Start with an Archangel

Chapter 447 The tiger sits on the dragon's plate

The course of the game has definitely changed a lot, but there are still a lot of things that cannot be changed. Although the outbreak of the East Asian naval war was beyond Shi Fei's expectation, and the dominant fleet was caught in layers of interception and pursuit, Shi Fei did not have much worry about the upcoming Southeast Asian naval war.

"I think it is good for us that Southeast Asia's gaming areas have declared war on China's gaming areas this time."


The Half-Moon Cat looked south to see the fleet that had been following the dominant fleet from a distance. The pursuers from the Malaysian game area followed closely, and more and more gathered. In the Paracel Islands, the Vietnam Game Zone is also gathering a fleet of maritime ships.

The Overlord Fleet is very powerful, but it is far away from the homeland. Once it is besieged, it will be a very difficult war.

Moreover, internationally, the "tyrannical behavior" of the Chinese game zone seems to have caused "public outrage". Some large organizations took the initiative to show goodwill to the Dominator Legion due to their reputation as a stumbling block, and also closed their ties with the Dominator Legion one-way.

At this time, the Chinese game area has been isolated from the outside world, and the Dominator Legion is not just facing Southeast Asia on the surface.

European and American forces also seem to hope that there will be one less powerful competitor at sea in the future.

Faced with Ban Yue Mao's question, Shi Fei seemed to be very interested in talking. He said: "The national war that broke out some time ago has made our players in China become inflated. We think that with more people, we can be invincible. Those who are in the golden war The lords who lost a lot of money in the war were actually a little excited by the excitement of this great war. Before the war, they all were obedient to me, and after the war they wanted to be on an equal footing with me. These lords were able to hold their territory under the gaze of the heroes. Those who have means and ambitions need to be coaxed to do whatever they want. If they are not allowed to take a beating and know their own worth, I am afraid that I will not be able to contain them in the future.

This naval battle in Southeast Asia can help me polish the temperament of these lords. When they are chased around like rabbits, they will naturally think of me.

As for this naval battle...

You can rest assured that monkeys are monkeys and they will never have the heart of a tiger. As long as our compatriots in the north can withstand the attacks of the Japanese and Korean game zones, no one in Southeast Asia will dare to fight with me.

Even if I try my best...I'm not afraid. "

"Northern battlefield?" Speaking of the East Asian battlefield, Half Moon Cat continued: "The Northern Lords Alliance has now established the East Asian Naval War Joint Command Center in Shangjiang. Currently, five territories and sixty-nine guilds have joined. They are transferring their data The platform is connected in series with university alliances to form a comprehensive command platform.

The fleet of the Northern Lords Alliance is retreating from the offshore waters of the Korean game area, and forms the Yellow Sea Fleet Group and the East China Sea Fleet Group with the supporting warships from the rear.

Players and guilds in the northern mainland also actively supported this naval battle.

The Japan-South Korea Combined Fleet Command Center was established in Tokyo, Japan this morning, and the commander-in-chief is Tokugawa Nobunaga..."

"Tokugawa Nobunaga..." Shi Fei repeated the name, the lord of the Blood Territory, the first territory in Japan. In the past life that Shi Fei remembered, he was a strong enemy in the Chinese game area. He directly participated in or led several East Asian maritime battles. He was a very smart and skillful guy. "In the lord section, this person is very good at thinking and asking questions, and maintains very good relations with many lords. If the Japanese and Korean combined fleets are under his command, the East Asia naval battle in the north will not be easy to fight. Doesn't he mean that he has surrounded Da Liang? and his Judgment Fleet, is the battle over now?”

Banyue Mao immediately looked at the intelligence update, and then said with a strange expression: "According to the latest intelligence, the Judgment Fleet has entered the Sea of ​​Japan and surrounded and eliminated the King of Fighters fleet that was pursuing them through a night attack. It seems that two level 14 fighters from Yagami-an All the ultimate creatures were killed, and the King of Fighters Legion suffered heavy losses. We are still collecting specific battle reports."

"The King of Fighters fleet was wiped out? As I expected, Daliang's roots are very deep. His archangel is a double-A level. I said it is A-level, which probably makes Yagami underestimate the enemy. The double-A level big one is Angel... How could Yunzhong City hire such an important level 15 backup to just a player?" Shi Fei is well aware of and has a deep understanding of Daliang's ability to play games, but Daliang's game play in this life is too far. ? He had the experience of being reborn, but he still couldn't suppress him.

It must have started when I changed his proxy server, where the hell did this guy get dumped?

Shi Fei thought about the changes in Daliang and his strength.

Banyue Mao was also looking at Shi Fei from behind, thinking about his relationship with Daliang.

Now that Ban Yue Mao found out Shi Fei's identity, he naturally found out that he and Daliang had lived in the same dormitory for four years. They were both senior game enthusiasts, which made their relationship very "gay". Their work and rest schedules are almost exactly the same. Basically, as long as games exist, the two of them can live a lifetime.

But... the relationship between the two seemed to suddenly break down when the Heroic World was about to be tested. Shi Fei left school to start from scratch and let the master rise. Daliang also quickly emerged and broke out in the world.

Daliang didn't know that Shi Fei was Shi Fei, and Shi Fei was obviously somewhat motivated in his strategy against the college alliance.

What happened between the two of them?

Moreover, when Shi Fei returned from defeat in Shangjiang last time, he suddenly approved an ordinary player named Yao Que to join the main army of Domination. Why?

The more Ban Yue Mao investigated Shi Fei, the more doubts she uncovered. In order to test Shi Fei's reaction, she said: "Legion Commander, do you still remember that you specially approved a Shangjiang player named Yao Que some time ago? ? Our Intelligence Department conducted a routine investigation on her, and there is no problem with her identity. Now the Human Resources Department has completed the entry procedures for her, but I don’t know which department the Corps Commander intends for her to join first and where to start. rise?"

"Monster? She is a player I met by chance in Shangjiangcheng. There is no need for me to take any special care of her. Just let the human resources department arrange it as usual."

An ordinary player? Did I guess wrong?

"I know." Half-Moon Cat replied, having found no clues.

At this time Shi Fei said again: "Give me a copy of the information on the demon bird."

Sure enough, something happened... Banyue Mao smiled and replied: "It's the legion commander. I will immediately pass on the information about the demon sparrow to you."

Ban Yue Mao left, and Shi Fei continued to lie in the lounge chair, slowly swaying with the water waves.

A fleet in the southern sea continued to follow the dominant fleet at a distance. In the sky, four dragons circled slowly, and from time to time they let out a roar that spread across the empty sea.

"Inform all the lords and the presidents of the great guilds to come to Hong Kong for a meeting. Let's discuss the issue of unified joint operations. Remember, make it clear to them that you must come in person!"

This time I want to establish a centralized dictatorship.

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