Joyce represented the navy. Not only was she once designated as queen, but she also saved many fleeing nobles during William's massacre. Joyce has a very high prestige among the human race. Even though the human race has become weakened during the Great Purge, they still own a main city and are still the nominal co-owners of the Shangjiang area.

Bartlett represents angels. Now Yunzhong City has allowed Shangjiang City to recruit angels freely. Although due to resource constraints, Shangjiang cannot recruit too many angels, but the will of these ultimate creatures cannot be ignored. Howard is the last of the direct royal family, and without him the angels have lost their allegiance. Bartlett was the angel commander appointed by Howard, and no one could ignore his opinions.

Daliang's identity is relatively complicated in Shangjiang City. He is a noble who suddenly rose up. Joshua's rebellion failed because of him, and the chaos caused by the jealous demon king was suppressed by him. He maintains good relationships with many big figures in the Shangjiang area, including Joshua, Joyce, and Bartlett here.

The earl himself has a powerful private army with the existence of the ultimate creature. Marquis Stanley, the lord of Jiading City, the city with the greatest potential in Shangjiang, obeys his words. He can see Holy Bella at will, which only Howard can do in the entire palace; he can actually get the gaze of the King of Fear from Ergos, which is a bit abnormal...

These three people are the powerful people in the Shangjiang area.

It can be said that as long as the three of them are willing to support, Joshua can successfully ascend the throne.

Joshua was to be king.

Da Liang did not answer immediately, and Bartlett also remained silent.

If Howard really falls into Hell's hands, it will be difficult for them to get him back, life or death. In this extraordinary period, Shangjiang City really needs a successor who can ascend the throne and become the new King of East China Sea when necessary, leading this tired city to persevere.

But Joshua is not the only option.

Joyce, who had won the naval battle of Jeju City, had enough prestige to sit on the throne.

Of course Daliang is willing to support Joyce in becoming king. In this case, in Shangjiang City...

The dog nobles in Shangjiang City,

Even if you come with more than ten people,

Thousands of them,

I can put on little shoes for you all.

(Narrator: Is hugging the Queen’s lap so great?)


Sorry, if you hold the queen's lap, you can do whatever you want.

come! Let these noble gentlemen wear women's clothing.

Wow ha ha ha ha……

Da Liang waited aside to see what kind of glorious life he would live after Joyce became the queen.

Bartlett on the side also had his own ideas.

As an archangel who has been following Howard in battles, Bartlett has a very deep friendship with Howard. In the entire Shangjiang City, he most hoped that Howard would be safe and sound. If there was a chance to rescue Howard, he would be willing to fight with his own life.

But if Howard can't come back, he'll have to consider a new allegiance.

As an archangel, Bartlett certainly hopes that the King of East China Sea is a human race, and Joyce also has all the conditions to become a queen.

She is powerful and has potential. In order to help William rule Shangjiang, he was specially trained by the King of the East Sea.

The human nobles in Shangjiang City supported her. Bartlett looked at Da Liang who was standing there blankly. Earl Feichen and Marquis Stanley would also support her.

As long as the angels also support, Joyce will have the political capital to compete with Joshua. The only worry is...she is too young.

Can she neutralize the wily Joshua?

If Joyce becomes queen, will she be able to prevent infighting or civil strife in Shangjiang?

However, Bartlett decided that as long as Joyce was willing to become king, he would lead the angels to serve her.

Bartlett's concerns were also taken into consideration by Joyce.

Shangjiang needs stability more than ever. Joshua's influence in the Shangjiang area is very large. The important thing is that he is ambitious enough for the throne.

Joyce said: "I agree, if we can't find your Majesty before news of his disappearance spreads, I am willing to make you king."

Joyce had no ambitions for the throne. From her point of view, as long as the human race's orthodoxy in Shangjiang can be maintained, Joshua is the best candidate to inherit the throne.

Daliang's dream of hugging the Queen's lap was shattered. He quickly said before Bartlett expressed his position: "When there must be a king in Shangjiang City to take charge of the overall situation, I am willing to make Duke Joshua the king. But... I I feel that the throne of the King of the East China Sea should one day return to the hands of the human race, and avoid things like today from happening. Duke Joshua, I have no other intention, because according to the current situation in Shangjiang City, becoming a king requires more responsibilities. Responsibility, there will also be more dangers.

I hope that if something unexpected happens, we have a legitimate successor who can continue to fulfill the important task of protecting this city. Therefore, I propose that when we need the Duke to inherit the throne, you can declare Marquis Joyce as the first heir to the King of East China Sea. "

Joyce looked at Da Liang, who gave her a shining smile.

Regarding Daliang's suggestion, Bartlett echoed: "Earl Daliang is right. If necessary, I will support Duke Joshua to become our king, but I also hope that the throne of the East China Sea King can one day return to the human race." In your hands. Your Majesty Duke, as long as you declare that your successor will be a human when you inherit the throne, you will gain the allegiance of me and the angels. I agree that the first heir is Marquis Joyce."

After Joshua thought about it, the only person in Shangjiang City who could compete with him for the throne was Joyce, and Joyce was obviously not interested in the throne. But Daliang and Bartlett seemed unwilling to let the throne fall into the hands of an elf. However, if Joyce refused to fight, they had no choice but to retreat and give the humans a chance to regain the throne.

But according to the lifespan of an elf, Joshua can sit on the throne for hundreds of years as long as he wears the crown. No one knows what will happen at that time.

Joshua said: "I can promise you that as long as I become the King of East China Sea, I will declare that my heir will always be a human, and Marquis Joyce will be my first heir."

Daliang said: "Actually, everyone doesn't need to be too pessimistic. Maybe we will find His Majesty soon. Macaulay, the Lord of Qingpu City, is a fallen angel. Maybe he knows where Your Majesty is."

Joyce said: "Yes, finding your Majesty is the most important thing now. Please order Jiading City, Songjiang City, and Fengxian City to send troops to Qingpu City. I will go to Qingpu City with Earl Daliang and Lord Bartlett to capture Mai." a."

Da Liang said: "I think we should block off the Flea Street first."

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