Start with an Archangel

Chapter 436 Encirclement

The hunting northwest wind blew up layers of ripples on the sea surface. The Judgment Fleet quickly increased its speed in the tailwind, and soon exceeded the basic speed of the hull design. It formed an attack formation and sailed towards the King of Fighters fleet in the southeastern waters. .

Eight two-masted battleships, with the "Dolphin" as the leader, formed a line of battle. The other single-masted battleships were scattered around the main fleet in squadron units, serving as fast guerrilla fleets for attack and defense respectively.

After traveling a certain distance, the auxiliary fleet separates from the attack fleet and heads towards the sea due south. They will hide their position on the periphery of the battlefield and provide flying units and various logistical support to the attack fleet. Responsible for protecting and providing security services to the auxiliary fleet are eight single-masted battleships.

The Judgment attack fleet continued to approach the King of Fighters fleet at high speed, while the King of Fighters fleet, which did not release flying reconnaissance troops on a large scale, still maintained a cruising formation heading south. Iori Yagami was yelling all the way. It seemed that in his mind, war should be so full of passion.

The whereabouts of the King of Fighters fleet were completely in the hands of Daliang. The Judgment air combat troops in the auxiliary fleet had already taken off. Shu Xiao spread out her angel wings and flew at the forefront to guide the flight direction of the troops.

Ten flying formations formed a large formation and passed over the Judgment Fleet, flying towards the direction of the King of Fighters Fleet.

At this time, a man with angel wings spread out from behind and wearing full body armor landed next to Shu Xiao from a higher altitude.

"Attention, Judgment Air Combat Troops! Descend to a horizontal height of five meters. This time we use low-altitude raiding tactics to shorten the distance as much as possible before the King of Fighters fleet discovers us. When attacking, the 10th Squadron first throws a round of Plague Crawler to see The effect is that if the King of Fighters fleet's air defense is weak, we can directly use Plague Creepers to continuously bomb them; if it is against strong air defense, we can enter the airspace and fight with pressure, and cooperate with the attacking fleet to annihilate the enemy.

Do you all understand? "


Under the leadership of Shu Xiao, the Judgment air combat troops dived downward collectively, and then changed to level flight close to the sea level. The sparkling water on the sea effectively provided them with a layer of background protection.

The air combat units and surface attack groups of the Judgment Fleet were quickly approaching the King of Fighters fleet.

But Yagami An, the commander of the King of Fighters fleet, stood on the bridge of his flagship "Kusasakikyo" and continued to send regional messages arrogantly: "Hey, Daliang in the Chinese game area, I know you are in this sea area. Uncle, you are the one I want to kill all the way south. Aren’t you very powerful? Even the world’s number one flying sand and stone have been defeated by you. As long as I defeat you, I will be the number one in the world. Hurry up and report your coordinates, otherwise I will shout on the world channel. Just say 'Uncle' and I'll let you go."

Empty sea surface, empty regional channels, no discovery or response.

And just when Iori Yagami was about to continue scolding, he received a message from Tokugawa Nobunaga.

"Idiot, the Judgment Fleet is to the northwest of you. Now they have launched an attack on you. The air strike force is already on the way and will arrive at any time..."

Although Iori Yagami was arrogant, he was not stupid. After receiving the message from Tokugawa Nobunaga, he immediately ordered the fleet to change the battle formation, and then ordered the observation posts in the air to conduct reconnaissance to the southwest.

Sure enough, the investigators reported back before they flew too far: they found a large number of unidentified flying troops approaching, and there was a fleet approaching at high speed on the northwest sea.

"Preparing for battle, all air combat units took off to intercept the enemy's air combat personnel. The fleet turned to prepare for combat, the auxiliary fleet sailed eastward to leave the battlefield, and the Fifth Squadron protected the auxiliary fleet and left.

The Archangel takes off.

Note that the Judgment Legion has two flying units, Archangel and Frost Dragon. Do not leave the Titan's attack range during air combat. "

Iori Yagami quickly issued an order, and the King of Fighters fleet turned around and sailed southwest, aiming its broadside at the approaching Judgment Fleet.

The King of Fighters fleet quickly adjusted to a fighting posture and was immediately discovered by the high-altitude reconnaissance post arranged by the Judgment Fleet, and was then transferred to Da Liang's hands.

The information that the Judgment Air Combat Force discovered that the King of Fighters air combat troops were approaching was also reported to Daliang by Shu Xiao.


How can it be?

When the Judgment Fleet discovered the King of Fighters fleet and made tactical moves, Julian had been in charge of high-altitude security. The early warning personnel of the Judgment Air Combat Force were also responsible for reconnaissance of the airspace around the Judgment Fleet at high altitudes. There was an observation team in the background to carefully identify the high-altitude early warning personnel's instructions. With dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the high-definition video, and assisted by professional image processing software, even a bird flying across this sky will be discovered.

Surface reconnaissance is even more impossible. You can see clearly from the sky. If other ships are found around, the fleet will avoid them early. Moreover, Iori Yagami yelled on the regional channel, and the player's merchant ships and fishing boats had already escaped.

Watching the King of Fighters fleet take a fighting stance towards the northwest.

Daliang had to admit that he had been discovered. And looking at the panic of the King of Fighters fleet, it means that they discovered themselves at the last moment...

The naval combat literacy displayed by the King of Fighters fleet is very average, and the Judgment Fleet is completely inherited from the Pudong Fleet. Therefore, the Judgment Fleet has an asymmetric advantage in battlefield intelligence collection. At this time, Yagami'an was able to discover the Judgment Fleet at the most critical moment, which can only mean...

Someone tipped off Iori Yagami.

"Zhangyue, take your people and retreat immediately. Retreat immediately. There is probably an ambush here, an ambush targeting us."

Shu Xiao led the Judgment air combat unit and was about to encounter the King of Fighters air combat unit. After receiving Da Liang's order, she immediately commanded the Judgment air combat unit to retreat. Under the cover of Shu Xiao and Julian, the Judgment air combat force completed its overall turn and evacuated towards the Judgment fleet before being involved in the melee.

Facing Shu Xiao and Julian with their angel wings spread out, the King of Fighters air combat troops did not rush to pursue the retreating Judgment air combat troops, but instead issued a request for tactical instructions to Iori Yagami.

"Catch up. Don't fight them for the time being. Wait for the main fleet to arrive."

Iori Yagami knew that the Judgment Legion had an archangel and a frost dragon. There was only one archangel in his air combat force. Without the support of surface combat ships, once he caught up, he was likely to encounter a joint air and sea attack from the opponent.

Yagami'an was startled by the raid of the ruling fleet just now, and her arrogant heart couldn't help but be restrained. However, he still believed that in a head-on decisive battle, his subordinates who dared to fight and fight would definitely be able to defeat the Judgment Army, which only knew how to "hide its head and shrink its tail" and use "conspiracies".

"The position of the Judgment Fleet has been exposed, chase them! Kill them!"

The King of Fighters fleet turned around and chased after the Judgment Fleet.

Da Liang, who was in the captain's room of the "Dolphin", also quickly considered the situation he was encountering now.

How did Iori Yagami know his location?

Could it be that there is a spy in the Judgment Fleet who tipped off Iori Yagami?

In the game, confidentiality is a headache for any commander. Because players are all connected online, you have no idea who controls the game character. The low threshold and low constraints of online social networking also magnify people's bad qualities and lower their moral standards.

The university alliance is building a huge intelligence system with the help of inter-school relations and overseas students, so it naturally knows how easy it is for insiders to develop on the Internet. Also because of the requirement for confidentiality, the alliance rented a physical building as its headquarters. Important personnel had to sign contracts to work at the headquarters. As the most important military team of the alliance, the personnel of the Judgment Corps also concentrated in the building to work.

It can be said that Daliang was able to make a beautiful sneak attack on the Dongyue Territory, and the secrecy of the operation played a very big role in this war.

The personnel of the Judgment Corps will receive confidentiality training regularly to increase their awareness of confidentiality, but Daliang cannot guarantee that 100% of these people will not be bribed.

However, now judging the situation encountered by the fleet, the presence of traitors among the personnel is not the worst outcome. The betrayal of individual personnel cannot change the strength difference between the Judgment Fleet and the King of Fighters Fleet. In a head-on fight, the Judgment Fleet can still easily overwhelm the King of Fighters fleet.

What Daliang was afraid of was not internal problems, but also that the whereabouts of the Judgment Fleet had been watched by some people using special means. The Judgment Fleet was exposed to the eyes of some people from the very beginning.

If someone put so much effort into monitoring the Judgment Fleet, it must not only be to inform Iori Yagami.

This is a trap. Iori Yagami's King of Fighters fleet is just a bait that has been pushed out. If the Judgment Fleet bites this bait and is drawn into the battle by the King of Fighters fleet, then it will be the time for the fisherman to stop fishing.

Daliang still doesn't know what kind of situation he has encountered, but things should be prepared for the worst.

"Backstage, bring up the chart of the southern waters of the Tsushima Strait."

Since its establishment, the university alliance has asked top computer students to model and design a "marine monitoring system."

The main function of this system is to provide users with data on the entire sea surface through various channels, including detailed parameters of ships sailing at sea, changes in ocean currents, naval patrol routes, pirate-infested areas, price changes in various places...

After the entire system has been tested and perfected, it will be free for all sailing players to download and use.

In addition to the data in this system provided by internal personnel of the college alliance, those players who use it for free will also provide navigation videos to the data personnel in accordance with the use contract, making the system's data richer and more accurate.

As the person with the highest authority in this system, Daliang can see more things from above.

There seems to be something wrong with the navigation of these merchant ships coming from the south?

The great sea battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet, as well as the overwhelming maritime forces in the Chinese game area, cannot stop maritime players from being enthusiastic about maritime trade. The ocean is so big, and the battlefield is just an insignificant point in the vast sea. It only takes a little more time to get around it.

But there are some places that cannot be bypassed. The Tsushima Strait is the best route to enter the Sea of ​​Japan from the south, and the course of these merchant fleets is obviously not towards the Tsushima Strait.

Daliang made a map based on the routes and speeds of these merchant fleets, and the result was a fan-shaped encirclement of the Judgment Fleet.

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