Start with an Archangel

Chapter 470 Return to Shangjiang City

Daliang was unwilling to reveal too many of his secrets, and Xu Man did not delve into them. Too many tests would only cause cracks in the tacit relationship between the two.

Xu Man knew what he could ask and what he couldn't pry. Just like the division of labor between her and Daliang in the college alliance, Xu Man is in charge of the operation of the alliance and handles all internal and external affairs; Daliang takes over the military when necessary, and the ruling corps accepts input from the alliance, but is only responsible to Daliang, even if Xu Man takes a temporary position As the deputy commander of the Judgment Corps, as long as Daliang is in the command position, she will not interfere with the affairs of the Judgment Corps. This is also clearly recorded in the membership regulations of the Judgment Corps.

It is precisely because of this tacit understanding that the University Alliance, a student organization that originally had internal and external hidden dangers, maintains its nature and grows step by step.

There are many student organizations like the University Alliance in the hero world, but they are either too weak to develop, or they become vassals of others.

After Xu Man and Daliang discussed the arrangements for this war, they gave Daliang a sum of money and then went to prepare for tomorrow's war with the Japanese and Korean combined fleets.

China's Northern Fleet can no longer retreat.

2 million gold coins.

These are part of the assistance Xu Man received from gold merchants. Part of the money paid for the two-masted battleship drawings obtained from Daliang, and part of it allowed Daliang to order new battleships. After the Judgment Fleet comes out of the Sea of ​​Japan, it can be quickly restored. Combat power, put into the battlefield.

Daliang directly asked the Heihuoling Shipyard to build 100 speed-enhanced single-masted No. 1 ships. Using his own shipyard to build them was 20% cheaper than the Pudong Shipyard's discount. Not only the bare ships, but also all the expenses on the battleships except the artillery, the Black Fire Territory can produce them all by itself.

The Black Fire Leader has a shipyard on Aoba Island with 10 shipbuilding slots, which can simultaneously build 10 single-mast class ships or repair 10 two-mast class or below ships.

With this kind of production capacity alone, it is impossible to complete 100 single-masted battleships in a short period of time. However, the Blackfire Territory had already built its own single-masted battleship fleet. Da Liang dispatched 100 single-masted battleships from his own fleet to the sea off Shangjiang to stand by. The dispatched battleships were slowly replenished with new ships.

Troops began to move under orders. Most of them didn't know what they were doing, but it was these ignorant players who slowly formed a large-scale combat plan.

One day passed, and darkness fell on the sea again.

Under Da Liang's order, the main force of the Judgment Fleet quietly turned 180 degrees and sailed towards the south.

The single-masted battleship group originally arranged on the periphery continued to sail. Shu Xiao led the Judgment Legion air combat force to follow the single-masted battleship group. They cooperated to establish a large isolation circle at sea. The Japanese and Korean single-masted warships that were following them no longer had the ability to break through the isolation circle and conduct close-range reconnaissance.

The Judgment Fleet stuck to its course from the beginning, a large number of players arrived in Huichun City, and Da Liang spoke arrogantly. They all left an impression in everyone's imagination. The goal of the Judgment Fleet was Kraskino City, and the center of this circle was where the main force of the Judgment Fleet was located.

But now the main force of the Judgment Fleet has broken away and sailed south.

At this time, the East Asian Naval War was about to break out. Almost all ships on both sides of the Sea of ​​Japan were involved in this war. Even fishing boats were carrying gunpowder, artillery shells and various supplies to the front line. The battleships were either heading south to the battlefield or north to the city of Kraskino.

All ships sailed along the offshore currents at the fastest speed, and it became difficult to see a ship in the originally busy depths of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Shu Xiao followed the empty-shell fleet to continue to confuse the enemy. Julian led a small number of air combat personnel to provide high-altitude reconnaissance for the main force of the Judgment Fleet. Thirteen two-masted battleships and ten single-masted battleships secretly marched in a dense formation in the hinterland of the Sea of ​​Japan. .

After a night of sailing, the main force of the Judgment Fleet avoided the pursuing Korean single-masted warships and also put Yagami's new King of Fighters fleet behind them.

As daylight came, the fleet sailed even more cautiously.

Daliang handed over the fleet's navigation route to the backstage staff and returned to Shangjiang City.

Joyce and Bartlett are back too.

Archangel Nelson has led the supporting angel troops to arrive at the Shangjiang Fleet, and Joyce immediately handed over command of the fleet to Nelson.

After a day and night of fierce fighting, the Shangjiang Fleet has secured victory. Archangel Nelson, as Joyce's former deputy, has rich experience in naval battles. There is no problem in leaving an endgame to Nelson.

Finding Howard was more important than anything else, so Joyce and Bartlett hurriedly returned to Shangjiang City from the "Oath" through the gate of time and space.

Daliang, who also returned, met the current governor of Shangjiang, Duke Joshua, at the palace with Joyce and Bartlett.

Joyce told Joshua the story of the battle at sea.

Daliang also slightly modified the story of his meeting with the fearful demon King Ergus and said briefly: "Erges does not want the power of hell to enter Shangjiang City. Holy Bella judged that he would personally kill those big demons, and then You can take the opportunity to catch him. Unexpectedly, Ergos gave me a badge and solved these big demons.

This also proves the judgment of Holy Bella and Ergos that Hell did participate in this war, and those who attacked His Majesty in the portal were probably the fallen angels of Hell.

I think the Lord of Qingpu City, Marquis Macaulay, may know something. He is very good at space magic. Maybe he was the one who attacked His Majesty. "

In fact, Joshua, Joyce, and Bartlett all guessed that the big demon that attacked the "Oath" came from hell, but now it was only confirmed by Daliang.

Hell actually wants to enter Shangjiang City, and with the two demon lords King and Holy Bella, Shangjiang City is simply at the center of this plane war. If you are not careful, it will become the battlefield between Yunzhong City and Hell. A city was directly wiped out.

Today, Shangjiang City needs King Howard even more to lead them through the difficulties.

But if the one who attacked Howard was the Fallen Angel of Hell himself, then the chance of Howard surviving was very slim.

Joshua said: "I will give you time to find His Majesty the King of Donghai. I will try my best to delay the leakage of the news of His Majesty's disappearance. But you should also know what Shangjiang City is facing at this time. Although we defeated Jeju this time City, but Hell will never give up. They have seen the influence of the Hell Lord King on the demons, and the fallen angels will only be more eager to enter our city.

This is a matter of life and death for the fallen angels, and Cloud City cannot stop Hell for too long.

And a Shangjiang City without a king will only perish.

You can now mobilize all the forces in Shangjiang City to find His Majesty. Whatever you do is within the scope of my permission. But... once the news of His Majesty's disappearance is leaked, I hope you can support me in becoming king. I guarantee that Shangjiang City will still be the main city of the human race. "

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