Start with an Archangel

Chapter 472 Chief’s Tavern

Flea Street has always been a trouble for Shangjiang City. The whole city's villains gather here. Shangjiang City's political orders cannot enter here, and tax collectors are expelled here.

The disorder and evil style is very similar to that of the devil and is a cancer on the city.

But when it comes to the King of East China Sea, Flea Street is just a trouble for the rulers of Shangjiang City.

Flea Street entered by 10,000 soldiers.

Lancers, archers, swordsmen, priests, and cavalry lined up in dense formation, advancing along the street from the entrance to Flea Street; griffins had occupied the roofs of all the buildings in Flea Street, and heroes rode royal The gryphon slowly circled in the air.

The army's footsteps shook the whole neighborhood.

The lawless residents of Flea Street in the past all hid in their houses. When Shangjiang City showed his true strength, they showed their cowardly side that was usually hidden.

The human army soon filled the entire street. The queue separated from the middle and stood on both sides, revealing a narrow passage.

"Reporting to Your Majesty the Marquis and the Earl, we have occupied Flea Street..."

Joyce and Daliang entered Flea Street from the street entrance.

When Daliang proposed to blockade the Flea Street in the palace hall, Joyce remembered that the Lord of Qingpu City, the fallen angel Macaulay, was the Flea King who ruled the Flea Street.

Being a fallen angel of hell gives Macaulay the motive to attack King Howard. Flea Street can provide cover for Macaulay. Being good at space spells gives Macaulay the ability to attack King Howard.

All clues point to Macaulay.

Therefore, if you want to find King Howard, you must first capture Macaulay.

Duke Joshua agreed to the request to mobilize troops, and the troop dispatch orders issued in the name of the Consul of Shangjiang were sent to the neighboring cities of Qingpu City - Songjiang City, Fengxian City and Jiading City.

The underground city, the orcs and the undead will form a coalition to attack the demons. As the commander of this army, Bartlett has gone to Qingpu City to take command.

Joyce and Da Liang came to Flea Street first.

The door of Guis's ship model cabin was closed tightly. Looking at the dust at the door, Guis must not have been here for many days.

This master of ship design, Prophet, and Nicole must be making something...

However, they have little overlap with Daliang's current mission, and Daliang has not thought about adding another mission line for himself.

Da Liang and Joyce continued walking deeper into Flea Street.

The Chief's Tavern is the only tavern on Flea Street, where the most ferocious villains gather and run all kinds of evil transactions. It is also the center of Macaulay's rule over Flea Street.

At this time, the ogre doorman outside the Chief's Tavern had been controlled, and the inside of the Tavern was quiet.

Joyce looked at Daliang, pulled out his sword and walked in first. In order to prevent any players inside from recognizing him, Daliang also put on his hood and walked in.

The mixed odor entered my nose again.

The lighting inside the Chief's Tavern is very dim, which facilitates shady dealings. At this time, the tavern was quiet. The knights and swordsmen had already established a cordon here, and everyone was ordered to stay in their original positions.

No noise or whispering.

There was only the sound of Joyce and Da Liang's boots clicking on the ground.

Joyce stepped on a bench and walked to a wine table. She used her sword to pick up a glass of ale from the messenger's tray next to her, took it in her hand, took a deep sip, and then said to everyone: "As a To apologize for disturbing you, I will pay for all the expenses you have here today. I, Marquis Joyce, the Admiralty Minister of Shangjiang City, am here to find the so-called Flea King. If any of you can provide me with useful information, you can Get a handsome reward.

I remind you, don’t think that silence means I can’t do anything to you. I didn’t bring so many troops to Flea Street just for fun.

If I don't get any useful information here, I will kill all of you.

The whole street, no matter what the price..."

Killing intent spread throughout the Chief's Tavern.

Now Da Liang doesn't care much about whether he can find Howard. If you can find him and complete the task, you will naturally get a generous reward; if you can't find him, Joshua will be promoted and Joyce will be promoted to crown prince, which seems to be a good result for Daliang.

But after Joshua came to power, the crystal mine on Feichen Island seemed a bit dangerous. But Daliang is not afraid. He is no longer a small force with three or two guns that needs to be dealt with everywhere. As a powerful figure in Shangjiang who supported Joshua in his position, Joshua will not fall out with him because of a crystal mine.

Therefore, unlike Joyce who is eager to find Howard, Daliang focuses entirely on participating, showing determination, and standing with the team.

Joyce looked down at everyone here and waited for someone to answer, while Da Liang took a glass of wine and found a place to sit down, drinking and watching the East Asian naval battle that had broken out.

From the opening ceremony of Hideyo Kamie's Virtual Currency Trading Center yesterday, Tokugawa Nobunaga led the Japanese and Korean joint fleets to press forward to the waters controlled by the Chinese Northern Fleet.

The entire Japan-South Korea combined fleet did not use any fancy formations. It was entirely intended to "defeat ten forces with one force" and directly threaten the offshore waters of the Chinese game zone and force the Chinese Northern Fleet to fight decisively.

Tokugawa Nobunaga assembled the first batch of more than 2,000 battleships and more than 1,000 auxiliary ships. The entire fleet was spread out on the sea, with no end in sight from east to west, north, and south.

The second batch of Japanese-South Korean combined fleets has begun to assemble in the western waters of Jeju Island. Any attempt by the Chinese Northern Fleet to outflank the first batch of Japanese-South Korean combined fleets will be hit by the second batch of fleets.

The third batch of fleets in Tokugawa Nobunaga's plan are being built at shipyards in various ports in the Japan-Korea game zone. Brig-class battleships will account for a very large proportion in the third batch of fleets. They will form a heavy punch and deal a fatal blow to the Chinese Northern Fleet when the battle ahead becomes anxious.

The threat and potential shown by the Chinese game area gave Tokugawa Nobunaga a lot of assistance.

Europe, the United States, Australia, India, and those powerful coastal game areas do not want a strong opponent to appear in the Western Pacific in the future.

Shipbuilding blueprints, gold coins, and funds outside the game were all transferred to Tokugawa Nobunaga, allowing the shipbuilding potential of the Japanese and Korean game areas to be maximized.

The powerful fleet and abundant funds made Tokugawa Nobunaga's heart swell.

As an opponent of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets, the Chinese Northern Fleet has reached a point where it can no longer retreat.

Facing the aggressive Japanese and South Korean combined fleets, defense is the strategy that China's Northern Fleet adheres to, leaving enough space for layer-by-layer defense.

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