Start with an Archangel

Chapter 469 Turning defeat into victory

King Howard is missing!

This is simply a more serious matter than the destruction of the Shangjiang Fleet.

The situation in Shangjiang can only be condensed under the power of Howard. If Howard has an accident or even dies, who can command the many strong men in Shangjiang?

Joyce frowned and asked, "Who is in charge of government affairs in Shangjiang City now?"

Daliang replied: "It's Grand Duke Joshua. His Majesty ordered the Duke to take over the government affairs of Shangjiang before entering the portal."

Joyce said worriedly: "Joshua is an elf, and he once rebelled and attacked Shangjiang City. When His Majesty is here, he can suppress the conflicts between him and the Shangjiang people. Once His Majesty does not return to the palace for a long time, Joshua will soon I won't be able to stay in Shangjiang City any longer. The academics have always supported Joshua; the orcs and the swamp were Joshua's allies before, and they became honest because of His Majesty. The demons in Qingpu City... Macaulay is a fallen angel, since hell Participating in this war, His Majesty's disappearance must have a lot to do with them. Marquis Stanley is an old cunning man; Songjiang Underground City? The only thing that limits Abigail's ambition is her strength."

William's purge caused great losses to the Shangjiang human clan. If Howard could not come back as soon as possible, Shangjiang City would probably face a catastrophe.

Daliang turned to the big demon Adams and asked: "Since Hell is involved in this war, did you kidnap the King of East China Sea? Where is he now?"

Adams replied: "The mission given to us by the fallen angels is to attack the Oath. As for where your king is, I don't know. I feel that the breath of the Dread Lord is disappearing from you. My companions and I will Return to hell. Please tell Lord Fear Lord that all the demons in hell are looking forward to the return of the Lord Kings. Under their leadership, we will overthrow the rule of the fallen angels and spread fire and fear in the world again."

After saying that, a plane portal with red flames opened next to Adams, and the big demons returned to hell.

The time limit for the demon summoning order has expired.

Looking at the performance of these big demons, if the Hell Lord King returns to Hell, he can really easily summon an army that can overthrow Lucifer's rule.

However, these are not things that Daliang needs to consider for the time being. Finding Howard to stabilize the situation in Shangjiang is the most important thing now.

Daliang said to Joyce: "The Lord of Qingpu City, Fallen Angel Macaulay, is proficient in space magic. Since His Majesty was attacked while passing through the portal, Macaulay must know something?"

Joyce nodded: "Now we need to end the battle here as soon as possible. A big victory will buy us some time to find His Majesty."

Daliang said: "But the big devil has left."

Joyce said confidently: "The flagship of the Jeju fleet was shot down by us. There is no suspense in this war."

The Shangjiang fleet attacks!

Joyce returns to the bridge of the Oath.

Due to the initial fierce attack, the Jeju Fleet was already in a melee with the Shangjiang Fleet. Earl Broome was killed in the battle. The strength of the Jeju Fleet was greatly weakened. Now they can no longer escape from the battlefield. Surrounded by the Shangjiang Fleet, only The end of the entire army was destroyed.

The battle here is a foregone conclusion, and the angel reinforcements led by Archangel Nelson will make this war end faster. Daliang left the Shangjiang Fleet and returned to the Shuttle, the flagship of the Judgment Fleet, where there was still an important battle waiting for him to command.

After passing the legion assembly flag, Da Liang returned to his position.

The ruling fleet received a notification from the command system: the legion commander entered the command position.

The Judgment Fleet continued to sail towards the city of Kraskino. There were only a small number of single-masted warships following the fleet, and these following ships were gradually decreasing under Shu Xiao's attack. In the entire Sea of ​​Japan, the greatest threat to the Judgment Fleet is the new King of Fighters fleet led by Yagami An.

According to real-time intelligence, Iori Yagami's main fleet is more than half a day away from the Judgment Fleet, and at the same time, this distance is still widening. The auxiliary fleet of the new King of Fighters fleet is moving towards Kraskino City via Hokkaido along the ocean current route, and the straight-line distance from the Judgment Fleet is even further away.

According to the surrounding situation, the Judgment Fleet will not encounter a large-scale enemy fleet before arriving at Kraskino City.

In addition, Daliang made wild remarks at the opening ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center, threatening to open a second battlefield for the East Asian naval war in the Sea of ​​Japan. This news also began to ferment and generate reactions.

It was impossible for Tokugawa Nobunaga to allow China Game Zone to stab him in the rear. The warships originally remaining on both sides of the Sea of ​​Japan were redeployed. Hundreds of warships of various types were sailing to Kraskino City along the two offshore current routes in the east and west. .

The number of warships that the Japan-South Korea combined fleet can launch in the southern waters of the Sea of ​​Japan has been greatly reduced.

Everything is going according to plan.

Daliang, who returned to the command position, summoned the main commanders of the Judgment Fleet and began to plan the strategic changes starting tonight.

Soon Xu Man got in touch, and his tone was full of extreme surprise: "The Shangjiang Fleet actually knocked down the flagship of the Jeju Fleet. Now it seems that the Shangjiang Fleet has resolved the crisis and is encircling and annihilating the Jeju Fleet. The changes are too fast. Well! Not long ago, the Oath seemed to fall off at any time. In a blink of an eye, it was back to normal, and the King Power started to go crazy... What happened? Don't say you don't know."

Daliang laughed and said: "Sister Man, you won't believe me when I say I don't know. But the things involved here are too complicated, and the power struggle at the top cannot be explained simply. In short, the current ruling class of Shangjiang City is very The chaos is so chaotic that my head hurts, but everything is still under my control. The Jeju fleet can no longer turn around, just let our people follow the Shangjiang fleet and suffer the consequences."

For Xu Man, Daliang's energy in Shangjiang City has always been a secret. She can guess that Daliang has a certain influence on the ruling class of Shangjiang City, but to what extent, Daliang has refreshed Xu Man with his actions again and again. speculation.

When the unveiling ceremony of the Yingshi Virtual Currency Trading Center ended in the morning, the "Oath" and the Shangjiang Fleet were in very bad condition. After going online, Xu Man has been paying attention to the changes in this war. It can be said that the Shangjiang Fleet has reached the edge of collapse in the end.

The result was a dramatic change in the situation.

Xu Man himself didn’t believe it when he said that Daliang didn’t play a crucial role in it.

But what did Daliang do to turn a losing battle into a great victory?

How deep is this guy's hidden strength?

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