Start with an Archangel

Chapter 423 Advance Fortress

When Kuka invaded the Forgotten City, he seized every opportunity to send reinforcements to the plane portal.

Magic mages, light ballistae, and artillery were the first troops to set off.

Then there are Howl, Hurricane, and Simon, who were sent out by Kuka after killing the elven garrison leader Christos.

The three of them were all flying units, and they soon passed the magic mages and became the first batch of reinforcements to arrive in the dreamland.

Then, after Kuka completely occupied the Forgotten City and completely eliminated the elf defenders here, he immediately sent out all the flying and running things in his hands.

The ogre and unicorn heroes caught up with the magic mage at the entrance of the cave and appeared on the battlefield in time.

Powerful heroes and powerful long-range troops stabilized the precarious front, and the light ballistae and artillery that followed the magic mage were pushed out of the plane portal.

The firepower of the Blackfire Territory defenders has been greatly strengthened, and the intensity of the battlefield has once again been pushed to a peak.

As for Daliang, after the front on the mountain was stabilized, he set fire to the forest wantonly.

Two important battlefields restrained all the heroes of the elves, and ordinary soldiers could no longer pose much danger to Da Liang. After being cautious at the beginning, Da Liang began to become bolder without encountering too strong a resistance. He rode the Silver Pegasus and flew high into the sky. The respective buffs and damage reduction states were applied to himself, and then...

"Meteor and Fire Shower"

The fire clouds gathering in the sky attracted the Pegasus riders in the forest. Da Liang interrupted the spellcasting at the right time and used various spells to kill these Pegasus knights who tried to stop him.

And then continue…

"Meteor and Fire Shower"

After several repetitions, all the Pegasus knights who could stop Daliang were killed. Seeing that the two battlefields were still in full swing, Daliang began to formally use "Meteor and Fire Shower".

Clouds of fire lit up the sky, rain of fire ignited the forest, and uncontrolled fires spread rapidly again.

The entire battlefield of fighting on the mountain was exposed to the light of the fire.

The attacking elven army began to retreat, and the reinforcements from the undead included powerful heroes and powerful long-range troops, which supplemented their shortcomings. Now the elven ground troops cannot attack, the air troops cannot rush down, the main general is attacked, and the retreat is about to be blocked by fire.

If you don't retreat, your way back will be cut off. When the enemy's main force arrives at dawn, they will be wiped out here.

The elves' attacking troops retreated, and the mountain soon became quiet. The defenders of the Black Fire Territory did not pursue them. Their military strength was still weaker than that of the elves. Without the protection of the entire defensive formation, they could easily be eaten by the elves' army's counterattack.

Facing the retreating elves, Daliang quickly hid and then quietly returned to the mountain.

The battle in the direction of the Elf Commander's camp didn't know when it ended.

The night has returned to calm, only the forest fires are burning "crackling". After a while, rain clouds gather over the fire field, and the elf magicians are extinguishing the forest fires that have become bright spots.

Daliang, who returned to the camp at this time, seemed to have a bad premonition. If Juliet killed the elf general, the elf heroes would not be able to put out the fire so easily.

Sigh... This battle has been fought with blood loss. If something happens to Julian...

Da Liang didn't dare to think about it. Unknowingly, he had a unique emotion for this archangel who had been by his side on the first day of the game's open beta.

If Julian is gone, really...

Daliang stood on the highest peak of the hill, and the Black Fire Army was busy at the foot of the cliff. Monica, who is good at defense, directed the skeleton soldiers to re-deploy defensive positions. The newly arrived light ballistae and artillery further upgraded the position's defense capabilities to a new level.

The magic mages continued to be gathered together, and even the dragons did not dare to break through the fire network they formed.

In the sky, the frost dragons circled around the mountain peaks. Da Liang looked quietly at the forest below. As the flames quickly extinguished, the brightness of the forest became darker and darker until it returned to darkness.

At this time, a ray of white light flew quickly from the night sky. It was very fast, like a white light flying over the black forest, and soon the pair of angel wings were clearly seen...

It's Julian, she's fine!

Julian landed on the top of the mountain and saw her bright face and felt relieved: "What happened? The direction you came back is not where Juliet is fighting."

Julian replied: "It's space magic. When Juliet was about to kill the elf commander, a space magic teleported her to the forest north of the city. There must be a magician here who is proficient in space magic. If it weren't for Juliet If you break free from the space teleportation in time, you may be teleported to a very dangerous place."

The plane portal controlled by Da Liang is in the south of the elf city, and Juliet was actually teleported to the north of the elf city. Long-distance teleportation is already a very powerful space magic. It is even more incredible that the other party can capture the hostile Juliet and teleport it.

Fortunately, Juliet was strong enough to break away from the space magic in time, otherwise it would be very dangerous to be teleported into a prepared ambush.

Moreover, Da Liang also thought that the elf army under the mountain launched an attack shortly after he took control of the plane teleportation array. They should have also arrived at the battlefield directly from the elf city through space magic.

This also shows that the elf city has the ability to teleport troops on a large scale.

It was really a very difficult opponent. Originally, Da Liang wanted to wait for Kuka's army to arrive and attack the elf city in one go. But now it seemed that facing an army that could attack from anywhere at any time, attacking rashly was simply a way to die.

It's just...since this elven army has the ability to teleport over large distances, why bother to attack the plane teleportation formation from the bottom of the mountain instead of teleporting the army directly to the mountain?

Da Liang is a little confused, but since he knows the ability of the elf army, he should continue to strengthen the defense here.

The Black Fire Territory's military strength has been strengthened, and the elves' army cannot attack. At the same time, they are afraid of the terrifying creature that is obviously level 15, so they also stopped attacking. They quietly evacuated under the cover of the night, and continued the plane portal all day and night. The scramble is over.

At dawn, Kuka led the main force of the Black Fire Lord to arrive, and the entire hill was filled with skeleton soldiers.

In order to guard this bridgehead leading to the dreamland, more stones were transported in, and Daliang built many logging camps based on the forest.

With sufficient wood and stone, Daliang planned to build another defensive fortress based on this hill.

Advance to the fortress.

Most of the territory missions are war missions, and it is the Dream Realm that is hostile to the Kingdom of Death. Regarding the confrontation between the undead and the elves, it can be guessed that future territory missions will definitely include a battle to attack the dreamland, and the mission of occupying a plane portal will be released sooner or later.

As for the battle for the plane portal, just look at this battlefield and you will know that it will definitely not be easy.

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