Start with an Archangel

Chapter 478: Grab monsters and kill the boss


Da Liang's magic caused the rodent monster to fall into brief chaos, and several dark creatures following it were torn into pieces.

The angels took the opportunity to quickly form a formation, with the light shield in front.

"Continuous Fireballs"

A row of fireballs hit the rodent monster one after another, and the fire damage caused the ugly guy to scream.

"One group of angels moved forward; the second group paid attention to the holes on both sides of the wall. I saw Dong XZ inside. The third group supported us and kept an eye on the group of adventurers behind us to keep them away. Mr. Joyce, the two of us Let’s try its strength with attack magic first…”

The two angels held up light shields to protect Joyce's wings, and the team slowly moved forward. The two angels in the second group first blocked the hole in the wall with light shields, and then poked inside with their angel swords. Immediately, a monster's cry came out.

However, the strength of the monsters here has obviously dropped a lot, and the two angels can easily deal with the monsters in the walls on both sides.

Of the three angels at the back, one was protecting Daliang's side, and the other two were facing behind. The two light shields built a defensive wall.

When buying equipment, Daliang hated it most when someone rushed over to grab monsters.

Get ready and start killing the boss.

Daliang and Joyce unleashed attack magic on the rodent monster that had just woken up, including fireballs and lightning bolts.

As soon as the bright fireball was shot, Joyce swung a string of electric chains from his sword, causing the rodent monster that was struck first to twitch.

"The strength is very average."

This is what Joyce said about the rodent monster.

Since Joyce can defeat something in a single fight, there is no need to be so conservative. Da Liang shouted: "Go up and chop it to death together."

A few minutes later, the player's helpless rodent monster was chopped down to the ground, and equipment materials exploded everywhere.

Wow... Sure enough, the boss's first kill has an extra explosion rate bonus. It's dazzling to see the equipment, materials, drawings, and books in this place glowing in various colors.

Players hiding in the distance also saw the scene when the boss rodent monster exploded. Several of the equipment with special colors were obviously hero equipment.

The players were no longer calm: "Team, captain, it's a big explosion! Let's go over and grab it."

"Relax, relax. That boss was not killed by other players, but by an NPC. Have any of you ever seen an NPC pick up equipment after killing monsters?"

The players nodded: "We have seen NPC heroes pick up equipment on the ground after killing heroes, but we have never seen NPC heroes pick up equipment after killing monsters. The captain has a good attitude. Let's wait for these heroes to leave and go over to see what's there. Good stuff. The NPCs help kill monsters and we pick up the equipment. It’s such a fun task.”

The expectant players slowly approached, eager to guess what good things were on the ground and how much money they could get.

Then they saw that among the team that was supported by the system, there was actually an "NPC" who bent down to pick up the equipment on the ground, and specifically picked out those items that looked like top-quality and rare items.

The players were no longer calm: "Captain, didn't you say that NPCs can't pick up things exploded by monsters?"

The captain was also quite anxious: "I just haven't seen NPC heroes explode things when they see monsters. It doesn't mean they won't pick them up."

"Then what should we do? The hero has almost finished picking up the good things on the ground. How about we rush over and grab them."

"Come on, come on! Come on! A rodent monster that almost wiped out our group was killed by them in a few minutes. We, the group of people, can't even defeat the two angels behind us, so rush over and die!"

"But...we're just here to watch them pick up all the good things?"

"What can we do? And think about it, without these system reinforcements, can we kill the rodent monster?"

Everyone shook their heads: "I can't kill him."

"Isn't this the end? Just pretend you haven't seen it before. It would be great if our group can save one life. If we lose one level, we can still stay here to fight monsters and explode equipment. We are all ready, waiting for this After the group system reinforcements left, we continued to move forward. Now that we know the strength of the system reinforcements, everyone let go and increased the speed of killing monsters. Earn more contribution points, experience and equipment, and what you get is better than It’s all real.”

"Yes, the captain is more knowledgeable..."

Daliang relied on his experience to collect all the valuable equipment and materials on the ground into his backpack. Then he said to the team: "Gather in front of the portal. The rear team will change to the front team. The first team will rest, and the second team will prop up the light shield and prepare to enter. After encountering the siege of monsters, do not stand still, push the monsters outward, and the others Quickly follow up and clear the field. Now, 3, 2, 1, in, quick, quick, quick..."

The two angels in front held up their light shields and rushed into the portal. As expected, there was a group of dark monsters on the opposite side. At this time, the attack target of this group of dark monsters was the player who had been following the team.

At this time, the players formed a defensive formation to resist the monster's attack. Only a few minutes had passed since Da Liang's boss-killing team, and the players' front line was precariously charged by the dark monster.

The angels returning from the portal attracted the attack of the dark monster, and the angels hid their bodies behind the light shield to resist with all their strength, and then pushed the monster outward.

Joyce followed out.

"To confuse people's minds"

Idiot monsters are extremely susceptible to the influence of mind-based magic, and more than a dozen dark monsters instantly switched sides.

Angel and Da Liang came out of the portal immediately, releasing their combat skills and magic. The monsters that were still so strong immediately fell to the ground like slaughtered chickens.

The rescued players felt that they were weak. Even though they knew that these NPCs were their own, they were frightened and took more than ten steps back, as if they were ready to escape at any time.

Da Liang also needs these people to help clean up the monsters spawned in the back. In addition, when there are bosses elsewhere that need to be killed by themselves, someone here also needs to guard a foothold to return.

So when Daliang directed the team to move forward, he made a gesture to the players behind to follow them.

"Captain, why did the NPC commander ask us to follow him? Should we follow him or not? The monsters here are really too strong."

"Follow us, wealth can be found in danger. Have you seen it? NPCs never pick up things when killing monsters. These are just elite monsters and we have gained so much. If they encounter the boss, won't we make a fortune? According to experience, Even the ordinary monsters on this path have elite strength, the boss is definitely a big guy, and the first kill is definitely the best among the best."

"Captain, let's catch up quickly."

"Attention, we are not the only legion here. When we are grabbing equipment, please be brighter with your eyes and faster with your hands."


Da Liang directed the team to move forward, and the players behind him also followed.

In this way, they move all the way to the third floor to clear monsters, and pass through the portal at any time to kill bosses that the players cannot deal with.

Daliang's experience value increased rapidly, and the top-quality equipment, materials, blueprints and skill books in the package also continued to increase.

When they were about to reach the entrance to the third floor, Polly appeared and returned to the middle of the team, and Da Liang also stopped the team from moving forward.

"Attention! There is a very powerful monster ahead, called the sludge monster..."

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