Start with an Archangel

Chapter 449 Yingshi Virtual Bank

Boss Jin is here! And coming to the door in person must be something important.

Daliang handed over the fleet command to the auxiliary team in the background, and then withdrew from the game.

After stretching his body and stretching his muscles, Da Liang walked out of his room, and then saw Boss Jin talking to Shu Xiao in the living room.

Boss Jin is already past middle age, but his tall and straight body gives people the impression that he is very reliable and trustworthy. He is a person worthy of friendship and respect.

In the process of dealing with Boss Jin, Da Liang could feel that although he was as smooth as an ordinary businessman, he was not a philistine and did not only care about interests but was indifferent to humanity. Boss Jin tends to do things with loyalty, or he has a strong sense of responsibility. This has a lot to do with his background. As a security guard, Boss Jin has a loyal heart to his friends and customers, which is the reason for Boss Jin's success. Secret.

Seeing Daliang come out, Boss Jin's original smile became even brighter: "Brother Daliang, you are exactly the same talent as in the game. I am very relieved to leave my niece to you, hahaha..."

Shu Xiao heard the meaning of Boss Jin's words and his face turned red: "Uncle Jin, what nonsense are you talking about? This is the master I worship..."

"What nonsense am I talking about? You have a good master and can play games happily. I am most at ease. Do you know how worried I was about you during the years when you ran away to Israel? I know what my eldest brother is like. Death will hit you hard..."

"Okay, okay, Uncle Jin, please stop talking. Wasn't it my youthful rebellious period? Look, I'm not doing well now." Shu Xiao found out that Boss Jin had the tendency to talk about the past and said coquettishly.

Daliang also said: "Brother Jin, don't worry. Shu Xiao will follow me in the game and he will never be bullied. It's almost noon now. Let's go out to eat together. I still have many things in the game that I need to ask Boss Jin for advice."

Boss Jin said: "There are some important things I want to talk to you about when I come here. There is no need to go out. We are all our own people and don't need to see outsiders, and there are too many people outside. Let's eat at home, Xiao Xiao is going to get some dishes, and I want to have a few drinks with brother Daliang."

"Okay, today I will use my housekeeping skills to make sure I am no worse than the chefs outside." Shu Xiao happily ran to the kitchen, and soon the sound of chopping vegetables could be heard.

Boss Jin nodded: "The sword technique is stable, the strength is even, and it can be retracted and released freely. This girl has not wasted her time just because of playing games. Generally, seven or eight big men are not her opponents. Boss Da Liang, you look a little bad. Did you just quit? The reason for the game? Sit down quickly! Brother, let me advise you not to neglect exercise when playing games. When you two have a quarrel in the future, Xiaoxiao will attack you... Of course, this is absolutely impossible. My niece is very well-behaved and will never hit you."

Daliang said quickly: "Brother Jin, Shu Xiao and I really don't have the kind of relationship you imagined."

"Okay, okay, I don't understand the affairs of you young people, and I won't interfere in it. Let's talk about business." Boss Jin turned the topic to the game: "I came to Shangjiang this time, firstly, to see you. Two, the second is to deal with the establishment of the bank. Now we have to deal with the possible crisis caused by this sudden naval war in East Asia."

The banking system was reviewed and approved by the game, and national financial barriers were developed.

The conditions for establishing a banking system in the game are ripe.

The China Gold Coin Trading Center located at No. 312 Angel Avenue, Shangjiang City, has also begun to transform into a bank.

Players can store their spare gold coins through the bank system added to the system to earn a certain amount of interest, or they can borrow gold coins from the bank for investment and emergencies.

The search for gold coins in Southeast Asia these days has made the bank's gold coin reserves very sufficient. These gold coins can be quickly circulated through the bank's lending system to every player in urgent need of gold coins. Therefore, the Chinese game area will enter a period of rapid development.

Compared with the virtual bank in the game, the Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center outside the game has also officially started operations in Shangjiang City.

One of the purposes of Boss Jin’s visit to Shangjiang City this time is to participate in the opening ceremony of the Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center.

The virtual currency entity trading center faces not only in-game players, but also all investment enthusiasts inside and outside the game.

Even if you don’t play the game Hero World, you can still invest the gold coins in the game. You can operate in the long term to earn dividends, or you can operate in the short term to earn the difference in gold coin fluctuations.

The purpose of the virtual currency trading center is to allow gold merchants to turn the dead money invested in the purchase of gold coins into cash. Those who should repay the loan will repay the loan, those who should invest will invest, and those who should continue to collect gold coins will collect gold coins and take off their burdens. The burden is left to the entire society to share. In this case, gold merchants can use other people's money to make money for themselves, and then give a small part of the profits to those investors.

Virtual finance is bundled with real finance, and risks borne by a few people become borne by the masses. This will make the fortress created by virtual banks stronger and able to withstand greater external financial impacts, or launch more powerful financial wars to attack the enemy.

The popularity of the heroic world and the stability of the financial system have made in-game virtual currency a very good investment direction. During the trial operation of Shangjiang Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center, a large number of investors purchased in-game gold coins. This resulted in a significant increase in the total amount of gold coins in China's game areas, but the price of gold continued to rise.

Just the huge difference between the purchase price and the sale price makes the gold merchants make money and their hearts beat faster. Financial invasion and plunder are really exciting, and the accumulation of wealth is far faster than the production and sale of other virtual goods.

However, the sudden outbreak of the Great War in East Asia poured cold water on the somewhat crazy domestic gold prices.

Powerful foreign enemies are attacking fiercely. In order to protect the war potential of the previous participating lords and guilds, gold merchants must control the price of gold and keep it down, and even provide free gold coins to build warships and purchase war supplies.

The fall in gold prices has caused those investors to wait and see, and the hoarding of gold coins will put a heavy burden on gold merchants.

“In order for investors to continue buying gold coins, we must give them confidence that we can win this war.

As long as those investors who are waiting on the sidelines believe that we can finally win, the gold coins that are now starting to fall in price are their best investments. Because the hungry gold coin market after the war will increase the value of the gold coins in their hands, and the fast-flowing gold coin transactions will bring them more dividends.

Therefore I intend to invite you to become a member of the Board of Directors of the Hero World Virtual Bank. "

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