Start with an Archangel

Chapter 483 Strength Level

In this way, Da Liang inexplicably joined a treasure hunting team to find the so-called Poseidon Treasure.

It seems very dangerous.

Daliang asked: "When are we going to go treasure hunting? I need to check my schedule. I really have too many things to do."

Giese said: "This battleship was completely built by ourselves. I was responsible for the design, Nicole was responsible for the alchemy equipment and enchanting, and the prophet provided the alchemy potions and materials we needed. This is the first time we have cooperated to build a new concept. The warship is suitable for navigation in various environments. Although we have solved all the problems that have arisen after many sea trials, there should still be many problems with it.

As the prophet said, only through high-intensity battles can all the problems of a warship be exposed.

All you have to do now is to find out all the problems of this battleship through battles and long voyages, tell us to solve them, and make it perfect. "

"No problem." Da Liang couldn't wait to see how powerful this underwater, surface, and aerial amphibious warship could be. "Tonight, I will ask my people to transport the energy core. Also, what is the name of this battleship?"

Giese said: "As for the name of this ship, the Prophet, Nicole, and I all thought of one, namely the Burial One, the Shadow One, and the Lightning One, but now no one can convince anyone."

Daliang was so poisoned that he couldn't spit out these three names. He said: "I will also provide a name, called Black Pearl."

Gith and the Prophet looked back at the black battleship parked on the shore, and sighed together: "What a name!"

After a moment of sighing with emotion about his own level of fat-stealing, Daliang also realized that he had been wasted here for too long. It was estimated that Joyce was impatient and would rush in at any time.

He quickly asked the prophet: "Prophet, do you know that a major incident occurred in Shangjiang City? The King of East China Sea was attacked. We suspect that the fallen angel Macaulay did this. This time we entered the sewer to search. Find Macaulay.

Do you know where His Majesty the King of East China Sea is? "

The prophet said: "My prediction of the matter is not that I can see the whole process. I can only see very few scenes. And the more important the matter, the stronger the people involved, and the fewer the scenes. The disappearance of the East China Sea King is indeed related to Macaulay It's related, but the King of East China Sea is not in his hands now. It seems that someone interfered with his space magic and kidnapped Howard midway. That person is very strong, and I can't see his appearance at all."

Macaulay was intercepted!

If Howard is not in his hands, where is he?

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in Da Liang's mind. He had a better space control ability than Macaulay. He had a space confinement spell that could even be used by Holy Bella. He was so powerful that even a strong man like the Prophet couldn't see it. The way she looks.

The fifth demon lord of hell, Angela, the jealous demon lord.

If Howard is really in Angela's hands, what does she want to do?

But no matter what, no one knew where Angela was hiding, and Howard had no way of finding her.

This matter still needs to be discussed slowly with Joyce.

Da Liang said goodbye to Geese and the Prophet, and returned to the sewer along the way he came.

Joyce and the angels stayed put.

After seeing Daliang, Joyce walked up to see if there was no mysterious man following Daliang, and then asked: "Does your friend know any clues about Macaulay and His Majesty?"

The big point nodded, but because the angels did not say anything clearly, they said to Joyce: "We can declare that the legion's mission is over. Let's go to the Pudong Fleet Admiral's Mansion. When we get there, we have to discuss what to do next. "

By the time Da Liang and Joyce walked out of the second level of the sewer, the day had passed and the city was shrouded in darkness.

The ubiquitous lights make Shangjiang City colorful. News of the victory at sea has spread, a victory over another main city, wiping out the enemy's main force at sea.

It seems that the city has shed all its trauma and is heading towards a new glory. People chanted the names of King Donghai and Joyce, set off fireworks, and enjoyed their pride and joy.

Polly left here with the reward, and the angels returned to the palace to resume their duties. Daliang and Joyce each rode their horses to the Admiral's Palace Castle in the Pudong Fleet Naval Port.

Joyce still serves as the admiral of the Pudong Fleet and is now the owner of the castle.

The two came to the room where Joyce worked daily. Ordering all the attendants to go out, Joyce took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and took out two wine glasses.

The cork is pulled out, and the sweet aroma of wine overflows.

Joyce poured a glass of red wine for Da Liang who was sitting on the chair next to her, and then poured it for herself. Then she sat on the edge of the table and drank the wine in the glass. Then she exhaled and said to Da Liang: "Say Come on, whatever news you got, no matter what your Majesty's situation is now, I am mentally prepared."

Daliang could tell that Joyce was very nervous, and she didn't show this when facing the big demon's attack. Howard is really too important to this city. Even with Joshua as a backup, even if Joyce, himself, and Bartlett support him, it can only maintain the superficial calm of Shangjiang.

Joshua is, after all, an elf, an elf who once rebelled.

It is impossible for him to integrate with the human race in Shangjiang in a short time.

And Cloud City, Hell and the Lord Kings are all eyeing this city. No one knows when the plane war will break out. Is Joshua capable of leading this city to survive?

Therefore, Joyce, who was very strong and proud, couldn't help but feel anxious when he was about to hear the news about Howard.

Daliang said: "The one who attacked His Majesty in the portal was Macaulay, but now His Majesty is not in Macaulay's hands."

Joyce asked: "Where?"

"I don't know. The exact news is that when Macaulay attacked His Majesty, a third party kidnapped His Majesty in the middle. I suspect that Your Majesty is now in the hands of the jealous demon Angela."

This news really shocked Joyce more than Howard's death: "His Majesty was captured by the Lord of Hell? Who was the person who told you this news?"

Daliang said helplessly: "I'm really sorry, I can't reveal the identity of my friend. And His Majesty being kidnapped by Angela is just my guess, because to kidnap His Majesty from Macaulay, there should be a higher space magic than him Level. Right now, I only know Angela can do it.”

Joyce thought for a moment: "Macaulay's space spells should have reached the master level. If you want to steal people from him, you need to have a law-level understanding of space spells, and all those with law-level skills are level 16 creatures. .

There are very few level 16 creatures, and even fewer specialize in space skills. The only one in Shangjiang is Angela. "

With frequent contact with high-level heroes and ultimate creatures, Daliang has a general understanding of creature levels, especially those after level 14.

Levels before level 13 represent the creature's level.

Levels after levels 13 and 14 are strength levels. Taking level 14 as an example, there are natural level 14 creatures, such as archangels; there are level 14 heroes. When a hero's hero skills reach advanced levels, he will have the same strength as a level 14 creature. Now Daliang has learned advanced earth magic and is a level 14 hero.

Due to the high level of the hero, a 14-like hero is definitely stronger than a low-level natural level 14 creature. However, natural level 14 creatures have high growth rates. Natural level 14 creatures with upgraded hero levels are generally stronger than similar level 14 heroes of the same level and skill level.

Level 15 is also divided into natural level 15 creatures, such as level 15 Hell's Angel Juliet; level 15 heroes are those whose hero skills have reached the master level, such as Joyce, Joshua, and Howard. Among them, Howard's strength should reach the peak of level 15, and many skills should reach the master level. But Howard should not be the opponent of the same level 15 peak Holy Bella. This is the advantage of the ultimate biological growth.

Level 16 should also be divided in this way, a natural level 16 creature... Da Liang has not heard of it: a level 16 hero, a hero whose skill reaches the law level, such as Ergos, who was originally a low-level demonic creature, the Abyss Python; Mei Tatron, the angel family does not have a natural level 16 creature, and their highest initial creature level is a level 14 archangel.

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