Start with an Archangel

Chapter 438 Entering the Tsushima Strait

The players in the Korean game area who were stimulated, after major guilds and other game areas declared war on the Chinese game area, launched a comprehensive counterattack against the Chinese seafaring players parked in their own coastal waters.

The warships originally parked in the port came out, and the sky was filled with players riding flying creatures. In a short time, a war zone was lit near the coast of the Korean game area.

The sailing players in the Shangjiang area also suffered a counterattack from the Korean players in Jeju Island, and the two game areas were in full battle.

After the Japanese Game Zone declared war against the Chinese Game Zone, all major territories and guilds also dispatched their own main fleets. One day later, Japanese Game Zone warships supporting the Korean Peninsula maritime war will continue to arrive. At that time, the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area will be fully attacked by the two game areas, South Korea and Japan.

As the leader of the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone, Xu Man, the governor of the College Alliance, felt unprecedented pressure.

The war with Feishauzushi a few days ago was an internal war in the Chinese region, and the outcome only affected the participating lords.

The outbreak of the great sea war in East Asia is related to the national destiny of China's gaming area.

Once defeated, the Chinese game area will be blocked at sea by the encirclement formed by the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands. If the sea channel is controlled by others, it will encounter an economic cold winter. If you want to recover under the noses of the two major game areas, you can only surrender and slowly accumulate strength.

The Northern Lords Alliance suppressed the Korean game area just to prevent them from developing. At that time, I am afraid that Korean and Japanese players will use the same method to deal with the Chinese game area.

Therefore, when the bosses of the Japanese and Korean game areas successively declared war on the Chinese game area, Xu Man immediately ordered his own warships scattered on the sea to gather, and at the same time asked the northern lords and guilds of the Chinese area to build a large number of warships to Troops that can fly are concentrated on the coast, preparing to fight.

While busy with various contacts and issuing orders, Xu Man received the news that the Judgment Fleet was heading towards the Tsushima Strait.

Xu Man immediately connected to Daliang's communication: "Now the entire west coast of Japan Game Zone and the east coast of Korea Game Zone are all fleets heading south to prepare for the war. It is more dangerous for you to go to the Sea of ​​Japan now than to break out south. I will send a fleet to respond. You guys, it’s still too late for the ruling fleet to turn around.”

Da Liang did not order the fleet to turn. He replied: "At this time, any fleet coming to rescue us will be destined to die. Your task now is to concentrate all our current warships to withstand the first round of attacks from Korean and Japanese players. As long as you do not attack in the early stage, Being annihilated on a large scale can buy time for the rear to prepare for war. With the support of the rear, we can turn this naval battle into a protracted war and a war of attrition.

As long as we are not defeated, we will slowly retreat and shrink, shorten our defense line, and block the enemy from the mainland side of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.

Only in this way can this war continue.

In the Sea of ​​Japan, the ruling fleet had to go. Now there are fleets heading south on both sides of the Sea of ​​Japan. I used to make those lords and guilds dare not not put a group of left-behind warships in their territories and stations. Moreover, they also need a fleet of a certain size to encircle and suppress me. This can be effective. Reduce stress on your end. "

Yes, once the Judgment Fleet enters the Sea of ​​Japan. Anyone who had witnessed the bombing and shelling of Dongyue Territory would not dare to take them lightly.

It is necessary to place a group of fleets for defense in coastal territories and stations. It is also necessary to contain a large number of people and ships to find and annihilate the Judgment Fleet in the vast Sea of ​​Japan.

It can be said that as long as the ruling fleet successfully enters the Sea of ​​Japan, it will be like letting a wolf beside the bosses on the east coast of South Korea and the west coast of Japan.

You have to guard against them, and it’s hard to catch them.

As Daliang said, the entry of the Judgment Fleet into the Sea of ​​Japan can effectively relieve the pressure on the frontal battlefield. The longer the frontal battlefield persists, the more prepared the rear will be, and a war will not be a complete defeat.

Xu Man did not stop Daliang anymore, but asked: "What help do you need from me?"

"Supply. Although I asked the fleet's auxiliary ships to sneak across the Korean Strait, it is still unknown whether they can pass through. The ruling fleet needs constant supplies if it wants to stay in the Sea of ​​Japan for a long time. Cannonballs, gunpowder, supplies and flying units."

Xu Man said: "I will find a way for overseas students to solve the supplies."

"There are also ships. The warships lost in the battle also need to be replaced."

"I'll give them the blueprints, ask them to manufacture them nearby, and then find a way to send them to you along with the supplies."

Daliang took out a batch of two-masted battleship drawings and mailed them to Xu Man: "Let them build two-masted battleships..."

The Judgment Fleet marched towards the Tsushima Strait, with the King of Fighters fleet chasing closely a thousand meters behind. In order to intercept the Judgment Fleet, Iori Yagami also abandoned the slow auxiliary fleet and increased its speed to the highest speed.

On Da Liang's chart, the backend data personnel of the Judgment Corps continued to provide him with intelligence on the Tsushima Strait.

As the busiest strait in East Asia, hundreds of ships of all kinds pass through it every moment. There are giant merchant ships in system cities, and there are also small fishing boats in the hands of players.

The news that the Judgment Fleet was about to enter the Tsushima Strait had spread, and the players' ships immediately moved to both sides to avoid the central channel. There are also warships coming out from the ports on both sides of the Tsushima Strait in an attempt to block the Judgment Fleet here.

Anyone with any sense can see what kind of disaster it will cause if the Judgment Fleet is put into the Sea of ​​Japan. As long as they are not annihilated in time, the support for the East Asian naval battle around the Sea of ​​Japan will be discounted to a certain extent.

The warships responsible for blocking have already occupied the channel, and the ruling fleet continues to advance along the center line of the strait.

Any flying creature has a time limit for staying in the air. The lower the level, the shorter the time it takes to stay in the air. Passing through the middle of the strait can greatly reduce the danger in the air. Those flying units that take off from both sides of the strait have no problem flying here. Got strength.

The Judgment Fleet only needs to resist the flying troops that come with the ship.

As the Judgment Fleet began to enter the Tsushima Strait, the fleet information intercepted by the front was also passed on by intelligence personnel.

Two brigantine battleships, 80 single-mast battleships, and more battleships are on their way, especially those fleets heading south from the west coast of Honshu Island, Japan. If the delay in the Tsushima Strait is too long, the ruling fleet will You will encounter a steady stream of fleets heading south.

Da Liang walked out of the captain's cabin of the "Dolphin" and stood on the bridge. Now the fleet entered the Tsushima Strait from the southwest. The sea breeze from the northwest blew up the adjusted sails and drove the ship to move quickly. The bow of the ship broke through the water, and waves of waves hit the bow.

Behind the "Dolphin" are seven other two-masted battleships. The excellent quality of the sailors allows the ships to maintain a reasonable distance.

On both wings of the main fleet are squadrons of single-masted battleships. They are deployed in layers to defend each other's weak positions in each formation.

In the air, Shu Xiao's air combat troops firmly guarded the airspace above the fleet. At this time, air combat personnel from many places appeared in the surrounding sky. When the opponent did not attack, the air combat troops had no intention of driving them away.

In everything, the primary task is to protect the main force of the fleet passing through the Tsushima Strait.

Julian stood alone at the rear of the fleet, and she made the enemy's archangel really feel the pressure. Without the protection of the Titan, the archangel did not intend to face alone this fellow hero who was above him in both hero level and talent.

The King of Fighters fleet was chasing behind at full speed, and Yagami'an's shouting and scolding never stopped for a moment on the regional channel.

"Daliang, you coward..."

"Judgment whether the fleet dares to fight me..."



Daliang did not respond to any provocation, but issued combat orders to each squadron step by step, while keeping an eye on any changes on the charts.

"Legion Commander, we discovered that the guy following us is a ghost dragon."

The ghost dragon is a level 14 creature of the undead tribe. It does not need to breathe, and its body structure is suitable for swimming underwater for a long time. The underwater speed can keep up with the sailing of ships.

However, monitoring and providing detailed video information requires player cooperation.

A player with only his head exposed is indeed very inconspicuous on the sea. This is why the investigators of the Judgment Fleet did not discover him at first. When the investigators focused on the water, this player who had been following the fleet was It was found, and then the ghost dragon was also found.

Daliang glanced at the photos sent by the background data staff, and then said: "Keep surveillance, don't alert him for the time being, don't let him know that he has been discovered by us. The ruling fleet is about to engage the enemy, your data personnel will cooperate with this breakout war."

The data link connects the ships. Captains can clearly see various data of their own ships and friendly ships through the legion command system, including the hull condition, ship speed, gun angle, and command course. Air combat personnel can also view vulnerable areas of fleet air defense at any time and support any area as needed.

The command system of the Judgment Legion was in operation, adjusting the entire fleet into a perfect whole.

The scorching sun in the sky has risen to its highest point, and enemy air combat troops have surrounded it from all directions. The intercepting fleet has been revealed in the sea ahead. Under the leadership of two two-masted battleships, they formed a long line on the sea. Battle line.

All the gun doors were opened, and the dark muzzles were aimed at the approaching Judgment Fleet.

"Broken Moon holds the sky above the fleet. The fleet concentrates on breaking through from the center. All mages on board prepare your strongest attack spells. Once within range, release artillery to suppress the enemy."

The Judgment Fleet gathered tightly into a dense formation, and all casters on the battleship stood on high ground.

The fleet continued to move forward, and Daliang stood on the bridge pointing to the sky ahead.

"Magic released!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery roared, and the interceptor fleet fired a row of cannonballs at the charging Judgment fleet.

At the same time, various kinds of magic were released from the ships of the Judgment Fleet and flew towards the intercepting fleet.

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