Start with an Archangel

Chapter 457 Unexpected Guest

At the gate of the school, Daliang took Xu Man into the car.

This is also an admirable thing about Xu Man. She controls one of the two largest player associations in China's gaming area, and hundreds of millions of funds often flow through her hands. But she sticks to her principles and never takes any property that doesn't belong to her.

So much so that she doesn't have the financial resources to buy a house in Shangjiang City now. Fortunately, the college hired her as a lecturer and provided her with a teachers' dormitory.

Today, Xu Man is wearing an ivory white women's suit. Her long-term leadership work has made her exude a commanding temperament outside of her capable attire.

The car started, and Daliang said to Xu Man, who was sitting side by side with him: "Sister Man, your momentum is getting stronger and stronger. When I just saw you, I almost knelt down to say hello to you."

Xu Man smiled and said: "You have no integrity at all. I have asked the alliance to cooperate with your actions in Huichun City. Now you go to attend the unveiling ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center. Is there no problem with the ruling fleet?"

"No problem," Daliang said confidently, "I captured a legendary two-masted battleship in Yashenan, which can increase the speed of the entire fleet by 10%. The ruling fleet sails straight to Kraskino City. The Korean single-masted battleship can barely If we can follow, Yagami-an is already ten hours behind us, and the speed of the brigantine warship drags us down and we can only chase after us. There are still three days of sailing to Kraskino City, but... Yagami-an will arrive tonight I can’t be found.”

During the Daliang War, Xu Man had always been very relieved. She added: "In Busan Port, South Korea, I arranged for friends to build four two-masted warships. Four is the limit of what they can do. If there are more, I am afraid it will arouse the vigilance of Korean players. . Supplies are also prepared to be loaded into four two-masted merchant ships, all of which are necessary items for sea battles. For the supplies of flying units, they only acquired 54 Royal Griffin mounts. Now all Korean guilds participating in the war are buying flying units. I'm afraid they won't receive any more..."

After listening to Xu Manneng’s support, Daliang replied: “I now have 13 brigantine battleships, and with the addition of four brigantine battleships, it can reach 17. Although the Japanese and Korean game areas have obtained many brigantine battleship drawings, But they were all under construction. When I arrived at Tsushima Strait, their new two-masted battleship had not yet been launched.

The peak of battleship support for the front line has passed. Yagami's fleet was attracted by us to the waters of Kraskino City. At that time, the military strength in the Tsushima Strait was at its weakest.

We will make a time difference, and with the help of 17 two-masted warships to quickly break through, we should be able to rush through. "

Xu Man learned all about Da Liang's breakout plan last night. Although it was extremely risky, the chance of success was very high. Now the Japanese and Korean fleets are pressing forward, and the Northern Lords Alliance fleet is retreating step by step to shorten the supply line, but the decisive battle at sea will definitely begin tomorrow. The Northern Fleet is facing two strong game areas, and the pressure is really great. If the Judgment Fleet can rush out from the Sea of ​​Japan, it will definitely boost the morale of Chinese players.

The returning Judgment Fleet is also a great deterrent to the Japanese and Korean combined fleets.

But Xu Man was still worried and said: "When the Judgment Fleet broke through the Tsushima Strait, it was also the most intense time of the East Asian naval war. By then, I'm afraid I won't be able to send a fleet to meet you."

"No support is needed, as long as we can break out of the Tsushima Strait. I will take the Judgment Fleet to the southern waters of Jeju Island. That is the battlefield for the naval battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet. The Sangjiang Fleet will provide me with protection."

According to Daliang's relationship with Joyce, the commander-in-chief of the Shangjiang Fleet, Xu Man did not doubt what he said.

The car slowed down and the destination had been reached. The venue for the unveiling ceremony was under a building. The red carpet led directly to the spacious ceremonial stage. A red cloth was hung on the plaque on the left side of the building door behind the ceremonial stage. Several etiquette ladies arranged it. Hold the ribbon for cutting the ribbon for a while.

Reporters from all walks of life have gathered around the podium.

News of the massive advance of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets has spread throughout the game world. The attack by Tokugawa Nobunaga, the commander of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets, at this time is obviously aimed at the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center, which is about to officially open. Under the pressure of the huge Japanese and Korean combined fleets, the whole world is ready to see the joke of Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center and see what a ridiculous number today’s trading volume is.

The car has stopped, all the reporters are looking over, microphones are ready, all kinds of cameras are pointing at each other, and the security personnel have pulled up the human wall and put everyone on both sides of the red carpet.

Xu Man patted his cheek, adjusted his condition to the best, and then said to Daliang and himself: "Let's go, the East China Sea Battle has actually started from now on, let everyone feel our confidence, this We will definitely win this war."

After saying that, Xu Man opened the car door first and walked out.

Flashbulbs were everywhere.

Then everyone recognized Xu Man and were stunned.

This influential figure in the heroic world has just been elected as the commander-in-chief of China's Northern Fleet. With the Japanese and Korean fleets pressing hard, she did not sit at sea and direct the war but came to attend the opening ceremony of Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center.

Are you taking this opportunity to make money? Or is it contempt for the Japanese and South Korean combined fleet?

Big news!

Xu Man's appearance at the opening ceremony of Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center is definitely breaking news no matter what her purpose is!

The flashing lights became more dense, and people crowded forward to learn from Xu Man's mouth some of the arrangements of China's Northern Fleet in this war.

However, everyone found that Xu Man did not rush to the red carpet after walking out of the car door, but stopped for a while beside the car.

There were people in the car.

What kind of person can accompany Xu Man to the ceremony?

Then, everyone watched an even more incredible person get out of the car.

Big bright.

In the world of heroes, there is almost no player in the Chinese game area who does not know him. Speaking of his deeds, he can only be described as coquettish and dazzling. Now internationally, Daliang's name can be compared with Feishauzushishi and has become two symbols of China's gaming areas.

At this time, news of the Judgment Fleet's complete annihilation of the Yagami-an King of Fighters fleet in the Sea of ​​Japan has spread. Although the specific details of the battle have been concealed by both warring parties, this battle can be described as incredible to everyone.

Every war analyst cannot guess how the Judgment Fleet quickly destroyed the powerful King of Fighters fleet when surrounded by powerful enemies.

However, although this battle once again demonstrated the power of the Judgment Fleet, they still became a trapped beast in the Sea of ​​Japan. Various intelligence showed that a more powerful fleet was already chasing the Judgment Fleet, and the commander was defeated by Daliang. Once, Iori Yagami wanted revenge.

The Judgment Fleet has gone through two wars, and it can be said that it will be destroyed at any time. And its commander, Daliang, actually came to attend the ceremony.

Is this a broken jar?

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