Start with an Archangel

Chapter 429 Shangjiang Fleet

The Judgment fleet was also supplemented by several brigs of warships.

The current size of the ruling fleet in the mission area is 8 two-masted battleships, 117 single-masted battleships, and 47 auxiliary ships.

Compared with the King of Fighters fleet, the number of battleships is slightly inferior, but not significant.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, the Judgment Fleet is much higher than the King of Fighters fleet. On the surface, there is only an archangel, a frost dragon, and two level 14 ultimate creatures.

Air combat commander Broken Moon and Wu Meng Wing, who dominates the legion, are known as the two ace commanders in China. In terms of personal combat effectiveness, Broken Moon with angel wings is better than Wu Meng Wing, and his personal strength can be as good as 14 Comparable to Archangels.

The leader of the Judgment Legion is Liang Liang, with an impressive record.

Just relying on his personal fame triggered a huge melee involving more than ten game areas across the East Asian continent. Later, under the blockade of the entire China District leader, Lien Chan and Lian Jie single-handedly contributed to the situation where the China District lords were divided into north and south at sea.

It can be said that the Judgment Legion led by Daliang is one of the two most combat-effective legions in the Chinese game area, and is also a well-known legion in the entire game world.

The university alliance is the core of the Northern Lords Alliance in China, and the core of the university alliance is the Judgment Legion.

On the other hand, the Japanese game area is basically still in a melee stage similar to the Warring States Period. For the time being, there is no influential lord who can convince many lords to sit together.

Iori Yagami stood up to provoke the university alliance at this time, and his intention was obvious.

They just want to build their reputation domestically and internationally by stepping on the College Alliance and the Judgment Legion, and then integrate the Japanese game area.

Is it just the King of Fighters who has this strength?

Yagami knew that the High School Alliance would definitely send a ruling fleet to fight back, but he still dared to provoke.

Is it ignorance and fearlessness, or does it have ulterior motives?

Although he started to laugh at Iori Yagami for trying to attack a stone with an egg, it was always evil. After thinking about it carefully, Da Liang realized that things were not as simple as they appeared.

Let’s talk about everything first with the fleet.

Through the Judgment Legion channel, Da Liang issued an order: "The entire Judgment Fleet moves to the Tsushima Strait. The intelligence collection department contacted the Alliance's Intelligence Department and asked them to find ways to keep an eye on the movements of the territories in the Japanese game area and the Grand Guild fleet, especially Any movement of ships close to the territories surrounding the Tsushima Strait and large player organizations must be judged on the danger level.”

Daliang arranged this confrontation with the King of Fighters leader through the legion channel. This time he stayed away from Shangjiang and acted around the Japanese game area. The collection of intelligence about the Japanese game area was a top priority.

The Judgment Corps took action according to various instructions, and Julian, who was cruising at high speed, quickly arrived at the Shangjiang Fleet with Daliang.

The large fleet was spread out on the sea, and the large cloud sails could almost cover the sea. Battleships of all levels moved slowly on the sea like hills, and the three-masted battleships were divided into small fleets to escort around.

Angels and dragons hovered in a small area over the fleet. From time to time, large groups of griffins and Pegasus knights took off from the ships and flew towards the northern sea.

At the center of the entire fleet is an extremely large battleship, and the battleships beside it are like children. It is the "Oath", the flagship of the Shangjiang Fleet.

At this time, the sound of artillery could be vaguely heard from the northern sea, and the forward of the Shangjiang Fleet was already having a tentative exchange of fire with the forward of the Jeju Fleet.

The decisive battle has not yet begun. In order to save scarce resources, the "Oath" did not take off but floated at sea.

After revealing his identity, Da Liang successfully landed on the "Oath" and then met Joyce on the bridge.

"You're back." Joyce stood on the second floor and looked at the chart below. The staff was using models to demonstrate to her the positions and course changes of the enemy and our warships. After Da Liang came over, Joyce said hello casually, and then turned his attention to the chart again.

This battle is very important and there is no retreat.

Sangjiang City, which had just ended the civil strife, devoted all its support to this maritime battle with Jeju City. After winning, Shangjiang City continued to dominate the East China Sea and quickly regained its strength with the recovery of maritime trade. If they lose, Shangjiang City will be unable to build a fleet capable of competing for sea power in a short period of time. It will lose its dominance in the East China Sea and the situation in Shangjiang is likely to worsen.

Joyce could not afford to fail. .

"I'm back." Da Liang opened Joyce's wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, and hid a few more bottles. Then he looked at the two wine glasses and poured a glass for himself and Joyce. "It seems that I didn't It’s too late, my Black Fire Fleet is already on the way and should arrive in three days. How to fight depends on your orders.”

Joyce clinked their wine glasses with Daliang, took a sip and then said: "In a naval battle of this scale, the factors that determine the final victory are the fleet's tactical literacy and mutual cooperation. Now the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet have just completed their integration and continue to The confrontation here doesn't make much sense. If the decisive battle drags on for too long, the economic pressure on Shangjiang will increase. I plan to have a decisive battle with the Jeju Fleet as soon as possible. I'm afraid your Black Fire Fleet will not be able to participate in the early attack, so stay here first. Let's form a reserve team near the Oath."

The arrival time of the Black Fire Fleet was accurately determined by Da Liang. If you come early, you will definitely participate in the initial naval battle, which is also the most intense and casualty battle. Given the size of the Blackfire Fleet, there would probably be no scraps left after one round; there would be no point in arriving late and waiting for the outcome to be decided at sea. If you lose, you can only turn around and run. If you win, the friendly forces are already dividing the spoils. Of course, those who arrive late will stay where it is cooler.

The arrival time of the Black Fire Fleet was the moment when Joyce was preparing for the decisive battle. At this time, the attack plan had been made and the attack fleet had been deployed. The new fleet has not even been integrated into the command system. It will definitely not throw you into the battlefield casually, causing changes in the entire attack plan.

The Black Fire Fleet did not have the strength to make Joyce temporarily change the battle plan. Therefore, Joyce could only put aside the Black Fire Fleet and then decide how to use this fleet based on the direction of the war.

In other words, there was nothing going on with the Blackfire Fleet in the early stages of the decisive battle. Da Liang successfully avoided the disastrous early and even middle stages of the war, and then entered combat later in the war.

"No problem." Da Liang, who was very happy in his heart, drank the red wine in the glass in one sip, and then asked: "Isn't Holy Bella going to participate in this naval battle? She and her Holy Right Guard Angel are very powerful. If they are willing If you help, this war will be won."

Joyce said: "Holy Bella said that the Lord of Hell is still in Shangjiang City and she cannot move. However, Yunzhong City is willing to release the number of angels and archangels for us to hire. As long as we can pay the fee, we can hire unlimited numbers. Angels. The condition is... When Yunzhong City goes to war with Hell, Shangjiang City must stand on the side of justice and fully assist Yunzhong City in winning the war. seems that many black dragons and red dragons have been added to Jeju City. Each plane is strengthening its strength in the main plane. It seems that the situation is getting more and more out of control. "

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