Start with an Archangel

Chapter 456 The storm is coming

The night was spent in sporadic battles. The Judgment Fleet still maintained its course, crossing the 38th degree north latitude. The Japanese game area was in the east and the Korean game area was in the northwest. There was no fleet ahead that could stop the Judgment Fleet.

The arrival of a new day seems to confirm Iori Yagami's judgment. A large number of players suddenly arrived in Huichun City, Yanbian, China Game Zone. In just a few hours, hundreds of thousands of Chinese players gathered at the border of the China-Russia Game Zone, as if they were crossing the border at any time.

High-end Pegasus knights and royal griffins fly in the sky.

Various materials for ocean-going supplies were purchased in large quantities in Huichun City and transported to the border. Even in Kraskino City, Chinese players appeared in the port purchasing a series of spare parts such as ropes, sails, and masts needed for ships.

The entire area is filled with announcements from Shangjiang University Alliance and Yingshi Virtual Bank:

Friends of the Russian Game Zone, this is not an invasion, we need to pass through your lands to reach the Sea of ​​Japan. During this period, we will not launch active attacks on any Russian friends, and we hope that Russian friends will not attack us. We have the ability to defeat all enemies on land!

The university alliance and gold merchants have already made preparations to replenish the Judgment Fleet in Kraskino City. If Russia does not stop the Chinese game zone from this action, the Japanese and Korean game zones will not be able to stop the Judgment Fleet from replenishing it. .

If the Judgment Fleet receives this supply, Iori Yagami's new King of Fighters fleet will face a Judgment Fleet in its prime.

Due to the different speeds of battleships and merchant ships, Yagami ordered the battleships and auxiliary ships of the King of Fighters fleet to move separately. The battle fleet of the King of Fighters fleet will follow the Judgment Fleet, and the auxiliary fleet will head to Kraskino City through the ocean current channel.

If during this period, the Judgment Fleet discovers the King of Fighters battle fleet and turns around to attack, the battle the night before yesterday will come to mind again.

Two green dragons, one red dragon, one demon, and one swamp hydra.

The five level 13 ultimate creatures are the top combat power in the hands of Iori Yagami. Will they be the opponents of an archangel, a frost dragon and an unknown high-explosion ultimate creature in Da Liang's hands?

It was rare for Iori Yagami to think about his own winning rate.

If the Judgment Fleet dares to turn around and confront the King of Fighters fleet, their basic military strength will be at a disadvantage. Even though they captured some warships from the original King of Fighters fleet, the lost sailors were not replaced. The warships were still damaged without entering the port for repairs, and the air combat troops could not get any replacement.

The current King of Fighters fleet is more powerful than the destroyed King of Fighters fleet, and the Judgment Fleet is exhausted after two naval battles.

I can quickly win the battle with conventional armies. As long as the ultimate creatures can't contain the ultimate creatures that contain the Judgment Fleet, I can hold on to the final victory.

As Tokugawa Nobunaga said, the ruling fleet becomes weaker every time it fights in the Sea of ​​Japan, and I can quickly replenish it if I lose a battle.

Da Liang doesn't have the guts to turn around and attack me. When the Judgment Fleet arrives in Kraskino City, my two fleets can join together.

No matter what you add, you are no match for me! And we won't let you replenish supplies easily.

Iori Yagami contacted Tokugawa Nobunaga: "I have found the Judgment Fleet, and they are sailing to Kraskino City. You must have known about the gathering of Chinese players in Huichun City. If the Judgment Fleet enters Kraskino City, port and getting supplies, we would have to pay more losses to annihilate them.

Can you use diplomatic means to ask the Russian players to block the Chinese players in Kraskino City? As long as I can block them for half a day, I can block the Judgment Fleet off the coast of Kraskino City. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga took time out of his busy schedule to answer Yagami: "I'll give it a try, but the Russian game area is too weak in the Far East, and they may not be willing to help us block Chinese players. However, it should be possible to bribe some guilds and cause trouble at the dock. It can be done.

I have sent people to strengthen security in the Tsugaru Strait and Soya Strait and judge that the fleet cannot escape. You can feel free to hunt in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The China Hero World Virtual Currency Trading Center is about to be opened in Shangjiang. I want to launch a large-scale maritime attack in the East China Sea to help them celebrate. "

In the northwest waters of Jeju Island in the Korean game area, the fleet of the Chinese Northern Lords Alliance that originally controlled the area has completely withdrawn, and the Japanese and Korean combined fleets have completed the first batch of assembly here.

Thousands of ships of various types are spread out on the sea, with no end in sight. Groups of flying units flew in the air like swarms of bees.

Tokugawa Nobunaga stood on the tall bridge of a three-masted battleship, looking around at the army.

“All commanders of the Japan-ROK combined fleet, this is the first battle of the anti-hegemony struggle in East Asia. The Japanese game zone and the Korean game zone will stand together today and advance and retreat together.

This is a war for freedom, and together we will defeat a common enemy and return an orderly era to the Western Pacific;

This is a just war, and we have the support of the entire game world. Friends in Southeast Asia have gathered their fleets to respond to us in the Paracel Islands.

This was a great war, and today will be forever remembered as a moment in the history of the heroic world.

My captains, furl your anchors and hoist your sails.

Fleet forward! "

The Japanese and Korean fleets raised their sails together under the order of Tokugawa Nobunaga, and the entire fleet slowly started to move towards the western waters.

The China Zone Yellow Sea Bridge located in the northwest and the China Zone Donghai Fleet Group in the southwest continue to retreat. To the west of them are groups of warships coming to support them, and the entire Chinese game area is trying their best to accumulate strength for this war.

The Japanese and Korean fleets are also constantly accepting warships coming from behind, maintaining their numerical advantage in warships.

In the South China Sea, the Vietnamese fleet has blocked the main fleet's way back north in the Paracel Islands, and the Malaysian fleet has blocked the main fleet's way south.

China's southern lords also assembled a large number of fleets in the waters of Zhongsha Islands and Hainan Island, blocking the Philippine and Indonesian fleets while threatening the Vietnamese fleet from the north. In the entire South China Sea, there are you among us, and we are among you, and the teeth are intertwined. For a while, no one dared to start a war rashly.

The surrounded master fleet set up a defensive formation, and the peripheral Vietnamese and Malaysian warships also displayed their artillery.

The entire sea area was unusually quiet, and everyone was waiting for news about the East Asia naval battle in the north.

At this time, as the commander-in-chief of the Judgment Fleet, Daliang had already put on the suit he bought the day before, brought a watch worth hundreds of thousands, and went to pick up Xu Man from school accompanied by a group of bodyguards.

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