Start with an Archangel

Chapter 448 A man like fire

On the Sea of ​​Japan, the first ray of sunlight shines on the water in the morning.

The support fleet from the south and east finally arrived in the battle waters last night. There is still some smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, and there are sawdust and debris floating everywhere in the sea water. Some destroyed warships are half-sunk in the sea, rising and falling with the waves.

This is where the King of Fighters fleet was destroyed, but as the victor, the Judgment Fleet has disappeared.

The Judgment Fleet has penetrated deep into the Sea of ​​Japan. In this neither big nor small sea area, it is definitely not an easy task to find a fleet.

There was a vicious wolf crawling at the door of the house. The fleets heading south began to slow down, and some of them had already turned back to guard against possible attacks by the Judgment Fleet on their own territory and garrison.

After the Tokyo Conference, Tokugawa Nobunaga, who successfully obtained the command of the Japan-South Korea combined fleet, contacted Yagami-an.

"I was in a meeting just now, and I didn't understand a lot of things. What happened? How could such a large fleet be wiped out so quickly! You have more ships and more people than Da Liang, and it's a home battle. It won't last for two hours. By the time they arrive, nearly 300 ships have been destroyed. You can’t dig them out so fast even if you stop them in the sea!”

The King of Fighters fleet was wiped out and the Judgment Fleet was hidden in the Sea of ​​Japan, which was definitely a serious blow to the newly established Japan-South Korea combined fleet. Tokugawa Nobunaga made a rough estimate and concluded that the assembled Japanese and Korean combined fleets would have at least a thousand fewer ships. These ships would be left in their own ports by their respective guilds and lords to guard against attacks by the Judgment Fleet.

Tokugawa Nobunaga would need nearly a thousand ships to search, find and destroy the Judgment Fleet in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The scale of the Japan-South Korea combined fleet will be greatly weakened, the number of available troops in his hands will be reduced, and the original attack plan will be revised. This attack is likely to fail to achieve the expected purpose.

If the main force of the Northern Lords Alliance in China cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, the East Asian naval war will become a protracted war of attrition. Once the Japanese gaming area falls into the quagmire of war, it will slow down its development in the Pacific, and there is a more terrifying opponent on the other side of the Pacific.

The culprit responsible for all this is Iori Yagami, a self-reliant middle school student who treats war as a club fight and ignores his own warnings. It turns out that passion harms others and harms oneself. Once your fleet is finished, it will be finished, and it will also affect the entire war plan.

If possible, Tokugawa Nobunaga really wanted to kill Iori Yagami, but now he can only suppress his anger... and not curse.

Because after Tokugawa Nobunaga was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Japanese and Korean coalition forces, he asked who was willing to lead the troops to pursue the Judgment Fleet in Japanese waters.

No one said a word.

Tokugawa Nobunaga needs to command the frontal battlefield of the East Asian naval battle. Currently, the battle in the Sea of ​​Japan can only ask Iori Yagami to command the troops again.

After Iori Yagami was killed, he went offline and drank alone in a certain izakaya. After drinking a bottle of sake, he ordered another bottle of vodka, and then received a call from Tokugawa Nobunaga.

If Tokugawa Nobunaga had dared to speak to Iori Yagami in such a tone, he would have cursed him long ago. Now, Iori Yagami just listened silently.

After Tokugawa Nobunaga finished speaking, he sighed and said: "Yes, I really regret not listening to you. If I did not let the fleet launch an offensive formation, but contracted the defense, even if I was attacked by the Judgment Fleet, I would I can hold on until reinforcements arrive. However, it's too late now. My fleet is gone, Archangel and Titan are dead. This battle is really lost inexplicably. What did Daliang use? The ultimate level 14 The creature will die in just a few kills. I have been staring at his fleet, how come some of it detoured behind us?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga was afraid that Iori Yagami would be scared, so he quickly said: "I saw the video you gave me. It is obvious that Da Liang has a high-explosion, high-speed, and high-attack creature in his hand. This creature can kill level 14 The ultimate creature. However, Da Liang did not use it during the day, but chose to raid at night, which shows that this creature has usage restrictions. According to the biological balance inference, this creature has terrifying attack power and must have low defense and blood volume. In short, this creature must have fatal weakness restrictions. Daliang cannot be used casually. As long as we can fight with her, we can find out her weaknesses.

Now a fleet has arrived at the place where you were defeated last night. It is larger than your King of Fighters fleet and is enough for you to kill the Archangel and the Frost Dragon with all your strength.

How about a man like fire, do you have the confidence to get up where you fell, kill the Judgment Fleet and Da Liang in the Sea of ​​Japan, and prove that you are the strongest man in Japan and Asia? "

Fall down and get up from there. Try again if it doesn't work. This is the "Tao" of my Yagami-an.

Iori Yagami threw the bottle to the ground and stood up.

"Transfer the command of the fleet to the King of Fighters fleet. This time I will definitely destroy the Judgment Fleet."

At this time, the Judgment Fleet deep in the Sea of ​​Japan was dragging its tired body slowly on the sea.

A rapid assault battle will also cause great damage to the attacker itself. In order to destroy the King of Fighters fleet as soon as possible and leave the sea area before Japanese support arrived, all ships and personnel of the Judgment Fleet participated in the night battle.

All warships attack quickly without giving their opponents a chance to breathe. The price of winning a quick victory is to suffer injuries to everyone.

In order not to delay the fleet's progress, Daliang ordered the fleet to abandon those slow-moving warships that were seriously flooded, and transfer personnel, artillery and important supplies to the warships captured in this battle.

Julian's attack turned some warships in the King of Fighters fleet into empty ships without participating in the battle. This replenished the Judgment fleet, which had suffered heavy losses in ships after two battles.

6 brigantine battleships and 13 sloop battleships.

There is also a slight enhancement to the combat effectiveness of the Judgment Fleet.

Then Daliang unexpectedly discovered that among these captured two-masted battleships, there were indeed the legendary-class battleships he had expected.

Shuttle, also known as Kusanagi Kyo

Legendary battleships not only have ship skills but also flagship skills, which can bring some unexpected benefits to the entire fleet.

The speed of the entire fleet is increased by 10%, which is a real help in time for the Judgment Fleet fighting guerrillas in the Sea of ​​Japan.

You can catch up with those you can beat, and you can run away with those you can't beat.

Daliang couldn't wait to change his flagship to the Shuttle, and the entire fleet increased its sailing speed, quickly shifting its position northward in a cruising formation.

43 sloops were lost.

One brigantine was lost.

The air combat unit lost 439 people.

Standing on the bridge of the Shuttle, Daliang looked at the loss report given by the backstage personnel. In the sky, the air combat personnel patrolled the surrounding area vigilantly.

Shu Xiao landed next to Daliang from the air: "Uncle Jin is here. He is at home. He wants to see you."

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