Start with an Archangel

Chapter 426 Information about Palm Tree City

The strategic location of this gate is indeed very important.

Since it is so important, Daliang is really worried that Bauhinia City will send a stronger army to rob it. If the elves really send dozens of golden dragons, then the Forward Fortress really cannot be defended.

But what puzzles Daliang is why Bauhinia Flower City only sent a general instead of a powerful army?

Regarding Daliang's doubts, Peter replied: "It is this plane portal that is too close to the City of Sighs that makes Bauhinia City very hesitant. They are afraid that if the elves deploy heavy troops here, it will cause tension in the City of Sighs, and then trigger two A full-scale war has begun.

Moreover, Palm Tree City is on the outskirts of Bauhinia City's circle of influence, and the Royal City is really far away from here. Even a unicorn would need half a month to get here. "

When Peter said this, Daliang understood.

Just like NATO's eastward expansion, if the Americans deploy heavy troops at Russia's doorstep, Russia will definitely be unwilling to do so.

I can tolerate a small fight, but if you dare to send a few main armored divisions to the border, if you are not careful, it will be a full-scale war.

Moreover, there is not that big a difference in strength between the Kingdom of Death and the Realm of Dreams, and the undead won't care too much about it. They can do it as soon as they take off their clothes. Therefore, during the period of total war, this gate to the plane is very important. During the period of peace, it is actually a bit useless for the dreamland.

Moreover, Palm Tree City is too far away from Bauhinia City. Since there is no plan to start a full-scale war with the Kingdom of Death, there is really no point in traveling so far to put a sensitive army here.

Therefore, Bauhinia City only sent one general to garrison here, and then placed a small force in Forgotten City to quietly transform the environment of the Forgotten Hill area.

Through the information Peter said, Daliang knew that he did not need to worry about provoking an Elf King City to attack for the time being. He only needed to deal with the Palm Tree City next to him.

Of course, don't be too arrogant. If Bauhinia City really thinks that the invading army here is very dangerous, it probably won't mind sending an army to destroy the forward fortress.

After all, the dreamland is not afraid of the kingdom of death.

Keep a low profile. Before you have the strength to expand in the dreamland, you must keep a low profile.

"Palm Tree City can teleport armies on a large scale over long distances. Which hero has this ability?"

Da Liang then asked another question. Compared with the distant Bauhinia City, the ability possessed by Palm Tree City, which is just around the corner, is more threatening to the Black Fire Leader.

Soon Daliang also gave the answer to this question in Peter's mouth.

The long-distance and large-scale teleportation magic is not the ability of any hero, but an ancient tree of wisdom in Palm Tree City.

These wisdom trees that have existed since ancient times are very rare, but they always have some special abilities. They may be able to produce some special elven species, or they can increase the experience of visiting heroes. This ancient wisdom tree in Palm Tree City Trees have the function of spatial transmission.

Within a 17-kilometer range centered on Palm Tree City, he can open a teleportation gate to allow people and materials to pass through and reach any place within the teleportation range.

The reason why the elves' army was not teleported directly up the mountain was because the hill was just outside the teleportation range of the Ancient Tree of Wisdom. Otherwise, the elves' army would have come out directly on the mountain.

As for the ability of the Ancient Tree of Wisdom to transfer Juliet away, Peter didn't know. Palm Tree City had not been attacked by foreign enemies for a long time. In peacetime, his elf's heroic specialty seems to have little effect in the dreamland, and his status in Palm Tree City is naturally not high.

Peter didn't know, but Daliang, who had some knowledge of space magic, could also guess a little bit.

The difficulty of teleporting enemy troops is not even a little higher than that of teleporting friendly troops. Just seeing Daliang being chased by elves in the forest and setting fires everywhere, he did not encounter space magic teleportation. You can know that the ancient tree of space wisdom cannot be passed on to anyone who wants it. There must at least be a positioning process and a starting process.

For an enemy that moves randomly and irregularly, the Ancient Tree of Space Wisdom should not be able to capture and teleport it away casually.

As for Juliet... she and the elf general Ibili fought in a small area for such a long time. It should not be difficult to calculate the trajectory of the movement, lock it, and use the advance amount to teleport. After all, Juliet didn't know that she had been being stared at by an ancient tree of space wisdom.

Of course, these are all Da Liang's guesses. Anyway, as long as his army does not easily enter the 17 kilometers of Palm Tree City, they will not be attacked by the ancient trees of space wisdom. They only need to be careful to be careful of sneak attacks from the elven army.

There is no danger in the short term. Since Daliang has occupied this plane portal, he will not let it go easily. Moreover, this plane portal is also connected to his own planting base.

Whether you can mix in the Kingdom of Death in the future depends on how much food can be produced here.

The war in the Forgotten Hills ended. After Daliang left an army in the Forgotten City to occupy it, he returned to the foggy area.

It's time to look at the rewards for completing the mission this time.

"Very good, very good. After a defeat, those elves should be more at ease. I really can't believe that you did it so perfectly. You wiped out all the invading elves and didn't let any of them escape. Your army Your strength and tactical prowess surprised the Holy See. This battle was a brilliant victory. You will be the focus of my attention. Rest your army first. Next time you see me, there will be more difficult tasks waiting for you. you."

Fortunately, the task description can be expressed in words, and I don't need to say it directly. Otherwise, if I praise myself so much, I will be blushing no matter how thick-skinned I am.

The higher the task completion, the higher the evaluation, and naturally the higher the reward.

10,000 gold coins

Reputation of Sighing City +1000

Medium-sized crossbow drawings, medium-sized catapult drawings, herbal refining science, ore sorting science, furnace temperature increasing technology, stamping technology...

A series of technical drawings allowed each technical building of the Black Fire Leader to successfully climb the first-level technology tree.

In this way, the production level of Black Fire Leader has been improved, and it has also laid a technical foundation for the emergence of some high-end functional buildings.

Then there is the selection of level six architectural drawings.

Due to Daliang's outstanding performance in this territory mission, he can obtain three architectural drawings in this mission.

Da Liang took advantage of the fact that he was the task publisher to select three level six architectural drawings for himself.

Alchemy Research Institute: You can research and produce alchemical products. The types of alchemical products are related to the level of the alchemist who lives in the research institute. (30,000 gold, 20 stone, 20 wood, 10 fine iron... 2 crystals, 2 mercury, 2 sulfur, 2 gems, requires an alchemy material production workshop, a level 5 magic guild...)

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