Start with an Archangel

Chapter 476 Entering the Second Level Again

Although the decisive battle on the sea was lively, and the outcome had a great impact on each game area, only a few players could directly participate. In addition to donating some gold coins or flying units, most players could only watch the battle on the sidelines and talk about it. Cannon attack the Japanese and Korean game area.

The game still proceeds normally.

Legion members from Shangjiang City poured into the second level of the sewer in large numbers, and then dispersed in the passages extending in all directions.

The dark creatures originally wandering in the sewers were alerted. The player's breath and the light brought angered them, and various dark creatures launched attacks on the players.

However, legion members are no longer a ragtag group of individual players. Although ordinary legions are not as good as professional legions such as Judgment and Overlord, after several war missions and the imitation of some professional legions, ordinary legions can form a certain level to some extent. With the awareness of cooperation among large groups, some legions under the jurisdiction of large guilds also have their own developed legion command systems.

In a head-to-head confrontation, as long as the player responsible for the human shield can withstand the impact of the dark creatures, the player responsible for the attack from behind can easily kill the attacking monsters.

The battle spread along the entrance of Level 1 to the depths of the sewer on the second floor.

Da Liang's boss attack team is also ready to go.

Polly was responsible for the investigation and monster-baiting tasks. This was the third time that Polly entered the second level of the Shangjiang City sewer. The same route did not put much pressure on this senior thief.

The main force of the attack is Joyce, who can become the Lord of the Navy of a major city. There is no doubt about Joyce's combat effectiveness. From the battle with the high-level demon on the "Oath", it can be seen that the ultimate creature of high level in one-on-one is not Joe. Is's opponent. Last time, Da Liang saw the strength of the dark creatures inside in the second-level sewer. Holy Bella's right-wing guard archangel should be equivalent to the strength of the high-level demon. Since the right-wing guard archangel can open the way, Joyce is stronger than them. There should be no problem.

The only thing I'm worried about is the disgusting boss in the last section of the road.

The name of the boss who contributed the Shadowman's cloak to Da Liang was the Silt Monster. At that time, he suddenly swallowed two right-wing guard archangels, but was later easily killed by Holy Bella.

If you're careful and watch out for its sneak attack, you should be able to kill it again.

And Joyce was not the only one responsible for the attack on his side. Joshua stuck to his promise and did not deliberately hold back in the process of searching for Howard. He sent 7 angels. This was the last ultimate weapon he could use. biological.

Level 13 angels are slightly weaker than level 14 archangels in terms of attributes and potential, but as natural heroes, they are much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

Angels with balanced offensive and defensive attributes are fully capable of playing the role of human shields.

As a spell caster, Daliang is responsible for spell attacks.

At the same time, because he had been to the second level of sewers before, he also served as the conductor. Joyce had no objections to this position.

Angels wearing white armor stood in a row. Polly had already entered the sewer. Da Liang used the database of the College Alliance to pay attention to the distribution of players in the sewer, and then said to Joyce beside him: "Let's go down..."

The boss team entered the sewer. Under the leadership of Polly, they followed the path they had taken before and entered the second level of the Shangjiang Sewer.

There are no dark creatures at the exit of the second floor. Several legions on missions have set up a supply point here. There are arrows, food, replacement soldiers' ordnance, short spears for ballistae, and the flag-raising point for the legion's assembly flag is also located here. Da Liang even saw gunpowder barrels and piled artillery shells in a supply point. Hearing a deafening sound of artillery coming from the distant passage, these players actually brought in all the artillery.

Sufficient personnel and materials allow players to advance little by little on the second level of the sewer.

Seven angels came down from the passage, immediately arousing excitement among the players.

Shangjiang City is the main city of the human race, and most of the players in Shangjiang City are human race. Angels, the ultimate creatures of the human race, are gorgeous and powerful and are sought after by every human player. The Angel Ji in Daliang's hands has been extremely popular, and the Angel race is also very popular.

Angels often appear in the sky of Shangjiang City, but they are too far away. Even if players with flying mounts want to come forward to watch, they will be immediately expelled by griffins. Being able to see angels up close is simply a luxury for ordinary players, let alone taking photos and so on.

This time, 7 angels appeared at the same time. They were probably the official strong support team in the legion mission.

We are all doing the same task, so if we are closer, we won’t be cut down, right?

The bold players moved closer and saw that the angels were not hostile, so they boldly took pictures.

Joyce and Da Liang were wearing smocks to cover their faces and were surrounded by angels. Polly had already become invisible and was exploring forward along the passage to the third floor.

"Let's go." Seeing that some players started to touch the female angel, Daliang didn't know what kind of outrageous things these sluts would do, so he quickly ordered the team to take action.

Joyce used himself as the head of the arrow and led four angels in a sagittal formation in front. Da Liang was protected by the two wings of the sagittal formation in the middle, and the three angels were behind.

The team moved forward in the direction pointed out by Da Liang.

Several players with other thoughts followed, and the others who stayed behind immediately reported the situation here to their respective legion commanders.

"The system's powerful team has appeared. The team consists of seven angels and two powerful heroes who cover their faces. The team composition is very gorgeous. It seems that Shangjiang City directly used angels to deal with the fallen angels... Yes, yes, we have already I sent people to follow... The monsters in that passage are very powerful. There are currently no players in that passage. The monsters inside are not even a bit stronger than other places. Basically all of them are elite monsters. If our people go in, they will die... Yes ! Legion commander, you can also make a fortune by picking up equipment, I will immediately organize a small team of people to follow."

After the report, several legions in the area immediately dispatched capable teams and pursued Daliang in the direction where he left.

Daliang ignored the tails that followed him.

These players who follow up can share the monsters spawned from behind the team. He only needs to focus most of his energy on dealing with the monster groups in front and the monsters that emerge from the two wall holes in the passage.

After walking about fifty meters, Polly ran towards this side, and the monster's roar sounded behind him.

Polly was discovered and driven back, but judging from his relaxed appearance, he shouldn't be a difficult character.

"Get ready to fight. The first group of angels stepped forward to block the monster attack. The second group provided support. Lord Joyce, please kill the monsters quickly. From now on, the monsters we encounter will only be stronger and more powerful. The third group of angels will support you." Watch our sides and rear, standby."

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