Start with an Archangel

Chapter 477 Clearing the Monsters

Joyce first applied a group attack acceleration magic to the team to increase the action speed of the team members. Daliang added group body protection Stoneskin and group body protection Aegis to the team.

The team whose entity was once again improved took a defensive posture, and the two angels following Joyce held up light shields.

Polly quickly ran past Joyce and hid in the middle of the formation. A group of reptilian dark sewage lizards rushed over in front of him along the top, bottom, left, and right walls.

Da Liang and Joyce's magic were launched at the same time.

The speed of the advanced "Slowness Technique" monster instantly becomes slower.

The advanced "Quicksand Trap" is a newly learned second-level earth magic in the magic guild of Daliang Territory. The quicksand generated from the ground trapped the legs of several monsters.


Advanced "Light of Destruction", the monster's defense has been weakened.

Advanced "bewitching people's hearts", third-level air magic, can control enemy soldiers. Controlling the number of enemies is related to mana, and the time to control enemies is related to mana.

More than a dozen dark sewage lizards changed their camps, and then bit into the same kind around them.

The continuous status magic left only five dark sewage lizards that could rush over, and the angel easily blocked their attacks. Joyce pulled out her sword, and the half-moon-shaped brilliance flickered on her blade. She was flexible and attacked very quickly. Every thrust and split made the dark sewage lizard scream.

The angels also joined the attack, and as soon as Da Liang threw two fireballs, the five dark sewage lizards that rushed over were killed.

"Keep the formation moving forward..."

The dark sewage lizards ahead were either trapped in quicksand or caught in cannibalism. Under the command of Da Liang, the team advanced step by step and killed all the monsters they encountered.

Soon the group of dark sewage lizards were all killed, and Joyce controlled the remaining six sewage lizards to follow Polly to explore the way forward.

After stepping on the body of the sewage lizard and continuing forward, Da Liang didn't even glance at the equipment that exploded.

They are all soldier equipment. It is difficult for this level of soldier equipment to arouse Daliang's desire to bend over.

"It's so fucking strong!"

This is the unified voice of the players behind Daliang's team.

Killing a dark sewage lizard is like chopping a watermelon.

Players guarding the entrance of the passage all know that these dozens of dark sewage lizards are gathered at a monster spawn point not far ahead. Some players once wanted to take this passage, but they realized that these rivers and sewers were there at first contact. The common dark sewage lizards on the second floor all have the strength of elite monsters.

Elite monsters have a high explosion rate, and players certainly like them, but dozens of them are all elite monsters that players cannot deal with. Especially the dark sewage lizard has strong mobility and can walk freely on walls and ceilings. Players simply cannot handle it.

After several attempts, the losses were completely out of proportion to the gains, and the players all gave up on this path.

As a result, the system sent a team to weaken and control, directly crushing and pushing.

Sure enough, there is a team of 7 angels, and those two NPCs are also incredibly strong!

However, the players did not marvel for too long. After the NPC team in front walked away, they immediately rushed forward and scrambled to pick up all the equipment on the ground.

Although soldier equipment is better than hero equipment in terms of attribute increase, soldier equipment does not have the spell and skill increase effect of high-level hero equipment, and it cannot have skills, so Daliang basically looks down on it. Especially the soldier equipment exploded by this kind of bulk monster, the attribute enhancement is also limited.

If it was an equipment that was revealed by a high-level boss, Da Liang would only pick it up and take a look at it.

Da Liang has seen a lot of high-end equipment, but soldier equipment of this level is very popular in the hands of players, especially the soldier equipment exploded by these elite monsters. The attributes are generally very good, and some of the best ones can even be the same as hero equipment. Fair value.

The equipment on the ground was quickly scraped away, and then the sound of fighting came from the front again. Players from different legions looked at each other and immediately chased after them.

Based on his experience on the second level of the sewer last time, Da Liang has a certain understanding of the characteristics and habits of the dark creatures here. Moreover, Daliang himself is an experienced game player. In previous games, leading a team to play dungeons was commonplace.

Walking in this sewer now, although the monsters are a bit more powerful, the team members are all very capable.

Da Liang made arrangements, used magic to heal the injured angels, and killed them all the way. All the monsters were lying on the ground.

While killing, Joyce paused and turned around and said to Daliang: "Someone triggered the space-time beacon I sent."

When a player triggers a space-time beacon, he must have encountered a boss.

Daliang said quickly: "Let's go over now, kill the monsters blocking the road as soon as possible, and come back as soon as possible. We will do our best to ensure the speed of exploring the second layer of sewers this time."

Joyce nodded and opened a portal next to him.

Just as Joyce was about to walk in, Da Liang stopped her and said: "This situation cannot rule out the possibility that bold adventurers want to kill us. I will go there first. If I am attacked, you can open another portal to kill me." Save it."

Players are the most unpredictable group of people. For some players, NPCs are only divided into two types, killable and unkillable. What triggers the space-time beacon at this time may be that the player really encounters a boss that cannot be dealt with, or there is a small chance that it is a trap set by the player, who wants to kill high-level heroic NPCs and angels to see what high-level equipment can be revealed.

Of course, Daliang, who can be resurrected, must take the initiative to do risky things.

Joyce briefly considered giving up her position to Da Liang. If there was an ambush on the other side of the portal, she would be the backup to ensure everyone was safe.

Da Liang came to the front of the portal and stepped over.

"Force Shield"

The moment he came out, Daliang first released the force shield in front of him, and then saw more than a dozen players struggling to resist the attack of a boss.

Rodent monster.

A dark monster with a rat head and human body, it is two meters tall and very flexible. Its hands have sharp claws, and its thick tail can attack from various weird angles.

This group of players was beaten back continuously, and each soldier was pushed forward, and then was killed instantly.

The appearance of Da Liang made the players feel like they had seen a savior.

"The system's support is coming, run!" Someone shouted, and the originally orderly resistance formation instantly dispersed, and people shouted and ran from Daliang's side to the safe passage behind.

With a "bang" sound, a tail swept over Da Liang's force field shield, causing the shield to shake.

"Safety, speed entry..."

As soon as Daliang finished speaking in the team channel he had set up, Joyce rushed out of the portal, a white light burst out from his hand, and the rodent flew backwards.

Other angels rushed in as well.

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