Start with an Archangel

Chapter 474 The witty Daliang

Look at Joyce, who is getting impatient, and the soldiers who are ready to take action.

Polly realized that as long as Marquis Joyce could not get news about the Flea King, she would kill Flea Street even if the battle would destroy half of Shangjiang City.

However, thinking about King Flea's methods, Polly still had some hesitation. He asked Daliang: "Lord Earl, can you reveal a little more about what King Flea has committed? We thieves and robbers have no loyalty to King Flea. Everyone is afraid of his revenge later.”

It seemed that Polly knew something. Daliang looked at the people around him and lowered his voice again: "The true identity of the Flea King is Marquis McCauley, the lord of Qingpu City. Now Jiading City, Songjiang City and Fengxian City have sent troops to Qingpu City. McCauley You don't need to know what Li did, you just need to know that Shangjiang can no longer accommodate him.

As long as you tell me what you know, you can get a generous reward, enough for you to go to any place where Macaulay can't find you and enjoy yourself. If you want to stay in Shangjiang City, Lord Joyce and I can help you. You provide protection. "

As a high-level thief, Polly is naturally sensitive to danger. He could feel that there was an aura of fear in Shangjiang City that was getting stronger and stronger. A disaster greater than before seemed to be coming at any time. He had already made plans to leave here. If he could make a sum of money before leaving, then It couldn't be better.

So Polly whispered to Da Liang: "I have seen the Flea King in the past few days. Of course, I didn't know that he was Marquis Macaulay. He always hid his face and figure when he saw us. He came out of the sewer the day before yesterday, and he came out of the sewer yesterday. He hurriedly entered the sewer. Two unlucky guys saw him and were killed. Fortunately, I was smart enough to sense that something was wrong and hid in advance. He walked away in a very hurry, as if he had encountered something terrible."

Daliang quickly asked: "When was it yesterday?"


The time matched, and King Howard entered the portal at that time, and was then transported to other places by interference.

It is now almost certain that it was Macaulay who attacked Howard.

Da Liang put a large bag of gold coins on the table, and then said to Polly: "These gold coins are yours. Do you want to make more money?"

Polly quickly put away the gold coins, then shook his head and said: "No, I know what I am capable of, and I have seen how dangerous the sewers are. Whether it is the monsters inside or Macaulay, I don't want to encounter them. I can I am very satisfied with making this money..."

Daliang placed three money bags of the same size on the table.

Polly collected them all in one go: "When will we enter the sewer?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Now..."

When the great demon from hell attacks the "Oath", everyone will notice Macaulay's identity as a fallen angel.

If it was Macaulay who really attacked Howard, he would definitely not have the guts to return to Qingpu City.

At the same time, the Shangjiang City Palace Mage also said that it is very difficult for a space spell attack to interfere with the teleportation gate, and the final teleportation distance is also very limited, which means that Howard will never be teleported to Qingpu City.

The attacker must have teleported Howard to the underground of Shangjiang City before taking the next step.

It has been one day since Howard disappeared, and every moment of delay makes the hope of finding him even slimmer.

Daliang felt that there should be some clues in the sewers of Shangjiang City. If Howard was trapped in it, he could find it earlier and rescue him earlier; if Howard was transported to hell, everyone could just come back and support Joshua as king.

Looking at the silent tavern, Joyce became more and more impatient.

"Lord Joyce," Daliang called Joyce and waved her over.

Joyce jumped down from the table and walked to Da Liang and asked, "What's going on?"

Daliang said: "I found some clues about Macaulay. He was in Shangjiang City on the day the incident happened. And I think he is most likely hiding in the sewers now. After all, in terms of his familiarity with the sewers of Shangjiang City, None of us can compare to him.”

"Then let's go to the sewers to find him."

Joyce was about to command the army to enter the sewers of Shangjiang City when Da Liang said again: "I don't think Macaulay is hiding on the first level of the sewers. He may be on the second or third level. I have been to the second level of the sewers. The second floor is very large and dangerous. The terrain is so narrow that the army cannot deploy. Under the attack of dark creatures, these soldiers will not be able to complete the search for the second floor even if they die."

Although Joyce has never been to the second level of the sewers in Shangjiang City, he has heard about it. The last time I went down there, I was accompanied by Holy Bella and the right-wing angels, and powerful force ensured the smoothness of the road. But now these ordinary soldiers, unable to exert their collective power, will die in vain by entering the sewers.

Joyce asked, "What should we do?"

Da Liang said: "The team entering the sewers does not need too many people, but it needs enough elites. You and I plus Polly, it would be better if Archduke Joshua is willing to allocate a few angels to us. Polly and I We have all been to the second level of the sewer, and we are quite familiar with it. As long as we are careful, we can kill the powerful monster leader inside."

Now all the archangels in Shangjiang City are on the battlefield of the naval battle, and there is only a group of angels left behind in Shangjiang City. Since Joshua is willing to cooperate fully to find Howard and allocate several ultimate combat forces to assist in searching the sewers, it should be agreed.


Joyce asked: "You also said that the second level of the sewer is very large. With our limited manpower, when can we finish the second level? We have very little time."

Time is equally tight for Da Liang.

While he was paying attention to the naval battle in East Asia, he also kept an eye on the situation of the Judgment Fleet.

Now everyone's attention in the Japanese and Korean game areas has been drawn to the battle in the East China Sea. Thousands of warships collided, tens of thousands of flying troops fought in the air, cannons rumbled, and magic shone. It was really magnificent.

Therefore, no one pays attention to the situation in the hinterland of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The passion caused by the war made Japanese and Korean players devote themselves wholeheartedly to the war. The ruling fleet hid its whereabouts and sailed safely in the Sea of ​​Japan. It is expected to arrive at the Tsushima Strait in two days.

Da Liang didn't have much time to spend on the task of finding Howard.

Therefore, he said to Joyce: "We can issue a legion mission and let the adventurer legion enter the second level of the sewers of Shangjiang City to help us find traces of Macaulay. There are dark creatures in the sewers, and Macaulay is a fallen man. Angels, even if they are accompanied by an army, are still soldiers of the Hell Tribe, so they are very easy to identify.

Our small team searched for the third floor. The dark creatures on this road are more powerful, and the adventurers may not be their opponents.

There are many connecting passages between the first and second floors. We can also use the first floor as a traffic lane. When adventurers encounter dark creatures that cannot be dealt with, we will go over and help them kill them.

In this case, the low-level dark creatures are left to the adventurers, and we only fight the boss...only the powerful monsters. Cooperating with each other can save a lot of time and help find His Majesty as soon as possible. "

Isn't this a clever move?

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