Start with an Archangel

Chapter 480 Acquaintance

The entire passage is now in chaos. Lightning makes the light here suddenly brighten and then darken, and the sounds of players crying and howling are everywhere.

"What's weird about this? You can't see anyone at all!"

"Instant kill, all are instant kills, this is a super boss, run quickly."

"Why are you running! Didn't you see the system's monster-killing team coming? Hold still, we'll kill the super boss in a moment and grab all the equipment."

"How stable is it? Lightning is chasing after you, and you will die if you touch it."

Da Liang saw an electric arc bypassing the stance shield and rushing toward him. He immediately used "Nicole's Jump" to get out of the way, and then threw a fireball at the location of an afterimage in his eyes.

The afterimage disappeared instantly, and then the passage suddenly lit up.

Da Liang didn't know which direction the attack was coming from, so he first "jumped" to escape, and then immediately used "stealth" and then "jump" to move his position.

A thunderbolt struck Daliang where he was just now.

Daliang stood still looking for the enemy's position. He was now invisible and had taken the initiative to attack. At this time, countless electric arcs were jumping on the ground like mice, and Da Liang, who was attacked by an electric arc, emerged from the "invisible" state.

At the same time, Da Liang also captured the enemy's position, a human form, also wrapped in a blouse, making it impossible to see the appearance.

Seeing that his use of Qi magic is so pure, could he be Macaulay?

Air, water, earth, and fire all have space spells derived from them. Among them, space spells in air magic are more common and more common, such as the door to another dimension. Macaulay once demonstrated his space spell ability, which was derived from air magic.

Lightning magic also belongs to the air magic.

Da Liang has seen Joyce's air magic. His level in air magic should be the same as Joyce's. He can use air magic so smoothly that the entire Shangjiang City can probably check it out with one hand.

It's really possible that this guy is Macaulay.

Daliang, who was exposed by the attack, immediately "jumped" to the side. The strange thing was that the opponent just stood there and did not launch an attack.

Da Liang immediately called Joyce and Angel to come in.

Feeling the powerful magic power flowing out of the other party, the angels set up a defensive formation.

Joyce scanned the traces of the battle around him. There were marks made by lightning magic everywhere, and he began to suspect that the other party was Macaulay. She walked out of the defensive formation formed by the angels, pointed her sword at the opponent, and arcs of electricity jumped out of her blade, hitting the wall and causing pieces of rubble to explode.

"I am Marquis Joyce, the Navy Minister of Shangjiang City. Take off your blouse and let me see who you are?"

Joyce's voice was extremely cold. As long as the opponent made the slightest move, she would attack.

The mysterious man stood there without any answer. After a while, he pointed at Da Liang, then his body flashed back, appearing twice a hundred meters away, and then disappeared from around the corner.

Joyce wanted to catch up, but Daliang quickly stopped him: "I know that man, he is definitely not Macaulay."

It was definitely not Macaulay. Daliang recognized the spell that the man left, and it was still the name he gave him - "The Art of Flying Thunder God".

Judging from the effect of the spell just now, it is obviously the genuine "Flying Thunder God Technique", and this girl is Nicole.

Da Liang didn't expect to meet Nicole here, on the second floor of the sewer in Jiangcheng.

The fact that Nicole is here, does that mean that Geese and the Prophet are also here?

These three guys can join forces to kill the Titans in the center of North Star City. If they conflict with them here, God knows what kind of effect they will have.

There is no need to fight with these three technologies.

Daliang continued: "Sir, please wait for me here. Since she appeared in the sewer, she must have news about Macaulay. I will ask. Listen to me and don't follow me. It is most important to find His Majesty at this time. thing."

Although Joyce was very curious about this mysterious man, he still accepted Daliang's suggestion. Since the other party was not Macaulay, there was no need to provoke a powerful opponent and waste time here.

"Go ahead. If there is any danger, I can go through the portal to support you."

Daliang knew that he had the time and space beacon left by Joyce, otherwise she would not have appeared by his side in time on the King Power.

After agreeing, Daliang used "Nicole's Jump" and chased in the direction where Nicole left.

By looking at the map, Daliang found that this location was very close to the seaside.

Soon Daliang smelled the unique salty smell of sea water.

At the end of the sewer, there is a large sealed cave in front of it. In the middle of the cave is a large pool. The water surface ripples layer by layer in the absence of wind. It is obvious that the bottom of the pool is connected to the sea outside.

The diameter of the pool is about 200 meters, and there are various buildings on the shore.

As a lord, Daliang quickly recognized the functions of these buildings.

Sail fine weaving workshop.

Wood processing plant.

Blacksmith shop.

Alchemy material processing workshop.

Alchemy laboratory.

Almost all the ancillary buildings of a shipyard can be found here. It can be said that as long as there is a shipyard, ships can be built here by submitting drawings and gold coins.

But here, Daliang didn't see the shipyard, only a shipyard track that was half-deep in the water. Following the orbit, the ship can be pulled to land for cleaning and repair, but Da Liang did not see the ship here.

In each building, there are skeleton laborers busy inside, weaving canvas, processing ship planks...

It's just that the workers in these buildings in the Blackfire territory seem to be just pretending. As long as you pay money, you can buy the corresponding accessories and supplies from them. Why are the workers in these buildings really working?

Are they building boats by hand?

The heroic world is close to reality. In theory, a ship can be built by hand drying wood, laying keel, assembling the frame, installing ship planks... through a series of processes.

However, shipbuilding in this way takes a long time, and the quality of the ship also fluctuates greatly. If a mistake is made in one link, the ship may sink when it is launched into the water.

Who would bother building a ship by hand when you can get a quality-guaranteed ship in a few days by spending some money at a shipyard?

However, staff from the game technology development department of the University Alliance also made such a speculation.

That is, the more convenient things are to produce, the more popular they are, and the more they are produced, the more they can be used.

But if you want to reach the top, you need to make it step by step in the normal order.

Like a ship. Produced by shipyards, one ship is based on one drawing, which is extremely rigid. If you want the best ship, you have to build it step by step by hand.

In order to prove this, the University Alliance has set up a special research department to start from some easy-to-use things, get rid of the convenience provided by the system, and actually do something step by step.

It's just that while the system corrections exist, there is no effect yet, and what is produced is not as good as what is conveniently provided.

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