Start with an Archangel

Chapter 452 Big Boss

An army of thousands is easy to obtain, but a general is difficult to find.

The Heroic World is a brand new magical world where every player is exploring. Especially war, for everyone who wants to do big things in the game, it is something that cannot be avoided. This is a brand new war model, where magic, cold weapons, modern gunpowder technology, alchemy, space magic with a science fiction flavor, and modern war ideas are colliding and merging fiercely.

What's more important is that you need to have a strong army in hand.

After Daliang appeared in front of the public, he commanded many large-scale wars, and his tactical and strategic positioning and grasp attracted everyone's attention.

Successive victories doubled Daliang's worth and he became a well-known general around the world.

This is also the explanation given by Boss Jin when he invited Daliang.

But Xu Man went deeper and said to Daliang: "Your record is indeed very beautiful, and you can continuously win against flying sand and stones. But what really scares people, or makes gold merchants eager to win over you, is the strength you possess. .

I'm not talking about the Judgment Legion. This kind of elite legion can be easily formed by gold merchants.

I am referring to the strength you have always hidden..."

"Hidden strength?"

Could it be that the existence of the Black Fire Leader has been noticed?

Xu Man continued: "Your record is so good, many people must be investigating you. In fact, I also asked someone to analyze your potential strength, and it really shocked me. Earl Feichen... I don’t even know when you were canonized as an earl. The highest title among players in the entire game world is your earl title. The second is that Feishanzushi was recently promoted to viscount.

You must know the benefits of a title better than I do. Not only can you recruit troops by virtue of your title, but you can also participate in the government affairs of system cities. You must have participated in the continuous wars and coups in Shangjiang City some time ago, right?

The two East China Sea kings died inexplicably, the entire Shangjiang area nobles were purged, and the senior leadership was reshuffled. If you can trot all the way to Shengjue, you are definitely on the right team.

You are from the Pudong Fleet, and entering and exiting the Admiral's Mansion is like visiting your own home. You also have a large number of Silver Pegasus Knights and Pegasus Knights with elves, which shows that you also have a deep relationship with Chongming City.

Now the former Pudong Fleet Admiral Joyce has been promoted to Marquis, in charge of the navy in the entire Shangjiang area, and is directing the naval battle with the Jeju Navy. Joshua in Chongming City was promoted to Duke and became the second most powerful person in Shangjiang City.

This is political capital.

If I can find this out, those gold dealers will definitely be able to find it out as well. If they want to establish the headquarters of Yingshi Virtual Bank in Shangjiang City, they need to know the changes in the political situation of Shangjiang City at all times. You are the person they must make friends with.

Another reason is the ultimate creature and hidden army in your hand.

Part of the situation of your battle with the King of Fighters fleet has been circulated. Your Archangel Julian can fight an Archangel, a Titan and an air combat force at the same time, and is rated as an A-level ultimate creature by Flying Sand and Stone. When attacking the King of Fighters fleet at night, the Archangels and Titans of Yagami Temple were beheaded at the beginning of the battle. You must have ultimate creatures in your hands that are good at assassinating besides Archangels and Frost Dragons.

You should also have a human army recruited through the title, and have organized ninth-level monks.

This is your value. Strength is one aspect, and the ability to obtain this strength is also what gold merchants value in you. "

"Hehehe...Sister Man. I feel embarrassed when you praise me so much. So, I am considered the number one person in the world of heroes."

Xu Man said with a smile: "He's not just the number one person, he's a big shot. I will also attend the opening ceremony of the Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center tomorrow, so let's go together. Keep your mentality high, and the big bosses of the party will attend. Don't It makes people feel like you are an otaku who has never seen the world.

By the way, do you have any clothes for the ceremony tomorrow? "

Daliang thought about it and said, "Are T-shirts and jeans suitable?"

Xu Man was really helpless: "You see, this is otaku disease. Hurry up and buy clothes, have your skin cared for, and your hair styled. Tomorrow you will represent not only the image of Yingshi Virtual Bank, but also our university." image of the alliance.

No... I don't trust you to handle this matter by yourself. If you make a killer look tomorrow, I will be completely embarrassed by you. I can't go away from organizing the East Asia Naval War now. Shu Xiao wants to command the Judgment Fleet for you. I can only leave it to Gu Taozi. Taozi has a very good taste in dressing.

You contact Gu Tao now and get your outfit ready for the unveiling ceremony tomorrow in the afternoon.

Do you have money on you? "

"Ah!" Daliang didn't expect that attending a ceremony would require so much preparation, but he was able to ask Gu Tao out, so he won't play games this afternoon. "Money, a little. Sister Man, you said I should bring 10,000 yuan." Is that enough?"

Xu Man had a black line on his face: "If you want to buy a tie, prepare 1 million. If you don't have that much, give me an account and I will call you."

"Yes, yes, yes... I won't worry about money, Sister Man. I will contact Gu Tao now, I hope she has time."

Gu Tao has been working as an apprentice in the dreamland for a while. Although Daliang has occasionally contacted her, there are too many things going on and they have never seen each other inside or outside the game.

This time Daliang asked her to help choose clothes for the ceremony tomorrow, and Gu Tao happily agreed.

"Wow wow wow, the hottest news in the game in China right now is the Great War in East Asia and the establishment of Yingshi Virtual Bank. I didn't expect that senior brother has become the major shareholder of Yingshi Virtual Bank! Senior brother Daliang must support me more in the future.

The choice of clothes is all on me. "

Our Tao'er's voice is bright but not shrill, clear but not cold, coquettish but not greasy. The faint magnetic sound penetrates directly into the soul, and makes you feel comfortable from the inside out.

Now that he had successfully asked Gu Tao out, Daliang said to Shu Xiao on the legion channel: "I'm going out to buy some clothes to prepare for the unveiling ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center tomorrow. During my absence, you will be solely responsible for the ruling. The fleet's itinerary. Let the sentries in the air keep an eye on the sea, and try not to fight with the Japanese fleet in the past two days.

The intelligence department continues to focus on information collection around the Sea of ​​Japan. Tokugawa Nobunaga will definitely organize a fleet to pursue us, find them and get their intelligence more carefully.

In addition, we should focus on the Tsushima Strait and the Korean Strait, and we must find a way to get out from there. "

Shu Xiao replied: "I know. If we fight back the way we came, we will definitely get a good fight."

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