Start with an Archangel

Chapter 479 Clues interrupted

Ahead is a very ordinary abandoned sewer, with dry channels, broken walls, and smelly sewage dripping from the gaps in the ceiling from time to time.

Daliang thought about the last time he encountered the sludge monster.

Two archangels who were guarding the right wing were walking in front. Suddenly, a large amount of mud poured in from the cracks in the surrounding walls, and the two archangels were immediately wrapped in it.

This is the sludge monster, a body that fills the entire passage space. Its special body allows physical attacks to dare to cause damage to it.

Magic damage seems to have an extra bonus on it.

But the sludge monster's attack method is to roll forward and devour everything it encounters. It is impossible to block it. The all-pervasive silt will follow the movements of the silt monster and emerge from the surrounding cracks. As long as it is stuck and is not rescued in time, it will be swallowed.

The only way to deal with the sludge monsters is to retreat and fight at the same time. When retreating, you cannot wait too long on the mobs that spawn from behind, otherwise the group will be wiped out.

At that time, Holy Bella was the main attack on the sludge monster. Holy flame and light spells quickly killed the sludge monster and rescued the devoured right-wing guardian angel.

Daliang immediately made arrangements to kill the sludge monster:

Polly, the three angels and the dark monster controlled by Joyce are responsible for the security at the back. Once a dark monster appears, kill it with all your strength without affecting the team's actions.

Four angels stood side by side in front, using light spells to emit as much light as possible. Dark creatures hated glowing things, which could irritate them. When the light reached a certain level, it would affect their vision and deviate their attack direction.

Joyce and Daliang are responsible for attacking with magic.

After the arrangements were completed, Daliang said: "I will go over and lure the sludge monster out. You guys should stand up and prepare to attack."

Joyce said: "I'd better go, I can move faster than you."

Daliang smiled and said: "This is not necessarily true..."

After that, Da Liang activated "Nicole's Jump", a weak arc flashed, and Da Liang appeared ten meters in front of the team.

It was the first time Joyce saw Da Liang use "Nicole's Jump". This instant teleportation spell could not be done so easily even for her who specializes in space magic. Before using it, she could not feel the changes in space at all. Water magic and teleportation can't be better than this spell.

Da Liang made a reassuring gesture to Joyce, and then walked forward slowly. At the same time, "Nicole's Jump" was activated at any time. No matter how fast the sludge monster attacked, he could escape as long as there was a gap for Da Liang.

It was quiet in the passage.

Even the players following behind noticed the nervousness of the NPCs. The current appearance of this enemy was completely different from the atmosphere when they were killing the mobs.

"Attention, they may encounter a super boss. Keep your eyes open. If these NPCs are going to die, let's run away; if they kill the super boss, no matter whether they will be attacked by the NPCs or not, everyone rush forward. Do you understand that you have to die for your equipment?"

"I know Captain, if you can get the best-looking young model, you can't get it and work hard."

The players were already ready to grab equipment, and Daliang continued to move forward cautiously, observing whether there was any mud flowing out of the cracks in the wall.

"Da da……"

There was only the sound of dripping water falling on the masonry.

what happened?

Da Liang walked more than thirty meters, and everything around him was as usual.

Did you remember the wrong place?

No...there are no mobs spawning here, it should be the sludge monster's lair. There is a spawn point for dark monsters on the other side of the corner. Rush past it and you will find the entrance to the third floor.

Strange, where did the sludge monster go? This kind of level monster boss shouldn't be able to hang out, right?

Da Liang returned depressed.

"The sludge monster is not here, it seems to have been killed by someone." Daliang expressed his judgment to Joyce.

Joyce guessed: "Is it Macaulay?"

"I don't know," Daliang shook his head. According to his understanding, Macaulay is a frequent visitor to the third level of the sewer. He should have made a space-time beacon on the third level and can freely enter and exit through the space door. Otherwise, Macaulay would really have no time to kill the sludge monster once and for all. "But now that the sludge monster is dead, it saves us the trouble. Let's go to the third floor quickly to see if McCauley is inside."

The team quickly passed through the passage where the sludge monster should be, leaving players behind who were preparing to grab equipment very puzzled.

The thunder is loud but the rain is light. These NPCs must have taken the wrong medicine.

The players continue to follow, but they soon encounter a group of dark monsters. The refresh rate of monsters here is very fast, and their strength has once again improved to a new level. Players can only watch the NPC team gradually disappear under the entanglement of monsters.

"Retreat. We have gained enough this time. It's not worth dying once."

Da Liang's team moved forward while killing monsters. When they all rushed into the second, third, and third passages, the monsters did not chase them in but just roared outside.

The team turned and walked towards the third floor.

The cave on the third level of the sewer is still the same as before, but the demonic creatures that were all over the ground last time have become dark creatures that are all over the ground.

On the high dome, fluorescent moss reflects the cave's green color. The dark creatures without command just wandered around the cave. Only the monsters near the entrance of the passage discovered the outsiders who came out and rushed over.

Killing these monsters easily, the team got a place to stay.

Joyce used the thaumaturgy of flight to fly into the air, and the angels spread their wings to follow. Da Liang releases demon spirits to provide himself with "energy tides". The enhanced power of Da Liang's spells is enough to deal with the sporadic spawning of dark monsters.

Joyce took the angels flying over the cave, looking for clues related to Macaulay and Howard.

Joyce didn't find anything special except the traces of the last battle between Holy Bella and Ergus's clone.

Joyce looked very disappointed when he landed next to Da Liang again. If he couldn't find clues about Howard here, it would be really hard to find anything.

Da Liang wanted to say some words of comfort, but the space-time beacon reminded Joyce that somewhere the player encountered an unbeatable boss.

Joyce sighed and opened a portal, and said: "Since we can't find anything here, we can only place our hope on the adventurer corps."

Daliang said: "The second floor has only explored half of the road. As long as we keep looking, we will definitely find something. This time I will go first, and you will wait for my news before entering."

Daliang is already very skilled at killing bosses.

After crossing the portal, Daliang first held up a force field shield, and then crackling lightning struck the force field shield.

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