Start with an Archangel

Chapter 451 You are worth the price

However, it is too difficult to fight all the way back from the Sea of ​​Japan with the Judgment Fleet.

Look at the shape of the Sea of ​​Japan. It is completely surrounded by the Asian continental shelf and the Japanese islands. It is basically an inland sea. There are only two close exits in the south, the Strait of Tsushima and the Strait of Korea. Now that the East Asian naval war has broken out, this place is an important thoroughfare for the Japanese and Korean game zones to support the battlefield, and it has a large stockpile of troops.

In the north, only the Tsugaru Strait and Soya Strait can lead to the Pacific Ocean, and then take a detour southward through the east coast of the Japanese archipelago, and finally return to the waters of the Chinese game area through the Ryukyu Islands.

There are two routes, north and south. The north route is relatively safe, but the two straits are very narrow and easy to be discovered and attacked. In addition, the route is also very far. You have to avoid the ships on the east coast of the Japanese game area, so you need to take a longer route. Don’t even think about returning to the coast of China’s game zone without a voyage of more than 20 days or even a month. Not to mention that the Battle of the East China Sea may have ended at that time, even the supply problem could bring down the Judgment Fleet that was fighting continuously. If the Ryukyu Islands are attacked by the Japanese game zone again, the Judgment Fleet will die very ugly.

To go south, we have to go through the Tsushima Strait or the Korean Strait. A fierce battle is inevitable.

In Daliang's original plan, the Judgment Fleet was to fight guerrillas in the Sea of ​​Japan, which disgusted Japanese and Korean game zone players on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. After the battleship was finished, they would ride on the frost dragon and fly with the Archangel to Yanbian, Jilin, near the Sea of ​​Japan. Then teleport all the way back to Shangjiang.

But Boss Jin hopes that Daliang will take the ruling fleet out of the Sea of ​​Japan.


Daliang did not agree immediately. Whether he brought the ruling fleet all the way back or took 6% of the shares to join the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank, he needed to think carefully.

At this time, Shu Xiao had already prepared a few side dishes, opened a bottle of white wine for the two of them, and then said: "You two bosses, let's eat first. Can we not talk about things in the game outside the game?"

Boss Jin smiled and said: "Let's not talk about it. Brother Daliang must think carefully about such a big matter. The unveiling ceremony of the trading center will be held at noon tomorrow. If brother Daliang wants to join in, he should arrive on time."

"I understand. Thank you, Brother Jin, for thinking of me no matter what."

"My family, I don't think about who you are thinking about! Come on, let's do one first."

After lunch, Boss Jin left with a drunken smile. Daliang did not enter the game, but told Shu Xiao about joining the board of directors of Yingshi Virtual Bank and asked for her opinion.

Shu Xiao held a toothpick in his mouth and said: "You still need to ask me? You must join in such a good thing. Uncle Jin told me everything. After opening the bank, if the price of gold fell, we would have to fight to make it rise." Go up; if the price of gold rises, you have to fight to let it fall; if you have more money, you have to fight and spend it; if you have less money, you have to fight and make money; in short, if you follow Yingshi Virtual Bank, you will definitely fight often in the future, and that will be fun."

Daliang said contemptuously: "Do you play games just to fight and have no other pursuits?"

"My father left so much inheritance, what else can I pursue? I used to think being a bodyguard was quite exciting, but now I find that fighting in the game is more fun. What pursuits do you have in playing this game?"


I play games to find my future wife, but who is my future wife? Shi Fei hasn't taken any action yet, and I'm worried about him... Bah, bah, bah, we can't rush this.

But if Shi Fei doesn't take action, he doesn't know the target?

There is only one suspected candidate, Gu Tao, who is still doing tasks in the dreamland.

It seems that I haven't contacted Tao'er for many days. Since my army has entered the dreamland, I might as well go to Tao'er to do tasks together to deepen our relationship.

Oops... After thinking about it, my Tao'er is the most gentle and feminine, so she is the right choice for my old Wang family's wife. Unlike the person in front of me, she is a beauty when she is quiet, but when she moves her hands... just with her sword skills...

I felt a chill in my crotch right after dawn.

Shu Xiao asked strangely: "Why are you looking at me like this? I'm asking you what your pursuit of playing games is."

"Oh oh oh, my pursuit! Of course it is money, power and beauty."


Daliang retorted: "You are a vulgar idiot! These are the values ​​​​of normal men. Unlike you, who is full of violence, no man dares to like you. Let me ask you, when you have grown up, have you ever dated a boyfriend?"

Shu Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Not really. Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"That... such a heavy topic, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's go online to Xu Man to discuss how to take the Judgment Fleet out of the Sea of ​​Japan and return to the Chinese game area."

Daliang and Shu Xiao both entered the game.

The Judgment Fleet shrank its formation and continued sailing north. After Shu Xiao came online, he immediately flew into the air to organize surveillance of the surrounding sea areas. Daliang contacted Xu Man.

Regarding Yingshi Virtual Bank's invitation to Daliang and the ruling fleet rushing into the Sea of ​​Japan.

Xu Man thought for a while and replied: "After many cooperations, our university alliance's interests have actually been tied up with the gold merchants. We need their financial support, and they also need us to protect their business activities with force. If you can join Yingshi Virtual Bank, it will be a very good thing for you personally and for the alliance. With you as a link, our Northern Lords Alliance can have deeper cooperation with gold merchants. And...

6% of the shares of Yingshi Virtual Bank are placed in front of you, and you actually said you would consider it. You must be in trouble. Our entire college alliance only got 5% of the shares, so it’s enough for you to pretend to be awesome.

Say...did you show off on purpose to make me angry? "

Hearing Xu Man start to get angry, Daliang said quickly: "No, no, no, Sister Man. I definitely have no intention of showing off in front of you. You said that I am a newly graduated college student, and suddenly a big cake... a gold cake fell on me. In front of me, am I not confused? Although Yingshi Virtual Bank is not as good as a real bank, it can still compete with China's top 500 companies.

How much does it cost for 6% of the shares?

Boss Jin came to see me. Shu Xiao prepared five dishes, drained them with a bottle of wine, and gave them to me.

Who should be left alone and who should not be trapped?

I am just an otaku who only plays games. I am very good at finding traps and burying people in games. But interpersonal communication, making suggestions, discerning opportunities, discerning everything, being versatile, and strategizing are what you, Sister Man, are good at.

Just give me a 6% stake in Yingshi Bank, and it can be turned into a full member in the future. Can I be worth this price? "

After Daliang finished speaking, Xu Man was silent for a long time, and then said: "You... are indeed worth the price."

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