Start with an Archangel

Chapter 437 Target Tsushima Strait

In order to prevent being plotted against, Daliang has always asked people to pay close attention to the movements of warships in the hands of surrounding player organizations. In order to gain prestige in the Japanese game area, the university alliance spared no effort in collecting intelligence on the Japanese game area, but everyone focused on the battleships and neglected to pay attention to the merchant ships.

Merchant ships are the largest number of ships on the ocean. Even with the intelligence collection capabilities of the University Alliance, it is impossible to conduct comprehensive monitoring of merchant ships at sea. In particular, it is close to the Tsushima Strait, the Chinese game area, the Japanese game area, the Korean game area, and the maritime trade between the Russian Far East and the Far East all passes through here.

There are so many ships like crucian carp crossing the river that they cannot be seen or checked.

Realizing that he might be being plotted, Daliang discovered a subtle difference in the "ocean monitoring system" and discovered that a siege network was unfolding towards the Judgment Fleet.

In terms of firepower and speed, merchant ships are no match for warships, but merchant ships can be equipped with air combat arms. The person who designed the ambush circle probably wanted the King of Fighters fleet to entangle the Judgment fleet and take the opportunity to use a large number of air combat units to launch an air attack on the Judgment fleet. As long as he could eliminate the Judgment air combat troops and then destroy the sails of the battleship, then he would use the artillery of merchant ships. The Judgment Fleet can also be annihilated.

Now that Daliang discovered this conspiracy against him in time and ruled that the fleet had not yet fallen into a naval battle, he had a chance to escape from this encirclement.

Retreat to the southwest…

The King of Fighters fleet located in the southeast has already rushed over. At this time, it will be intercepted by him if it goes south.

And since the other party has put so much effort into designing this ambush circle, they will never allow themselves to easily withdraw to join the Chinese maritime fleet.

As Daliang expected, the intelligence department of the College Alliance sent an urgent military message at this time.

"There are a large number of warships out to sea on Jeju Island in South Korea and the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, and they are sailing towards the southern waters of the Tsushima Strait."

"There are a large number of warships out to sea on Kyushu Island in the Japanese game area and sailing towards the southern waters of the Tsushima Strait."

Xu Man urgently contacted Daliang: "It seems that some major guilds and lords in Japan and South Korea have joined forces this time, but their positions are far away from the Judgment Fleet. You are now out of contact with the King of Fighters Fleet. You can completely rely on their Withdraw into the sea area under our control through the gap."

Daliang looked at the updated position of the enemy fleet on the chart. They were one day away from this sea area. If they only needed to get rid of the King of Fighters fleet, the Judgment Fleet could completely run out of the gaps in these enemy fleets.

But the Judgment Fleet is already in the game.

"I'm afraid we can't evacuate to the south or west now. This is an ambush targeting the Judgment Fleet. I found that more than a dozen merchant fleets have surrounded us. The air combat troops on these merchant ships and the King of Fighters fleet can drag us down. The attack fleet arriving at the outer perimeter has arrived.”

After hearing this, Xu Man asked worriedly: "What should we do? These warships all sailed out from the ports of the system cities without any flags. Even if I want to negotiate diplomatically, I don't know who to contact for the time being."

Daliang continued to look at the sea chart and said: "This seems to be a joint action of a small number of Japanese and Korean forces. Their power blocked my retreat to the west and south. To the east are the Japanese archipelago, and to the north are the Japanese islands. …”

"To the north is the Tsushima Strait, and through the Tsushima Strait is the Sea of ​​Japan. Surrounded by the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands, it is even more dangerous."

Daliang said: "It may be more dangerous, but they probably wouldn't have thought that I would run into the Sea of ​​Japan. Although it is a Jedi, the sea area is wide and easy to navigate. If they want to eliminate me, they will have to pay a higher price."

Xu Man could tell that Daliang was very pessimistic about this battle. He was leading the fleet to the Sea of ​​Japan in completely different directions. He basically had the idea of ​​​​killing one person would be enough to kill two and earn one.

"I think it is still very inappropriate for you to go to the Sea of ​​Japan. You can get in trouble with them first. I will send a fleet to pick you up immediately."

Daliang refused: "No need, I always feel that things are far from as simple as what we see now. I expected the players in the Japanese game area to surround me, but people from the Korean game area also participated. If they hadn't Are you not afraid of our revenge?"

"you mean……"

Before Xu Man finished speaking, news released by Tokugawa Nobunaga appeared on the World Channel.

"Friends from various game areas in East Asia and Southeast Asia, each of us is having a very bad time these days. The development of national financial barriers is actually a good thing. It allows our game areas to communicate more deeply and promotes the relationship between game areas and games. free trade between regions. However, instead of gaining more benefits when the country’s financial barriers were opened, we were bullied.

Take a look at what the players in the China Game Zone have been doing in the past few days. There are millions of soldiers on the border of the southeastern peninsula. The border line is useless to them, and they can rush over and plunder at any time.

In Southeast Asian waters, where are the warships in China? More than a dozen seaside territories and legion stations were bombarded by them, and all Southeast Asian sailing players were ordered to ‘no warships allowed to go to sea’.

The entire west coast of the Korean game zone is occupied by Chinese warships. Merchant ships and fishing boats must obtain the consent of Chinese players before they can pass through their own territorial waters.

Our Japanese game area is slightly better, but we are also threatened by heavy troops from Chinese sailing players. There is even a fleet that wants to attack our fleet in the territorial waters of the Japanese game area in the Tsushima Strait.

This is intolerable and absolutely intolerable.

Japan is an island country, and the ocean is our lifeline. If we can’t even protect our own territorial waters, how can we survive here?

wake up! My compatriots, put aside all internal fighting and fight against external invasion together. If we don’t fight at this time, we will see the Chinese waiting to drive us out of this game and occupy our land!

Now we, together with some friends from the Korean game area who are not willing to be humiliated, surrounded the Judgment Fleet that invaded Tsushima waters.

The Judgment Fleet, one of the two most powerful fleets in the Chinese game area, is about to be destroyed by us.

This is the first battle in the war against hegemony. This is a war for survival.

Get up and fight! Take back our oceans!

Fight! Drive out the invaders! "

Just after Tokugawa Nobunaga's speech, several Japanese game area lords and major guild leaders declared war on the Chinese game area on the World Channel.

The well-known boss of the Korean game zone declared war on the Chinese game zone on the World Channel.

Hu Liangcai, leader of the G7 in Vietnam, condemned the hegemony and bullying behavior of players in the Chinese game area in Southeast Asia on the World Channel, declared war on the Chinese game area, and called on the entire Southeast Asia to unite and agree to this anti-hegemony war.

The Indonesian Game Zone declared war on the Chinese Game Zone.

The Malaysian Game Zone declares war on the Chinese Game Zone.

the Philippines……



For a time, all the warships parked in ports in the entire Western Pacific sailed into the ocean.

The first great naval battle in East Asia began.

Xu Man, who was on the phone with Daliang, fell into silence as the World Channel kept declaring war on the screen. Daliang did not expect that the follow-up to his siege would be so generous.

The Judgment Fleet is now in the territorial waters of the Japanese game zone, and the national channel is filled with passionate Japanese players.

The Judgment Fleet is actually surrounded by us!

Onboard, long live the Japanese Navy.


Kill the Judgment Fleet! Kill Da Liang!

Tokugawa Nobunaga's speech released the tense hearts of players in various game areas, and the siege of the Judgment Fleet completely broke out the awareness of battle.

More and more lords and guilds in the Japanese game area declared war on the Chinese game area, and soon the entire game area was pulled onto the chariot.

On Daliang's chart, the coasts of the Japanese archipelago and the Korean Peninsula have been filled with red dots representing hostile warships. Every time he stays in this sea area, there is an additional threat.

"Order! The Judgment Fleet turns to sail towards the Tsushima Strait, and we will enter the Sea of ​​Japan for combat.

The auxiliary fleet is broken into pieces, lowers its flag and enters the Sea of ​​Japan through the Korean Strait. You are not the enemy's main target and will not be targeted. After you enter the Sea of ​​Japan, wait for orders to prepare to replenish the battle fleet.

Broken Moon, keep an eye on the King of Fighters fleet behind us. If they want to stop us in the air, fight back.

Each ship pays close attention to the surrounding situation. I suspect that someone is watching us nearby and find them.

Dear commanders of the Judgment Fleet, this time we are going to fight alone in the Sea of ​​Japan. Get your energy up and I will make a big fuss there. "

Under the order of Da Liang, the Judgment Fleet drew a circle on the sea and headed towards the Tsushima Strait.

To the southeast of the fleet, the King of Fighters fleet has shown a little shadow. Their air combat troops are flying behind the Judgment fleet. An archangel shows his true posture, with heavy armor all over his body, wings spread out, an angel sword in his hand, and an angel sword on his head. Wearing a hood looks mysterious and holy.

Julian also showed his archangel form, guarding the rear of the Judgment Fleet.

Iori Yagami stood on the bridge and observed the fleet ahead with a telescope, and murmured: "Archangel, Wyvern, Silver Pegasus, and Royal Griffin are truly the world's top air combat troops. Only opponents like this Combat can make my blood boil. Look, Tokugawa Nobunaga! Although your territory is developing at the fastest speed in the Japanese game area, the person who can fight best is me, Yagami An.

Only I am qualified to lead the Japanese game area! "

At this time, a private message from Tokugawa Nobunaga was sent: "Iori Yagami, now the Judgment Fleet is moving towards the Tsushima Strait. It seems that they want to enter the Sea of ​​Japan. The Sea of ​​Japan is too big. Once the Judgment Fleet enters, it will cost us to destroy them. Too many manpower and material resources. You must intercept the Judgment Fleet before they pass through the Tsushima Strait. I will arrange manpower to cooperate with you in the Tsushima Strait.

Remember, do not let the Judgment Fleet enter the Sea of ​​Japan under any circumstances. "

Yagami replied contemptuously: "Tokugawa Nobunaga, you are not qualified to order me. However, your idea of ​​​​annihilating the Judgment Fleet in the Tsushima Strait is the same as mine. Let your people block the Judgment Fleet and leave the rest to me. ”

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