Start with an Archangel

Chapter 450 Bring back the fleet

Yingshi Virtual Bank is the name of the gold coin bank in China established at 312 Angel Avenue. The top five gold merchants in China are the founders of Yingshi Virtual Bank. The Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center that Boss Jin mentioned is an important institution under Yingshi Virtual Bank.

Yingshi Virtual Bank is currently the only bank that has passed the review and is online in the Chinese game area. The wealth and rights it represents are beyond the imagination of ordinary players. Daliang was able to realize the capabilities of the five major gold merchants in China and organized and launched the largest national war in the game world; the university alliance was able to fight many lords at sea with one enemy against many, and behind it was the full support of the five major gold merchants; In just a few days, nearly 70% of the gold coins traded in the Southeast Asian market were wiped out.

Yingshi Virtual Bank, now organized and established by the five major financial merchants, is a professional virtual financial institution, and the combined power will only become more powerful than before.

Da Liang never expected that Boss Jin would invite him to join the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank...

"Brother Jin, are you kidding? My little money is like sesame seeds in your eyes. How can I be qualified to join the board of directors?"

Boss Jin smiled and said: "You can't become a shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank just by having money.

There are no legal restrictions in the heroic world, but there are people who can make the rules. The value contained in powerful force and fame is often rarer and more advanced than visible wealth. I already know the outcome of the Judgment Fleet's battle in the Sea of ​​Japan. It was both expected and unexpected. I thought you could win, but I didn't expect you to win so cleanly. Annihilated a powerful fleet and still preserved its own strength.

Now the entire territory and stations on both sides of the Sea of ​​Japan are trembling under the deterrence of the Judgment Fleet. Your fleet of continuous operations can prevent more than two thousand warships from leaving the Sea of ​​Japan. Looking at the whole world, who can do it?

It is estimated that after the news is completely spread this afternoon and evening, your name will really be resounding internationally.

This victory will stimulate high fighting spirit in the Chinese gaming area. If you can join the Yingshi Virtual Board of Directors and participate in the opening ceremony of the Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center tomorrow, it will greatly enhance investors’ confidence in Yingshi Virtual Bank and stimulate virtual currency. trading volume.

This matter will be of great benefit to our gold merchants, to you, to this war, and to the entire Chinese gaming area. "


Boss Jin said so much, but Daliang calmed down.

Since Boss Jin has invited himself to join the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank, it means that the other four major gold merchants have agreed. Now he only needs to nod his head to join this financial organization that can affect the entire Chinese gaming area and even the gaming world.

But nodding also means that he will step into the deepest vortex of the game's struggle. How cruel the financial war is, Daliang, who is just watching from the edge and mixing in a little bit, can see clearly.

No big heart can really bear the gains and losses measured in hundreds of millions.

I was just playing games, why are you playing so big now...

Of course, what Daliang is most concerned about is: "Brother Jin, how much money can I get after joining the board of directors?"

Boss Jin said with a smile: "Now the board of directors has approved you to join the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank as an individual and obtain 6% of the dry shares. If you can successfully return to the waters under our control from the Sea of ​​Japan with the ruling fleet, you can become As a formal shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank, you have all the rights and obligations you deserve."

Dry shares, or fictitious shares, refer to shares obtained without capital contribution, but in fact dry shares do not refer to real shares, but should refer to the assumption that this person owns so many shares and receives dividends in proportion.

In other words, Daliang, who has obtained 6% of the shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank, has no actual rights even if he is named on the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank. It is more like a corporate logo or spokesperson. But just a 6% dividend from Yingshi Virtual Bank was a wealth that was previously unimaginable for Daliang.

How much money exactly? To this point, money is basically just like numbers.

As for the final statement of the Board of Directors of Yingshi Bank that it took the Judgment Fleet out of the Sea of ​​Japan and successfully returned to the Chinese game area, what happened?

This is the task of turning dry shares into "wet shares". Virtual shares such as dry shares can be withdrawn easily. If you become a formal shareholder, the 6% of the shares are truly yours, and you don't have to fight for several lifetimes.

Boss Jin explained: "If Brother Daliang agrees to join the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank, you and your ruling army will represent the military image of Yingshi Virtual Bank in the game. Every move you make in the Sea of ​​Japan can affect the changes in gold coin prices and Trading volume. And if you can bring the ruling fleet back from the enemy's hinterland in the Sea of ​​Japan, Yingshi Virtual Bank will give everyone an indestructible impression. Yingshi Virtual Bank has the ability to protect the interests of every investor.

As long as Yingshi Virtual Bank can lay this 'trustworthy' foundation in the early stages of its establishment, we gold merchants are willing to pay any price. "

Anyone who is involved in finance knows that if you want to make money and make money, you must make investors feel comfortable taking out their money and handing it over to you. This process is easy to say but very difficult to complete.

Especially in the virtual game world, there are too many uncertainties, which can make investors hesitate or shrink. In the heroic world, if you want to establish recognized credit, in addition to strong financial support, you also need strong force to protect investors' money.

The ongoing Great War in East Asia is a touchstone for the newly established Yingshi Virtual Bank.

In fact, this war is a financial test for all participating game zones.

National financial barriers are developed, the banking system is online, and player banks in various game areas are being run and established. The outcome of this war will determine who has the right to speak in the Western Pacific in the future, whose financial system can be more stable, and who has the right to allocate the flow of gold coins in the entire region.

Therefore, gold merchants in China do not want to see this East Asian naval war. The Chinese gaming area is completely defeated. If we want to win this war, we must have more investment. If we want more investment, we need to give investors what we can The confidence to win.

Daliang's Judgment Fleet has fought a beautiful victory in the Sea of ​​Japan, killing a powerful enemy fleet in the enemy's hinterland. This news will be a great encouragement to the Chinese game area. And if Da Liang can lead the Judgment Fleet from the Sea of ​​Japan to successfully return to the offshore waters of China.

So who will believe that in this war, the Chinese gaming area will fail?

I'm afraid even the Japanese and South Korean combined fleets won't believe it.

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