Start with an Archangel

Chapter 430 Iori Temple

It has been a long time since the Hell Lord King escaped from prison, but no Hell Lord King has been arrested again.

Especially Satan, the guy who gave both Michael and Lucifer a headache is still missing.

Now that the news of the return of the five hell lords has gradually spread, the justice represented by Yunzhong City and the evil represented by hell are likely to start a war again. Like previous wars, no race can stay out of this war. Preparing for war is a must, and the more prepared you are, the better.

Therefore, the main world with its huge land, population, and resources was targeted by all major planes.

The base camps of various races have successively announced that they will no longer limit the number of employees of their race’s ultimate creatures in the main plane’s main city.

By providing ultimate creatures to the home plane, the stronghold can gain funds, rare resources, and influence.

Then when the war actually breaks out, the main plane can also provide the soldiers needed for the war.

However, even if the base camp opens restrictions on the recruitment of ultimate creatures, the rare resources required to hire ultimate creatures make it impossible for each main city to hire them at will.

Shangjiang City only hired 8 archangels and 16 angels, plus 7 archangels and 14 angels sent by King Howard, and 3 golden dragons and 6 green dragons sent by Archduke Joshua.

The ultimate creatures that Joyce can now command are 15 archangels, 30 angels, 3 golden dragons, and 6 green dragons.

As for the ultimate creatures of the Jeju Fleet, the Shangjiang Fleet currently has 20 black dragons, 40 red dragons, 2 ghost dragons, and 2 Titans.

Regardless of the number of ultimate creatures and the size of the fleet, the Jeju fleet is slightly better, but it is not an overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, the Archangel is very excellent in terms of comprehensive abilities. Bartlett, the commander of the ultimate creature, has been following King Howard in battles. Regardless of war experience or combat effectiveness, he cannot be underestimated.

In addition, all the Jeju sailing players that the player fleet fought were huddled in the port, and the harassment of the rear of the Jeju fleet also greatly reduced part of the combat effectiveness of the Jeju fleet.

Therefore, Joyce, who had already clenched his fists and finished accumulating power, was still very confident in this war.

Joyce is confident of winning, so Daliang can just pick the fruits behind.

"Lord Marquis, I wish you victory!"

After seeing the war deployment of the Shangjiang Fleet and arranging for the Black Fire Fleet to enter the command sequence of the Shangjiang Fleet, Da Liang quickly rushed to his Judgment Fleet.

At the beginning of the large-scale maritime hegemony plot between the Sangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet, the Judgment Fleet has been performing legion missions issued by the Pudong Fleet near Jeju Island.

Therefore, when Daliang ordered the Judgment Fleet to sail to the Tsushima Strait, the fleet was less than a day away from the Tsushima Strait.

Da Liang landed on the flagship "Dolphin" of the Judgment Fleet.

The ruling fleet has passed through the eastern waters of Jeju Island and continues to approach the Tsushima Strait.

After entering the captain's room, Daliang immediately contacted the backend data support staff: "How much intelligence have been collected about the King of Fighters fleet? If you dare to challenge our ruling fleet, Iori Yagami must have the ultimate creature in his hands. Have you confirmed the number and race?"

The backstage staff immediately transmitted the intelligence they had just collected.

Iori Yagami: An orc player, the territorial power belongs to the academic school, and the name of the territory is called the King of Fighters Territory. It has a large player guild under its jurisdiction, and its main legion is the King of Fighters legion.

The ultimate creature can be sure to have a Titan, and it is suspected that an Archangel was purchased not long ago.

Iori Yagami may have a social background in Japan. Someone revealed online that he seemed to have used less than honorable means to buy Archangel.

Player territories in the heroic world are very rare, which means that the territories themselves are of immeasurable value. Since Feishauzushi set the precedent of selling the naming rights of the territory, subsequent lords will basically sell the name of the territory in exchange for start-up funds for the development of the territory.

As for the territory that is named according to one's own wishes, if it is not like Daliang wants to develop it secretly, or the lord himself is very rich and does not care about the naming fee.

The King of Fighters leader of Iori Yagami is obviously the latter.

A guy who thinks he is a ruthless guy, but just because you can do it in Japan doesn't mean you can do it all over the world.

This time, I will teach you how to recognize the gap and your strength. You are the boss on a small island, but when you go out to sea, your uncle will always be your boss...

At first, Daliang thought that Iori Yagami had some great trump card for daring to provoke the high school alliance, but now it seems that he should be the second B who doesn't know his last name after getting two ultimate creatures.

The ultimate creatures that Daliang killed could not beat each other with one hand. Naturally, he knew that the strength gap between different ultimate creatures was very large. But in the eyes of ordinary players who have just come into contact with ultimate creatures, one level 14 soldier can conquer the world, and two can conquer the world violently.

Now that Iori Yagami has two ultimate level 14 creatures in his hands, his heart naturally wanders.

Titan is the ultimate creature of the Academy. It is the only long-range unit among level 14 creatures and is equally powerful in melee combat. The only drawback is that he can't fly, and of course you can't let him fly, otherwise it would be too perverted.

Archangels are the ultimate creatures of the human race, and their comprehensive strength is undoubtedly the first among many ultimate creatures.

One is long-distance, the other is flight, and they learn from each other's strengths to support each other. This is probably what Yagami-an relies on to teach the high school alliance.

It's just that the ship carrying the Titan is too rubbish, a two-masted battleship...

If the two-masted battleship carrying the Titan was sunk, the Titan would not be able to swim up if it fell into the water, and salvage from the seabed hundreds of meters away would not be easy.

Therefore, the Titan's weakness is the brig that carries him.

As for the archangel in Yagami'an's hands, players who didn't realize it had an archangel in their hands that could defeat Julian.

Neither of the two level 14 ultimate creatures in the King of Fighters fleet can pose a threat to the Judgment fleet. In the aerial confrontation, Daliang had great confidence in Shu Xiao.

As long as air superiority can be obtained quickly, naval battles will be relatively easy.

As long as Iori Yagami dares to exit the Sea of ​​Japan from the Tsushima Strait, Dai Liang is confident that he will destroy his King of Fighters fleet within a few hours.

Of course, the Judgment Fleet is a guest force, and the Tsushima Strait is within the Japanese Game Zone's sphere of influence. Da Liang is fighting the King of Fighters fleet here, and needs to know the reactions of the major player groups and guilds in the surrounding Japanese Game Zone in a timely manner.

If the Judgment Fleet fights against the King of Fighters fleet at the doorstep of the Japanese game zone to arouse Japanese players' hatred of each other, Da Liang will of course have to run away in time. No matter how good he is, he will not be able to defeat ten of them.

Unless the Blackfire Fleet is here.

However, the Black Fire Fleet followed the Shangjiang Fleet and moved to fight the Japanese players. It was a matter of giving up one's strengths and taking advantage of the weak. It was the Black Fire Fleet's job to gain benefits from the war. Moreover, Da Liang also wanted to keep a secret and did not intend to publicly expose his private fleet. In the future, whether it was against Shi Fei or other powerful enemies, a surprise attack would definitely have an unexpected effect.

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