entered the invisible state.

The elven soldiers had already searched for him. Daliang took back the Silver Pegasus and used "Nicole's Leap" to appear on the top of a tall tree.

The hills not far away were still pitch black, and the elves' army had launched a new offensive. This time, their feint attack was in the middle, and there must be one place on the two quiet wings where the elves would focus their attack.

The battle that took place near the commander's tent must have been noticed by the attacking elf army. Whether it was due to their trust in the strength of their commander or their determination to capture the plane portal, the attacking elf army seemed to have no intention of retreating.

Without Julian, the strength of the Blackfire Territory defenders has dropped greatly, and they cannot allow the elves to attack.

Therefore, regardless of the danger of exposing his position, Daliang summoned another fire cloud to the sky.

In the forests and hills illuminated by red light, an elven army advancing upwards along the left side of the hillside was exposed to the defenders.

Spears, rolling stones, and barrels of gunpowder swept down again.

But this time the elves were not easily repelled. They used earth magic to temporarily construct multiple bunkers along the road. As long as the attacks from above were too fierce, the elves' heroes and soldiers would hide under the raised earth slopes.

Short spears were stuck in the ground in front of them, rolling stones would jump over their heads, and the explosion of gunpowder barrels would not easily knock down the soldiers into pieces. The casualties of the main elven attacking army were greatly reduced. They took advantage of the darkness after the explosion of the gunpowder barrel to crawl out from behind the bunker and continue to advance.

The Blackfire Leader's defensive weapons no longer seem so sharp.

The main elf attack force continued to advance, and the elf magician at the front had already used spells to attack the front line of defense of the Black Fire Territory defenders.

The defense line without enough spellcasting heroes was easily blown open with many gaps. More and more elf magicians and elf shooters entered their range, and the defensive weapons in front of the Blackfire Territory defenders were targeted and cleared.

The light ballistae was destroyed, the artillery was overturned, and earth walls were raised in front of the position. Following the attack, the elven army launched a charge.

Astro led the frost dragons and rushed down the slope. Their dragon breath blocked the elven army's attack on the Blackfire Territory's defense line, but they were soon besieged by elven heroes and elven archers.

Flames were ignited on the battlefield, and the golden dragon and green dragon, who had been guided, swooped down from high altitude towards the battlefield with the Pegasus knights.

Currently, none of the defenders can withstand a surprise attack from the air. If a golden dragon and a green dragon with a Pegasus knight are allowed to attack at will on the front line, the Black Fire Territory's defense line will be completely disintegrated.

The Elf air forces continue to fall.

At this time, a new army rushed out from the plane portal.

The vanguard was a group of ogre heroes riding silver Pegasus. After they came out, they immediately took off to intercept the airborne troops where the elves were falling.

Then came the three unicorn heroes. After they came out, they immediately ran towards the front line. Magic was shot out from their unicorns, and the earth wall that originally blocked the front of the position collapsed.

The attacking elven army was once again exposed to long-range attacks from the defenders.

The unicorn hero continued to move forward, and various magics flew to relieve the pressure on the frost dragon.

The attack of the elven army was contained.

After the unicorn hero came out, a group of magic mages wearing blue and white magic robes came out under the leadership of Monica.

They were divided into two teams on both sides of the plane teleportation array. The demons provided them with "energy tides", and clusters of magic energy balls shot into the air.

The night sky is bright.

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