Start with an Archangel

Chapter 425 Elf Hero

War costs money, and the larger the territory, the more money is spent.

The turbulent inventory was in urgent need of replenishment. With the construction of the territory and two fortresses, Daliang found out why he couldn't help but fiddle with the 5 million gold coins given by Marquis Stanley.

After all the expenses and budget were cut out, not much was left.

It's good to be able to keep Destiny Manor running and continue to show off. Daliang doesn't have the ability to continue to entertain the residents of the foggy area. Plane teleportation requires the consumption of rare resources, which are more valuable than gold coins. But there is no benefit. Will these villains in the foggy area still be honest?

Opening an alchemy factory in the Mist District is the first step for Daliang to take root here. There is sufficient labor here. Being Daliang's employee can deepen his relationship with the residents of the Mist District. The damage to Daliang's interests will directly affect the income of the residents of the Mist District.

Making the people here rich is the first step for Daliang to control this place. Common interests will naturally bring people together.

But in the Mist Zone or the Kingdom of Death, having money does not mean you can buy what you want, especially food.

Due to the environment of the Kingdom of Death, delicious food is a luxury here. If the residents of the foggy area make money but find that their living standards have not improved much, other problems are likely to arise.

Therefore, the supply of normal food is the second thing that Daliang needs to solve.

Regarding this problem, Daliang plans to solve it through plane teleportation and importing a large amount of food from the main world. However, the cost of plane transfer is really high, and large and frequent food transportation may also be found by people along the way to the burial ground.

There are too many secrets in the Bone Burial Ground, and Daliang doesn't want to expose them.

The group of elves that have been recruited now have perfectly solved the problems faced by Daliang.

With elves, food can be produced in Forgotten Dunes. The cost of food is controlled and there is no need to worry about exposing the source of the food.

I'm jealous of the little elf I caught with my own skills... The portal is inside, so catch it yourself.

It's like losing something and gaining something. The plane portal side suffered a huge loss, but the plane portal side made back its money.

Daliang's mood instantly improved, and he also admired the surrendered elf hero.

If this guy fights to the end, these elves will probably be buried with him.


Great Elf Archer (Elf Level 6)

Attack: 9

Defense: 5

Kill: 30-50

HP: 150

Characteristics of the unit: Two consecutive shots

Hero Unit: Level 34

Attack: 47

Defense: 36

Intelligence: 38

Knowledge: 35

Hero specialty: Elf (elf work efficiency increased by 15%, summoning elves: Intelligence × 1.5 elves can be summoned every day)

Heroic skills: advanced water magic, intermediate logistics, intermediate pathfinding, intermediate reconnaissance...


Baby! baby!

After seeing the hero's specialty: elf, Da Liang didn't look any further because the skills below were no longer important. With this heroic specialty alone, Daliang would treat the great elf Peter as a treasure.

Elves are a strategic unit, and those who can summon elves must be strategic heroes.

Da Liang didn't know if the food produced by 1,000 elves could meet all the needs of the residents in the foggy area, but the continuously growing number of elves could definitely do it.

It's just food, the extra grain can be used to make wine and raise livestock in the oasis.

The Mist District will become a rich city due to the rich variety of food and the wealth brought by the alchemy factory.

Then these good foundations of life will attract living creatures who are wandering in the kingdom of death. They need delicious food and material comforts. The increase in population will bring prosperity to business, and the Mist Zone will become stronger and stronger, and Daliang, who controls the source of food, will completely own this place without any title.

The role of the great elf Peter is really great. His current intelligence is 38 and he can summon 57 elves every day. The quantity is not small, but it is not enough for the urgent food needs in the foggy area.

Daliang first selected some hero equipment that increased intelligence from the equipment in the package, and piled Peter's intelligence to 50, so that he could summon 75 elves every day.

Ten days 750

One hundred days 7500

Hahahaha... I want to be a food tycoon in the country of death.

Let Peter continue to command his elven forces and garrison them in this cave. The task given by Daliang to this unit is to transform as much of the environment here as possible, starting from the cave and extending to the outside, converting green space, planting trees, and growing food.

In addition, Daliang plans to purchase a group of elven soldiers through Xu Man's Yunxiao Territory, and organize them all under Peter's command to strengthen the defense here, speed up the food output here, and meet the needs of the foggy area as soon as possible.

The unexpected harvest opened up Daliang's imagination. He told Peter about the types of food: grains, rice, fruits and vegetables. If possible, he would also need to raise some livestock. If he was able, he would also make wine, Make honey.

While talking, Daliang suddenly remembered that Peter originally belonged to the hero of the elf city opposite the plane portal, so he should have some knowledge of that city's information.

Daliang knew that the elf city had the ability to teleport large-scale troops, which was a great threat to his army. And the elf commander who fought with Juliet for such a long time must also be an incredibly strong hero.

These threats are what the Blackfire Army will encounter in the future.

Since he surrendered, Peter is the hero of the Blackfire Leader camp. After what he told, Da Liang had a general understanding of the forest in the dreamland opposite the plane portal.

The Dreamland is the base camp of the elves. It is a forest as vast as the sea, with only a few grasslands and wetlands.

The seven Elf Kings (level 16) rule the Dreamland. They have their own city-states. Each city-state has a large number of elven lords attached to it, forming seven powerful forces.

What Daliang encountered across the plane portal was Palm Tree City, an eighth-level city. Although the level of this city is not high, the discovery of the portal leading to the realm of death has suddenly increased the strategic status of Palm Tree City.

The other side of this plane portal is the Forgotten Hills. The terrain can be attacked or defended. It is close to the City of Sighs, allowing the elven army to quickly attack this city directly under the Sad Lord.

Before the undead discovered this plane portal, Palm Tree City sent troops to occupy the plane portal, then occupied the Forgotten Hill, and controlled the Forgotten City, the exit of the Forgotten Hill.

At the same time, he reported the situation here to the Royal City to which Palm Tree City was attached.

Bauhinia City.

Bauhinia City also sent a general to assist Palm Tree City in controlling this plane portal.

This general was also the commander who commanded the elven army to attack the Black Fire Territory last night. His name is Ibili.

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