For the elf city that has the ability to teleport large-scale troops, the Black Fire Leader has no ability to attack for the time being, and defense is the first priority.

Daliang appointed Monica as the commander stationed at the forward fortress. Among the heroes of the Black Fire Territory, only Monica, who has defensive expertise, is capable of guarding this place.

At the same time, Da Liang left the Frost Dragon Hurricane here to assist in the defense.

Ten thousand skeleton soldiers were left behind, half of the light ballistae and artillery were left behind, and all 40 magic mages were left behind along with the accompanying demon spirits.

The Frost Dragon Astro will sit in the Boneyard Fortress, where he will stockpile soldiers and supplies. Once the Forward Fortress is attacked, he can immediately provide support here.

And for quick support, the Gate of the Dead is needed.

The Gate of the Dead should not be placed in a magical realm. The consumption of the plane portal is too great. Just opening the Great Light consumes 25 units of sulfur. Moreover, the Gate of the Dead is too dangerous if it is exposed to the eyes of the elves. .

The best location for the Gate of the Dead should be in the cave on the plane portal's Realm of Death. It consumes less resources and is easy to protect. Once someone wants to snatch the Gate of the Dead, the guards in the cave, the forward fortress, and the burial of bones Land fortresses can quickly dispatch troops.

As for stealing...

Stealing the Gate of the Dead is not an easy task. Da Liang once removed the Gate of the Dead in the wrong order. As a result, if he made a mistake, the elemental crystals on the Gate of the Dead would rotate around the center of the magic circle at high speed. It will take an hour to stop.

Moreover, Da Liang does not intend to keep the Gate of the Dead here for a long time. As long as the forward fortress is repaired and has sufficient defensive strength, he will take away the Gate of the Dead. After all, keeping the Gate of the Dead open requires sulfur ore. The daily output of the cave is 2.5 units, which is equivalent to the output of a rich sulfur mine.

Thinking of the cave on the Death Realm side of the Plane Gate, Daliang then remembered that there was an army of elves hiding in the woods inside the cave.

This small force should clear them out immediately.

However, when Daliang led an army from the Dream Realm plane to the Death Kingdom plane, he discovered that the elven army had all gathered in front of the plane defense camp. It seemed that they were not here to attack.

what's going on?

Just when Da Liang was confused, the dwarf Hans walked into the camp with the hero who commanded this small elf army.

"My lord, I convinced Peter to surrender to us. This elven army is yours."

The dwarf Hans is a very special hero. He is very good at persuading others. He specializes in bewitchment and special intermediate diplomacy, which allowed him to successfully persuade an elf army to surrender to Da Liang.

Only then did Da Liang notice that there was an Elf army in his Black Fire Leader army.

200 centaur captains, 100 combat dwarves, 30 great elf archers, 30 silver pegasus knights, and three deadwood warriors.

There are also 1,000 elves (first-level elves)

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

Kill: 00-00

HP: 20

Specialty of the unit: Natural magic (they are not aggressive, but have the magic to transform any environment into a environment suitable for the survival of natural creatures) to accelerate growth.

Transform the environment!

Look at this green cave. In the environment of this dark cave and the kingdom of death, they actually allowed them to grow flowers, plants and trees, and it was full of vitality. Daliang originally thought that this was the influence of the magical realm on this place, but he didn't expect that it was this kind of elf that did it.

It's really a bit outrageous.

Good stuff, but where are these elves? It stands to reason that when the elven army surrenders, they should also come out with it.

After careful searching, Da Liang finally found these 1,000 elves.

They are really elves. They look like elves but are only the size of a finger. They have a pair of thin wings similar to dragonflies behind them. They are really inconspicuous among the elves' army.

They are small in size and have zero attack and defense, so there is no need to consider them in battle. But in Daliang's eyes, elves are definitely a strategic unit for the elves, especially when fighting against the kingdom of death across dimensions.

The biggest disadvantage of the elves against the undead is that they need logistical support. All living creatures need to eat, and the realm of death is too barren. To fight here, the elves must transport food here from the Dream Realm across planes. Not to mention the cost of plane transfer, the cumbersome logistics line also makes it difficult for the elves' armies to deeply attack the hinterland of the Kingdom of Death.

The elves solved the food problem of the elves' interdimensional war.

As long as they bring the elves with them, they can transform the environment of the Kingdom of Death while occupying it. They can build oases to provide rest and restore morale for the elves, and they can also produce the food needed by the elven army, so that the elves have the ability to fight in the kingdom of death for a long time.

Just like this cave, it has been transformed into an environment suitable for the survival of elves. As long as they are given time, they can completely transform the entire Forgotten Hills into this. At that time, this place will become the forward base for the elves to attack the Kingdom of Death.

This is the role of elves.

Originally, strategic units like this without combat effectiveness would be quickly evacuated when faced with danger. As a result, Da Liang directly started fighting in the dreamland, blocking the escape route of this elf army. Now the Black Fire Leader has completely To control this place, they had to surrender to the Black Fire Leader together.

After seeing the attributes of the elves, Daliang immediately thought of the effects of these elves on him.

The Pope of the Unsullied Holy See, the elder of the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild, the owner of Destiny Manor and Snowfield Manor, and his various identities allow Daliang to control the foggy area of ​​Sighing City on the surface. But his rule is not very strong. Most residents just don't oppose him for some reasons, and they are still far from being obedient.

As a member of the Immaculate Holy See and the Wizards Guild, he has a high status but little real power. Both parties can take his hat off at any time. The basis for establishing a firm foothold in the Mist District is the support of the residents of the Mist District.

The residents of the foggy area do not object to Da Liang for the time being, mainly because he has money and can provide them with some normal and delicious food from time to time.

But war is more expensive than showing off wealth and fooling people. The damaged light ballistas, artillery, and barrels of gunpowder barrels were all bought with money. Fortresses are built with money, and the weapons used by soldiers belong to soldiers. Ordnance, if damaged, needs to be replenished.

There are also various odds and ends expenses, damage to vehicles, siege equipment, short spears and various consumable items.

Daliang made a rough estimate and found that the cost of this battlefield from preparation to completion was only a little more than 1.5 million gold coins.

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