Vietnam in general.

Hu Liangcai stood in front of the office window, looking at the ocean not far away, and lit a cigarette for himself.

Now that the external market is stabilizing, a company needs to invest a lot of money in every step of development, and these investments may not make the company profitable. If you are not careful, a large number of customers and resources will be swallowed up by competitors and emerging dark horses.

As a global high-virtual game, Hero World has a very broad market space. The game is full of unexplored wasteland, and one investment can easily be exchanged for ten times in return. Hu Liangcai was very fortunate to be able to focus the company's business on the heroic world in the first place. The early investment allowed him to defeat many competitors and receive the first territory in the Vietnamese game area.

G7 Leader, with Hu Liangcai’s unremitting investment, has maintained its development speed at the forefront of the world. The benefit gained was that Hu Liangcai became a leader in the gaming area in Vietnam. His fame and strength allowed Hu Liangcai's business inside and outside the game to expand smoothly, and his investment quickly began to flow back, and he began to realize profits.

As a man from the shipping industry, Hu Liangcai certainly knows how much wealth there is in the ocean. If G7 wants to become a world-class territory, it must enter the ocean.

However, at the door of the G7 leader's house lies this guy who makes all the players and lords in the game look up to him.

Feishaozushi and his dragon star collar.

It's so powerful that you don't have the courage to resist.

It can be said that as long as the Dragon Breath Leader is there, the G7 Leader will always be a foil. If you cannot grab the resources at sea, you will not be able to go out to the ocean.

Over time, the G7 territory can only be reduced to a second- or third-rate territory.

But so what, it’s not like Hu Liangcai has never fought against flying sand and stones. The great navigation guilds in Southeast Asia have all had conflicts with the Dominator Legion, and none of them can win.

The disparity in strength is unacceptable.

However, the Japanese sitting on the sofa in the office now gave Hu Liangcai a chance to defeat Feishauzushi.

Defeat Feishanzushi and his master fleet, and dominate the South China Sea.

This temptation constantly stimulated Hu Liangcai's ambition, but "Can I do it?"

"Mr. Hu, how do you think about my suggestion?"

The speaker is the Japanese sitting on the sofa. He looks like a man in his twenties, wears a pair of glasses, has a delicate appearance, and always has a faint smile on his face. He seems to be smiling very friendly, but he always looks friendly. It gives people a gloomy feeling.

The all-out attack on the Dominator Army was of great importance, and Hu Liangcai did not dare to make a choice easily. He said: "Tokugawa... Since you refuse to reveal your real name, I will call you Mr. Tokugawa. As someone who studied under Boss Fei Lord, we all know that Boss Fei is a very good gamer.

When we just started upgrading the level 6 territory, his Dragon Star Territory had already started building the level 6 territory.

I think you have also entered the Kingdom of Death, the base camp of the undead, and have some understanding of the difficulty of territory construction tasks. You should know that it is difficult to gain a foothold in the base camps of all races, and it is not easy to obtain territory construction drawings.

When Feibo was doing tasks in the dreamland, he used his energy to suppress us Southeast Asian lords from going to sea. If you don't show your due sincerity and strength, I will not take the risk of breaking with Feibo. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga sat there comfortably and replied: "Boss Fei is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he is still a human being. In the war with the college alliance, didn't he lose half of the Chinese game area? Boss Fei and The Overlord Legion is not invincible, what we lack is courage and determination. As long as you, the Southeast Asian maritime lords and the Grand Guild, are willing to unite, you will have the strength to defeat Boss Fei.

My coming to Vietnam this time is to bring you courage.

In the north, we will launch a full-scale attack on the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area, and the entire Japanese game area and Korean game area will participate. The reason why Chinese players are so arrogant now and dare to sail their ships to our coastal waters is that they have many people and ships, while we are doing our own thing and killing each other. But if we join together, we will find that we are the rulers of this ocean.

Mr. Hu, our victory in the north will have no meaning without your victory in the south. I hope you can lead the lords in Southeast Asia to stand up against the hegemonic behavior of the Chinese game area, and let them know that 'if you don't commit suicide, you will not die, and you will eventually have to pay back if you come out to mess around.' "

The Japanese Game Zone and the Korean Game Zone are going to take action against the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone. This is indeed exciting news. Hu Liangcai asked: "Have you contacted all the lords of the Japanese Game Zone and the Korean Game Zone? They all Do you agree to send troops to join the war?"

"Of course not." Tokugawa Nobunaga stood up and stood together with Hu Liangcai, looking at the ocean outside: "Boss Fei has a half-moon cat under his command. I think Mr. Hu should have learned about the intelligence gathering ability of this cat lady. , too many people know that it will only make Boss Fei notice our little moves. There are less than ten lords and presidents who know about this plan, and I personally came to contact them all to ensure that before we take action, Boss Fei will not know anything about it. information."

Hu Liangcai frowned and said, "Less than ten lords and presidents are participating? Do you think these people can defeat the lords alliance in China?"

"Of course not... We are just a trigger. You know that the behavior of Chinese players has caused great public outrage throughout East Asia. The northern lords of China have forced Korean players not to go to sea. In our Japanese games They robbed gold mines offshore and attacked our ships. The two players in our game area reached the limit of endurance.

There is only one opportunity left for a war that will affect the entire East Asian sea.

In the north, we have surrounded the Judgment Fleet of the College Alliance. The leader of the Judgment Legion, Da Liang, is an iconic player in the Chinese game area. The victory of destroying the Judgment Fleet and killing Da Liang can put the war mood among players in the Korean and Japanese game areas. Totally inspired.

At that time, do you think the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese region can block the full-scale attack from our two game regions? "

"You surrounded the Judgment Fleet? Iori Yagami was also involved in your plan?"

Hu Liangcai immediately thought of the battle that was about to take place in the southern waters of the Tsushima Strait. Japan's Yagami King of Fighters fleet faced China's Daliang Judgment Fleet. Everyone thought that this battle was the fanatic Yagami's overestimation of his capabilities to challenge Daliang.

Who is Daliang?

He continuously defeated the world's No. 1 Feishanzoushi. Although Feishanzoushi fought as an away force in several battles and did not put in all his strength, it is undeniable that Daliang defeated Feishanzoushi twice and killed one of his golden dragons.

Daliang's strength is very strong, and the Judgment Corps that the College Alliance has worked hard to build also displays very strong combat effectiveness.

And Yagami-an can only be regarded as the number one bastard in the Japanese game area. If the King of Fighters fleet really dares to fight against the Judgment fleet, it will only be asking for humiliation.

In the context of the naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet, the battle between the King of Fighters Fleet and the Judgment Fleet was somewhat inconspicuous, and there was no suspense about the outcome. Therefore, Hu Liangcai did not take this battle to heart, but now he did not expect that all this turned out to be a conspiracy against Daliang and the Judgment Fleet.

Tokugawa Nobunaga smiled and said: "How dare I tell Yagami-an that second grader such an important thing? I just provided him with information about an archangel, and then inspired him to come forward to provoke the high school alliance. To deal with the King of Fighters fleet, Why should the University Alliance send out the main force of the Judgment Fleet? As long as the Judgment Fleet approaches the Tsushima Strait, the lords of the Korean game area and I can encircle them, eventually triggering the Great Battle of East Asia.

How about it? Mr. Hu.

Come join in and kill the Overlord Fleet. With our support, all of Southeast Asia is yours. "

The whole of Southeast Asia is mine!

This was the goal Hu Liangcai set for himself on the first day of the Hero World public beta. However, the rapid rise of Feishauzushi in the South China Sea has turned this goal into a delusion.

Now, this goal is placed in front of him again, as long as he can lead this southeastern sea battle against the Southern Lords Alliance in China and win.

Who in Southeast Asia will be his opponent?

But what if it fails?

Hu Liangcai said: "Feishauzushi promised to sell me a batch of two-masted battleships, which shows that his ship designers have the ability to design two-masted battleships. If we cannot quickly eliminate his main force and attack his territory, we will probably He counterattacked."

"Don't worry, Mr. Hu, I also have the ability to independently design a two-masted battleship. As long as you are willing to stand up and resist Boss Fei, I can openly supply you with the two-masted battleship drawings. And once your battle with the Southern China Lords Alliance becomes tense, we will After solving their Northern Lords Alliance, they will immediately take the fleet south to support you.

I have said that as long as we, the maritime countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia, join forces, no one in the world can be our opponent. We should take a long-term view. The Chinese game area is just a stumbling block for us. If we move away from them, our journey will be to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. "

The blueprint Hu Liangcai planned for himself reappeared in his mind. After thinking twice, he said: "When will you attack the Judgment Fleet?"

"Right now!"

Hu Liangcai threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground and said: "It's done, as long as you attack the Judgment Fleet. I immediately ordered my fleet to block the retreat of the Dominion Fleet, and then sent a message to the World Channel to call on the entire Southeast Asia to resist the Chinese Game Zone The hegemonic behavior. The lords of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are already in tandem, and you will respond immediately. I am responsible for the lords and president of the southern Vietnam to persuade them to join the war. As for those in the north, let them resist the land attack of Chinese players."

In the southern waters of Tsushima Strait, the Judgment Fleet has gained the upper hand. Investigation showed that the King of Fighters fleet was still running rampant on the sea like a headless fly.



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