Start with an Archangel

Chapter 473 A sea battle breaks out

The Northern Fleet in the Chinese Game Zone was not too conservative when formulating its strategy. Even though its military strength was at a disadvantage, it still divided the entire fleet into the East Sea Fleet Group and the Yellow Sea Fleet Group.

The ratio of the number of ships in the East China Sea Fleet Group and the Yellow Sea Fleet Group is 8:2. As the main force in naval battles, the East China Sea Fleet is responsible for confronting the Japanese and South Korean combined fleets; the Yellow Sea Fleet poses an attack posture to threaten the western coast of the Korean Game Zone, and even allows players to assemble in Weihai City on the Jiaozhou Peninsula, as if they will be in Incheon City in the Korean Game Zone whenever they have the opportunity. Landing posture.

The west coast of the Korean game area is pinned down and cannot move. The Japanese and Korean joint fleets also need to keep a fleet in the waters near Jeju Island to guard against the Yellow Sea fleet taking the retreat.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

No matter how the Yellow Sea plays out, the outcome of this war will really be decided on the battlefield in the East China Sea.

The Eastern Sea Fleet of the Northern Fleet has completed pre-war preparations. Their number of ships is only a little more than 60% of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets. If it were not for the ruling fleet to contain some Japanese and Korean ships in the Sea of ​​Japan, this ratio would still be will be lower.

The only advantage of the East China Sea Fleet is that it has shorter supply lines than the Japanese and Korean game areas. The straight coastline also makes the supply and maintenance of the East China Sea Fleet more efficient.

In order to carry forward this advantage, specialized personnel are stationed in ports along the entire East China Sea, and all ports are included in the overall planning system of the fleet command center.

Shipbuilding and ship repair are all allocated optimally to maximize the efficiency of each ship slot. While ensuring the speed of new ship construction, every damaged ship returning home can be repaired immediately.

Since the number of ships and financial reserves do not join the Japan-South Korea combined fleet, controlling battle losses is the best way to maintain combat effectiveness.

The western waters of the Eastern Sea Fleet of the Northern Fleet are full of supply ships, and the entire northern coastal game area has entered a state of war.

To the east of the East China Sea Fleet, sporadic single-masted battleships and groups of flying units have begun to appear in the sky. Soon the main force of the Japanese and Korean combined fleets arrived, and the entire eastern sea was filled with ships bearing the flags of the Japanese and Korean game zones.

Xu Man stood on the flagship of the Donghai Fleet, a newly built three-masted warship named "Houyi".

The Japanese and Korean combined fleets have already rushed over, and the flying units in the air are truly blocking the sky.

Xu Man ordered: "The Northern Fleet Donghai Fleet is ready to fight, and the flying troops are taking off!"

Two dragon roars sounded on the deck of the "Hou Yi", and then a golden dragon and a green dragon soared into the sky in the gap between the sails. Various flying units took off from each battleship in the fleet, and various status magics rose from the deck.

The two fleets are getting closer and closer, and the eyes of the whole world are watching here...

Above the South China Sea, the dominant fleet was surrounded by the Vietnamese fleet in the north and the Malaysian fleet in the south.

On the sea that can blow, the dominant fleet forms a circular defense circle. 500 meters outside the defense circle is the fleet of the Southeast Asian Combined Fleet.

The northern sea area of ​​​​the Vietnamese fleet is part of the Chinese Southern Fleet. Here they have set up a breakthrough formation and can launch an attack at any time to rescue the dominant fleet trapped in the encirclement.

At the moment when the East Asia Naval Battle was about to start, Shi Fei said to all members of the Southern Fleet in China through the command channel: "In the past few days, various lords of the so-called Southeast Asian Alliance have tried to establish contact with me, but I have rejected them all. .I know what they want to talk to me about, but from the moment they drove the warship out of the port against my instructions, there is no need for me to talk to them anymore.

We must make the game areas in Southeast Asia clearly aware of our determination. Any provocation will begin and end with a war. This is also the strategic policy that I have adhered to since the beginning of the establishment of my dominant fleet.

There can only be one voice in the South China Sea.

Those who listen to us are our friends. If they don't listen to us, we will beat them until they do.

This is also an indicator of the end of this war.

Now the Southeast Asian Alliance fleet has heavily surrounded my master fleet, but they don't even have the courage to fire.

Then I will fire the first shot in the naval battle in Southeast Asia.

Dominate the fleet...

fire! "

Boom boom boom...

The dominant fleet in defensive formation launched an artillery attack on the Southeast Asian Combined Fleet in the outer circle. Hu Liangcai, the commander of the Southeast Asian Combined Fleet, immediately commanded the fleet to fight back. Other battlefields started fighting at the same time, and a naval battle affecting the entire South China Sea broke out in an instant.

The surrounded dominant fleet got in front of the East Asian naval battle and fired the first shot of the East Asian naval battle.

The Japanese and South Korean combined fleets and the East China Sea Fleet Group of China's Northern Fleet then exchanged fire.

The sound of cannons rumbled on the north and south seas, and the ocean of League of Legends entered a chaotic chapter from this moment on.

"Tmd! This guy Shi Fei stole the first shot again..."

Da Liang was watching the situation in the East China Sea, but suddenly received news that a war had begun in the South China Sea, and couldn't help but admire Shi Fei's opportunity to grab the reputation. But there was no other way. The people in the Southeast Asian fleet were too cowardly. They had obviously surrounded the dominant fleet, but they had not launched an attack. The time to start the war was completely in Shi Fei's hands.

However, Shi Fei dared to fire even though he was surrounded, which really boosted the morale of the players in the Chinese game area and showed his domineering power as the world's number one player. Regardless of whether the dominant fleet could break out of this battle, Shi Fei had gained.

Da Liang watched the battlefield videos of the North-South naval battle back and forth, when a person quietly approached him.

"My lord, what happened? Did you and Lord Joyce, the Lord Admiral of the Navy, come to Flea Street?"

Da Liang didn't expect that he would be recognized even though he was wearing a hood, but he was relieved when he saw that the other party was Polly. He was a very powerful thief.

Da Liang stopped several knights who wanted to capture Polly, then asked Polly to sit next to him, first put a glass of wine in front of him, and whispered: "The Flea King has committed a serious crime, and no one can protect him this time." He. Didn't see Marquis Joyce? The battle with the Jeju Fleet at sea will come before it ends. This time, let alone kill all of you in Flea Street, we will even turn the Shangjiang River over to find the Flea King.

The Flea King really can't jump this time. If you have any news about him, please tell me quietly, otherwise... the Marquis wants to kill someone, and I, the Count, can't protect you. "

Pollillo looked horrified at Joyce, who was standing on the table with an increasingly murderous intent.

He knew that the decisive battle between the Shangjiang Fleet and the Jeju Fleet had begun. During this critical period, the Fleet Admiral was not commanding on the battlefield, but returned to Sangjiang City. Something big must have happened in this city.

There is an army outside that can fill up the block. It seems that if they don't get news about the Flea King, they will really kill the entire street.

The Flea King really did an unimaginable big case!

Recommend a book "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds: Thrilling Live Broadcast", good luck will come, Lao Yin will eat chicken.

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